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DROP 咖啡机从诗意的角度上讲,该咖啡壶的设计源于准备过程中一颗反弹的咖啡滴。外观比例协调、精致,其线条结构备受用户青睐,且操作简单易学。旋转结构设计使得机器可以稳妥地放置在桌上,还可360度全方位操作。


Blackmagic URSA Mini (数字电影摄像机)Blackmagic URSA Mini电影摄像机只有2.5千克,非常轻便,为独立电影拍摄者和小型拍摄组量身打造,适于拍摄院线电影、新闻访谈或纪录片。它的侧把手可调节,方便手提式或肩挂式操控在长时间拍摄过程中为拍摄者带来方便。

微软Hololens 微软Hololens采用全息影像技术为人们提供了一种新的体验,它并不将用户与现实隔离开来,而是将全息物品与现实世界相连接。用户可以用眼神、声音和手势来与虚拟世界互动。

万宝龙M系列万宝龙M系列将其传统和Marc Newson独特的设计语言融为一体,由珍贵的黑色树脂制成,线条优雅流畅。设计师先用超声波技术将白色万宝龙标志焊接到笔身,然后用金刚石抛光打磨,以此形成了笔身尾部的半面造型。无论是笔帽上的万宝龙标志,镀铂金的笔夹,还是笔杆尾部的半面造型,都使得整件作品浑然一体。

Bluesmart Smart Carry-on 特点:智能旅伴Bluesmart随身行李箱拥有一系列的智能功能,通过3G网络连接可以追踪行李箱的定位。不仅使旅行更为舒适,也让它更为安全,用户可以在任何时候轻松地从航空公司找回丢失的行李箱。另外,行李箱内置电池充电器,帮助用户在旅途中充电多达6次

Bluesmart 是一款能够通过手机APP对其实施控制的智能行李箱。它不仅能使旅行更为舒适,也更为安全。用户通过3G 网络连接可以追踪行李箱的定位,这项功能使得用户可以在任何时候都可以轻松地从航空公司找回丢失的行李箱。而蓝牙远程锁定系统可以高度确保用户的财产安全。当行李箱不在用户身边时,通过行李箱的自动激活系统,用户可以用智能手机锁定或解锁行李箱。Bluesmart 另外一个非常实用和方便的功能,行李箱内置了电池充电器,能够为智能手机提供多达6次的充电次数。此外,内置了电子测量器。用户在收拾好行李后只需提起提柄,手机APP 就会及时将箱子内物品的重量反馈到用户的手机上。这可以帮助用户避免因行李超重而导致的额外费用支付和强制检查。


The origins of the Red Dot Design Award date back to 1955. in 2016, the Red Dot Design Award received more than 18,000 applications. And there are 34 categories to select from. Each category name is deliberately vague and broad to encourage unhindered imagination and innovation.

In order to appraise the wide scope of design in a professional manner, the Red Dot Design Award is broken down into the three distinct disciplines.

the Red Dot Award: Product Design, Red Dot Award: Communication Design and Red Dot Award: Design Concept. Each of the award addresses specific area of design and does not conflict with one another. The award for design concept accepts design concepts for products, services or communication designs that are not already mass produced and sold in the market at the time of submission to the competition. The award for product design accepts products that are already available in the market and the award for communication design accepts communication related design works that have already executed and published.

Here is the detailed information for each award.

1.Red Dot Award: Product Design

Its award, the Red Dot, is an internationally recognised quality seal. The best products receive the Red Dot: Best of the Best award.

With the help of the jury of experts, the internationally recognized competition “Red Dot Award: Product Design” appraises the best products of the year. Red Dot invites specialized design experts from various subject areas to be a member of the jury. The around 40-strong team devotes itself to all products for three days both live and on-site. Innovation, formal quality, functionality and ecological compatibility are just some of the criteria on which the decision is based. The international Red Dot jury bestows the quality seal only on products which their designs are outstanding comparing with other objects on the market.

It is a tradition to honor the winners at the grand awards ceremony, the Red Dot Gala. The award-winning products will be displayed in the Red Dot Design Museums, the Online Presentation and in the Red Dot Design Yearbook.
