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偶氮(Azo)化合物 Azo-bases chemicals
N.D. (M.D.L.=5ppm)
甲醛/福馬林 Formaldehyde 二取代基有機錫化合物-備註 9 三取代基有機錫化合物-備註 9 氧化鈹
備註 Directive 89/677/EEC, 99/51/EEC Japan: Chem-sub Law*1 N.D. EU Directive 2009/425/EC (M.D.L.=0.03ppm) th Sony SS-00259 14 N.D. Japan: Ind-safety Law*2 th (M.D.L.=10ppm) Sony SS-00259 14 <1,000 ppm
禁限用物質一覽表(Table of Prohibited and Restricted Substances)
有關 EU RoHS 禁用物質的相關規定及容許濃度請參考備註
項目 Item
物質名稱 Substance Name
鉛(Pb)及其化合物 Lead (Pb) and Lead compounds
版本( Rev.):04
表單編號(Form no.):OIQ-P021-T004
禁限用物質一覽表(Table of Prohibited and Restricted Substances)
項目 Item 19 20 21 物質名稱 Substance Name
鈹(Be)及其化合物(除氧化鈹外) Beryllium and its compounds 鎳(Ni)及其化合物 Nickel (Ni) and its compounds 銻(Sb)及其化合物 Antimony (Sb) and its compounds 多氯聯苯(PCBs)與多氯聯三苯(PCTS) Polychlorinated Biphenyls and Polychlorinated Terphenyls 多氯萘及其衍生物 (PCNs) Polychlorinated Naphthalenes and derivatives 聚氯乙烯(PVC)、氯乙烯及 PVC 其混合物 Polyvinyl chloride(PVC) and PVC blends 富馬酸二甲酯(DMF) Dimethyl Fumarate 砷(As)及砷化合物 Arsenic(As) and Arsenic compounds 紅磷與黃磷 Red Phosphorus and Yellow Phosphorus
N.D. (M.D.L.=2ppm) N.D. (M.D.L.=2ppm) N.D. (M.D.L.=2ppm) N.D. (M.D.L.=5ppm) N.D. (M.D.L.=5ppm) < 70 ppm 且 Cd 不得檢出 <900ppm 有關鹵素的相關規 定及容許濃度請參 考備註 2 <1,500 ppm
汞(Hg)及其化合物 Mercury (Hg) and Mercury compounds 鎘(Cd)及其化合物 Cadmium (Cd) and Cadmium compounds 六價鉻(Cr6+) Chromium VI (Cr6+) Compounds 多溴聯苯及其化合物(PBBs) Polybrominated biphenyls 多溴聯苯醚及其氧化物(PBDEs) Polybrominated diphenylethers 鉛+汞+鎘+六價鉻 Pb+Cd+Hg+Cr6+ 氯(Cl) 溴(Br) 氯+溴(Cl +Br) 全氟辛烷硫磺酸(PFOS) Perfluoroocatane sulfonates 全氟辛酸 Perfluorooctanoic acid(PFOA) 石棉(Asbestos)及其化合物
容許濃度 Threshold Limit
100 ppm N.D. (M.D.L.=2ppm) <1,000 ppm
參考法規 Legal Reference
Japan: Ind-safety Law*2 th Sony SS-00259 14 EU Directive 94/27/EEC EU REACH Regulation JIG-101 Ed 4.0 EN 71 Part 3 EU REACH Regulation, 85/467/EEC, 91/173/EEC Germany: ChemVerbots V US:TSCA Stockholm Convention th Sony SS-00259 14 EU REACH Regulation th Sony SS-00259 14 th Sony SS-00259 JIG-101 Ed 4.0 13 Blue Angel (German Eco-label) TCO 5.2 (Swedish Eco-label) th Sony SS-00259 14 EU Directive 2009/251/EC th Sony SS-00259 14 EU Directive 86/677/EEC Norway’s PoHS EU REACH Regulation th Sony SS-00259 14
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
EU REACH Regulation, EU Directive 2011/65/EU
IEC 61249-2-21:2003 JPCA-ES01:2003, IPC 4101 同 上
EU Directive 2006/122/EC N.D. th (M.D.L.=10ppm) Sony SS-00259 14 <10 ppm N.D. (M.D.L.=1ppm) so Norway’s PoHS th Sony SS-00259 14 JIG-101 Ed 4.0 EU REACH Regulation th Sony SS-00259 14 EU Directive 76/769/EEC, 2002/61/EEC, 2003/03/EEC BedarfsgegenstandeVerordnung th Sony SS-00259 14 th Sony SS-00259 JIG-101 Ed 4.0 13 Germany : ChemVerbots V Denmark : Danish Statutory Order No. 289 th Sony SS-00259 14
容許濃度 Threshold Limit
<90 ppm 備註 1
參考法規 Legal Reference
California Proposition 65 EU REACH Regulation 86/677/EEC EU Directive 2011/65/EU Norway’s PoHS EU REACH Regulation EU Directive 2011/65/EU, TCO 5.2 EU REACH Regulation, EU Directive 2011/65/EU, Norway’s PoHS, EU Directive 98/101/EC