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航行设备系统检查维护Checking and maintenance of navigation equipment system


The second officer is responsible for unified management navigation equipments and should be familiar with the equipment operating procedures, which should be operated in strict accordance with (technical) instructions. Maintain the navigation equipment in accordance with the cycle of provisions, and make a record.




If it is necessary to maintain and repair the radar antenna or work on the radar platform, the main power switch must be placed on the radar "off" position, and a warning sign "no boot" should be hanged around the monitor, so that such work could be started.


In the maintenance of transceiver and monitor, high energy storage devices should be discharged on the ground to prevent high-voltage electric shock.



At least half a year to clean lampblack dust on the lot antenna (or parabolic antenna), soft damp cloth and soft brush except paint should be used to clean.


Clean the dust in the transceiver and monitor at least half a year.

1.5.定期用蘸有洗涤液或清水的软布轻轻擦抹方位标尺表面和阴极射线管表面。Regularly wash and clean the surface of azimuth ruler and cathode ray using the soft cloth dipped in cleaning solution or water.

2.自动雷达标绘仪(ARPA)Automatic Radar Ploting Aids



When maintain the ARPA, should cut off the radar and ARPA’s main power, and hang the warning signs "no power" in the power switch, the ARPA monitor and radar monitor.

2.2.对ARPA 雷达机内维护时,必须将高压储能器件对地放电,以免触电。

In the maintenance of ARPA radar’s inside, high energy stor age devices should be discharged on the ground to prevent electric shock.

2.3.按说明书指示的办法打开显示器罩壳,用沾有洗涤液或清水的软布轻轻擦洗方位盘。According to the instruction of the way to open the monitor casing, with a soft cloth dipped in cleaning solution or water to gently clean the dumb card.


Regularly clean the dust on the surface of screen gently with a soft and clean cloth.


global positioning system (GPS) receiver


Wipe the surface of GPS receiver with a soft and clean cloth.


Must be checked every 3 months once the fixed antenna, rust-proof, watertight and so on.


Satellite receivers work, not add cover, should leave some space between before and after, for ventilation and cooling.

4.气象传真机weather facsimile

4.1.机械传动部分要定期清洁、加油、防止灰尘进入机内,不用时主机用罩子罩好。Mechanical transmission part should regularly be cleaned and refueled to prevent dust from entering the machine, with a hood cover when not use.

