英语人教版八年级上册 Unit7_第1课时_教学设计(河南郑州)

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The design of the first period on Unit7

Part1: Analysis of the contents

This is the first lesson of the entire unit. So it is focused on listening and speaking. Based on the English Curriculum Standards of Compulsory Education(2012), the purpose of the first lesson is to elicit the topic and the target language of this unit---preconditions with will. The title of the Unit 7 is “W i l l p e o p l e h a v e r o b o t s?“ In section A, the topic is to talk about the life in the future. And the unit goal is to make predictions with “will”.When making predictions, ss will use different sentence patterns of will, such as won’t, there will be and there won’t be. As the ss in grade 8, the different types of will are not so difficult. Instead, the ideas of the topic is difficult for them, for they are not so familiar with the topic, which is a little far from their life. So, it is important to input at very first beginning. Step by step, ss can know what kind of prediction they can make. For this reason, at the first lesson, I think to interest the ss is important. Telling the difference between less and fewer is not so important as making predictions with will. As long as ss know clearly whether the noun is countable and uncountable, they can choose correctly between less and fewer. In the first lesson, I put the importance on the future tense with will and how to make predictions without their limit of imagination.

I decide to make full use of the title of the unit to introduce the topic to the ss with the help of a short video. A video can never disappoint you as an introduction to the topic of a lesson. Ss always have a passion for them.

Part2: Analysis of the students

(1)Ss in grade 8 want to speak English, but they don’t know what to say. So if the teacher can provide

some material to help them, that is useful for them.

(2)Ss in grade 8 are willing to widen their knowledge.

Part3: Objectives

(1)ss can improve the listening skill of getting the information while listening by focusing on the key


(2)Through listening and reading, ss can make predictions about the future with “will” or “won't”

based on humans' need ;

(3)Through drawing, ss can use “in + a period of time” in future sentences.

Part4: The important and the difficult

(1)The important of the lesson is to use will correctly. Ss are aware of the following: will is a helping verb to help to make the simple future tense, especially to make predictions. It doesn’t change its form whatever the subject is. At the same time, after will, there is always the simple form of a verb.

(2)The difficult of this lesson is make brave predictions according to need.

Part5: Process

Step1 Leading in I design a video to interest the ss in the lesson. The video is about two boys’ talking.

One boy is telling of his robot in his mind. And the robot is so cool. I use the video to introduce in the

title of the unit. I design a quite easy question---what the two boys are talking about?, which can

ensure ss watch carefully.

Explanation:The video can be used to introduce the title “Will people have robots?” naturally.

Step2: Presentation of the picture in 1a with 3 questions. By describing the thought bubbles in the picture, ss can know the predictions about the future life for the first time. Then show the rest predictions in 1a.

Explanation: To introduce ss to the unit goal and to set the scene, increase ss’ vocabulary and introduce the target language.

Step3: Explain “in 100 years” with a time line. If ss make predictions about the future, they must need the time showing future. “in+a period of time” is a popular one, and at the same time is a difficult one for ss to understand the meaning and learn how to use it correctly. Drawing is an easy way to show the meaning.

Explanation:The pattern “in+a period of time” is so common but difficult for the ss
