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Small and micro enterprises are the force of the national economy. Because of the small and small size of small and micro enterprises and lack of their own characteristics, the problem of financing is difficult in the existing financing system of our country, and the small and micro enterprises are often limited by the shortage of funds. At present, the financing methods of small and micro enterprises are mainly the traditional financing with commercial banks and private lending as well as the new online financing methods based on the net loan platform, the public financing and the small loan. On the traditional financing channels, small and micro enterprises can not pay attention to or obtain money at higher costs. While the emerging online financing model has alleviated the difficulty of financing for small and micro enterprises to a certain extent, because the technical and management experience is not mature enough, the law and law system of the relevant law is still not perfect. A great test. This paper introduces the traditional financing channel and the problems faced by small and micro enterprises. Taking Huaping packaging material Co., Ltd. of Dongguan as an example, this paper analyzes the reasons for the difficulty of financing and the expensive financing of small and micro enterprises, and puts forward the countermeasures and suggestions to alleviate the expensive financing of small and micro enterprises.

Key words: small and micro businesses financing problems, financing channels.


摘要 (Ⅰ)

Abstract (Ⅱ)

绪论 (1)

一、小微企业 (2)

(一)小微企业的概念 (2)

1.小微企业的标准 (2)

(三)自身问题 (4)

1规模小 (4)

2.管理不规范 (5)

3.抗风险能力弱 (7)

二、传统融资渠道 (8)

(一)商业银行 (8)

1.不重视小微企业 (8)

2.违约率高 (9)

3.成本高 (8)

(二)民间借贷 (8)

(三)信用担保 (10)

三、互联网络融资渠道 (13)

(一)互联网金融发展和现状 (13)

(二)网络贷平台 (14)

(三)众筹融资平台 (15)

(三)电商小贷 (15)

三、华平公司案例分析 (13)

(一)公司简介 (13)

(二)财务分析 (14)

(三)融资分析 (15)

1.现金预算 (14)

2融资渠道分析 (14)

3融资方案 (14)

三、对策和建议 (13)

(一)小微企业角度 (13)

(二)银行角度 (14)

(三)政府角度 (15)

结论 (17)

参考文献 (18)

致谢 (18)


小微企业是国民经济的主力军。小微企业虽然规模和产值较小和但是数量庞大,就目前经工商登记注册的小微企业占企业总数的 99% ,给社会提供了85% 的就业岗位,小微企业所贡献的GDP达到了60% ,上缴税费占全国企业的55% ,65%的发明专利和80%以上的新产品开发。如果把国民经济比作大厦,那么大中型企业就像结实钢筋撑起了大厦的框架,小微企业就像砖瓦填充了大厦的生命。李克强总理说:“小微企业不仅是吸纳就业的主力军,更是激励创新、带动投资、促进消费的重要生力军。因此,推动小微企业发展对于促进经济发展、增加就业、转变经济发展方式等都具有重要意义。然而,一段时间以来,融资难、融资贵问题阻碍了小微企业发展,对我国顺利实现发展方式转变、经济结构优化、增长动力转换等都产生了不利影响。




1. 小微企业规模小



