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With the development of the national economy and power system, safe and reliable operation of the power system requirements continue to increase, the power line condition monitoring system has become an important direction of scientific research and engineering applications. Power Equipment Online condition monitoring real-time monitoring of power equipment in the health status under actual operating conditions, provide a guarantee for the safe and stable operation of the system; it is as integrated automation supplement and development, enabling unattended substation in the true sense; at the same time it may also be a condition-based maintenance of electrical equipment provide the basis for achieving the status of maintenance of premises and an important part. This paper studies the correlation method of transformer on-line monitoring and analysis are given in the text. Grid transformer is relatively expensive and important electrical equipment, the safe operation of the power grid to ensure safe and reliable operation of great significance, through transformer online research in order to select the appropriate method based on the actual situation.

According to a variety of mechanical and electrical characteristics of the transformer on-line monitoring of transformer partial discharge of transformer oil on-line monitoring, transformer core multi-point grounding line monitoring, over-voltage transformer on-line monitoring of transformer oil on-line monitoring of trace water insulation transformer aging line monitoring techniques are introduced.

Key Words:Transformer;on-line monitoring;oil dissolved gases;overvoltage

insulation aging;core;multi-point grounding;partial discharge


摘要............................................................................................................... I Abstract ............................................................................................................ I I 目录 .............................................................................................................. I V 第1章概述 (1)

1.1研究背景 (1)

1.2 研究方法 (1)

第2章局部放电的在线监测 (3)

2.1 局部放电对变压器绝缘的危害 (3)

2.2 变压器局部放电的测量方法 (3)

第3章变压器油中溶解气体的在线监测 (5)

3.1 变压器油在线监测的原理 (5)

3.2 变压器油在线监测的气体检测方法 (5)

3.3 变压器油中溶解气体在线监测装置的基本功能 (6)

第4章变压器铁芯多点接地的在线监测 (8)

4.1 铁芯多点接地故障的危害 (8)

4.1.1 铁芯接地故障原因 (8)

4.2 处理方法 (9)

4.3 铁芯多点接地故障判断及处理 (9)

4.3.1丰镇电厂 (9)

4.3.2 油色谱跟踪试验分析 (10)

4.3.3 主变吊芯检查 (11)

4.3.4 消除故障方法 (11)

4.4 防措施 (12)

4.5 结论 (13)

第5章变压器过电压的在线监测 (14)

第6章变压器油中微量水分的在线监测 (16)

6.1 变压器油中微水的状态及危害 (16)

6.2 变压器绝缘油中微水的测试方法 (17)

第7章变压器绝缘老化程度的在线监测 (19)

7.1 介电响应分析法简介 (21)

7.1.1 回复电压法(RVM) (23)

7.1.2 极化去极化电流法(PDC) (24)

7.1.3 介电频域谱法(FDS) (24)

7.1.4 介电响应现场试验结果及分析 (25)

第8章结论 (30)

致.............................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。参考文献 . (31)
