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( kiss ~ loose )


More and more high-rise buildings have been built in big cities space.

We firmly believe that war never settles anything. It only __________________


The teacher stressed again that the students should not ________________any important

details while retelling the story.

I often the words I don’t know in the dictionary or on the


I work hard my parents’ expectations.

He accidentally __________________ he had quarreled with his wife and that he hadn't

been home for a couple of weeks.

No matter what trouble he gets into, he always seems .

Would you please the paper for me and see if there are any obvious


The old man two world wars and witnessed many historical


She was in such a hurry that she almost me.


He to them about his age in order to get the job.

The hen only an egg last week.

The country four satellites into orbit so far.

The clerk found information to the press will lose his job.

I can’t (=raise) the box; it’s too heavy.

I suggest he his values in the safe.

They (=work hard) in the field all the morning and will

continue to get in the crops in the afternoon.

It took them two hours the truck with oranges.


1. He inquired the whether they had the book. (library)

2. Our professor is a authority. (literature)

3. Children burst into after the speaker told a joke. (laugh)

4. The present resigned and the vice-president took over the of the

country. (lead)

5. Don’t you see the “No _____________” over there? (litter)

6. The of this table is 3 feet; it is 3 feet in . (long)

7. The amount of money we have is . We need at least 50 dollars more.


8. Although the police thought he was the most one, since they had no exact proof about it, they could not arrest him. (like)

9. The lessons given by our English teacher are always and interesting. (live)

10. I hope the next bus will be crowded than this one. (little)


Prof. Wang will give a l (=speech, talk) on modern art on Saturday. He walks with a stick because he is (瘸子) in his left leg.

The man was sitting on the chair with a cat on his (大腿).

That guy is responsible for the accident because he changed (车道) without signalling.

James had his driving l taken away by the police for speeding. Petrol is a (液体). The tank of my car can hold about 45 (升) of gasoline.

I need to buy two (条) of bread and a pair of (皮革) shoes,

a (唇) stick and a desk (灯) today.

The bank will only lend the money if my parents guarantee the (贷款).

Though Robert and David are twins, they are quite different. The former is shy, while the l__________ is outgoing.

The village, which is 1,000 meters above sea [水平(面)], is located in a beautiful (风景,景观) of green hills. It’s an ideal place to relieve the great pressure from heavy study (负担).

PLA is short for the People’s Army of China.

The translation software doesn't work well. It translates a passage (逐


People like to wear (≠tight) garments in summer.

Nantong, a coastal city in the east of China, is famous for its (风筝) with whistles.

What she (缺乏) is not (知识) but confidence.

Can I give you a home after work?

I really enjoy watching the Football on TV.

Since I often go around the world, I need a computer.

shortages have forced the Japanese into making heavy use of industrial robots.

Send the dress to the . Dry clean it.

Tim fell on his and started to pray.

Hard work is often a to success.

There are several of meaning in this story.

The slaves fought for (=freedom) and equality.
