张民伦英语听力教程book I unit1演示教学

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Course Requirements
Punctual Attendance Concentration in Class Active Participation in Class
Activities Timely and Careful Correction of
Teaching Focus
Part IV- More about the topic: A Birthday Present
Language Points
calculator n. 接通电话 solisitor n. 律师
Task 4: Assignments
Task 1: 英语数字反应能力训练 Task 2: 英语数字练习 Task 2: 听英语歌填空
Part II - Giving and Receiving Phone calls
Background Information
The reason that the telephone call can not go through
1. disconnected: 停用 2. temporarily out of order: 电话机暂时坏了 3. number changed:电话号码换了 4. temporarily disconnected: 暂时停用了 5. changed to an unpublished number: 空
The teaching focus of Unit 1 is telephone numbers, addresses, times, dates, making and receiving phone calls.
Task 2: Pre-listening
专四听力技巧 - 数字
英汉两种语言的计数单位的最 大区别是:汉语中有“万” 和“亿” ,英语没有; 而英 语的million 和 billion 这两个 计数单位, 汉语里却是在它 们的前面加上十,百,千而 构成的复合计数单位
怎样才能克服这一困难,做到准确无 误地听记英语资料中出现的数字呢?
Task 4: Assignments
Task 2: 英语数字练习答案
Note-taking group 1: 40;15;115;318;3418; 28;30B;14D Note-taking group 2: 18; 90; 17; 1708; 78; 180;14; 76; 50; 65; 112; 23; 2 ½; 3 ¼ 45%;
Task 3: Micro-Listening
Part III - I’d like to speak to…
Language Points
put…through v. 接通电话 You’ve got wrong extension 你打
错 电话了
Task 3: Micro-Listening
2. 如果数字能用一个单独单词来表达,就直 接写出该单词。如:“一”、“九”、“十 五”、“八十”就分别写作one,nine, fifteen和 eighty。
3. 如果数字要用一个复合数词或几个数词来 表达,如:“二十一”、“九十九”、“一 百零一”、“一千八百七十六”等等,通常 就写出阿拉伯数字 “21”、“99”、 “101”、“1,876”等等。如果数字是比较 大的整数,常常要用阿拉伯数字加英语单词 一起来表达。如“一百六十万”、“四十五 亿”就写成“1.6 million”和“4.5 billion”等 等
Practice Please read the number .
one hundred (and) twenty three billion four hundred (and) fifty-six million eight hundred (and) ninety-five thousand one hundred and sixty-seven. 注意:除了trillion,billion,和million外,其他数字都是百、十 、个的反复使用。
1. 根据英语中每逢四位数就要变更计数单位 的规则,记数时采用国际习惯每隔三位数用 一逗号分开,即1,000以上的数:先从后向 前数,每三位数加一“,”,第一个“,”号 前为thousand,第二个“,”号前为million, 第三个“,”号前为billion(在英国英语国家 中为 thousand million),然后一节一节表示。
Task 3: Micro-Listening
Unit 1 Part I: warming-up exercises
Language Points
ambulance n.
[‘æmbjuləns; ’æmbjələns] 救护车
cab (sl.)出租汽车n.
Task 3: Micro-Listening

Listening Skills
Taking a message is a useful skill need when receiving a phone. Students don’t have to write down every word. Instead , students should pay close attention to the key words. Sometimes students can even create abbreviations that are only known to themselves.
张民伦英语听力教程book I unit1
Tasks for Unit 1
Teaching Focus
2Байду номын сангаас
Course Introduction
Textbook ➢Listen This Way : Book I ➢Unit 1 Can I Take a Message (I)?