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Tittle subtitle

n ame


1. Executive Summary

The executive summary provides a synopsis of the report. It should

in clude:

to achieve

scope of the report an d/or research


* An outl ine of the major issues or findings covered in the report

* An outl ine of the major con clusi ons and recomme ndati ons of

the report.

The executive summary should not in clude new in formatio n nor should

it be used as an in troduct ion to the report.

As the executive summary is a summary of the report, it should ALWAYS be the LAST sect ion of the report writte n « A stateme nt on the

purpose of the report — what it sets out

* A brief outl ine of the

Table of Contents

1.Executive Summary ............................

Table of Contents ...........................

2.In troducti on or Backgro und ....................

3.Scope of Report or Research Objectives ..................

4.Research Methodolgy ..........................

4.1Primary Sources

4.2Sec on dary Sources

5.Detailed Findings ...........................

5.1First Draft

5.2Seco nd Draft

6.Conclusions and Recommendations .....................

6.1Con clusi on

6.2Recomme ndati ons


Bibliography APPENDIX,..8 .9

2.Introduction or Background

It may in elude an outli ne of the terms of refere nee or the reas ons for the deeisi on to write the report (see below).

Explain the baekground to the issue/problem/topie (this could be the history, ete. that helps us un dersta nd the issue/problem/topie.

What are the differe nt points of view/op inions about the


What is likely to happen in the future?

This report was requested by a nu mber of stude nts hav ing diffieulty un dersta nding how to write a report.

This report aims to give students a plan to follow when preparing their material and an example of the layout of a report.

The material for this report was gathered from various books and web sites whieh will be referred to later. This format is n ot the on ly way to write a report.

It is written espeeially for students undertaking Aeademie English. However it can be a useful guide to any stude nt in any subjeet.

3.Scope of Report or Research Objectives

Outline the purpose of your report.

The scope of the report should define major issues or research objectives to be addressed by the report.

If in doubt, ask you teacher. They may be able to help you find the right place to look for information.
