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指甲过黄:缺乏维他命E ,也可能是淋巴系统、呼吸系统有问题。维他命E 可由深绿色蔬菜、水果中摄取。




Introduction: there are many causes of nails uneven, may be long-term starvationcaused by malnutrition, also has the possibility is the weather cold vasoconstriction,blood flow velocity, increased peripheral tissue hypoxia, resulting in uneven nail.But, you

know, liver disorders can also cause the nails uneven, butdoes not represent the uniqueness. To detect in time to the hospital, not blindly self judgment, so as not to delay the timing of treatment.

Uneven: if there is also one of the stripes, the liver may be bad.

Nails white: chronic anemia or liver, kidney problem.

Nail color: usually pale pink, but too often the use of nail polish, to light the water,also can make nails turn yellow.

Nails have spot: the lack of zinc, may be

seafood, spinach, mushrooms,five, sunflower seeds and other supplementary intake. The nail easy to break down: the lack of iron, can be made of dark green leafy vegetables, fish, beans, five, supplement.

Yellow nails too: a lack of vitamin E, may also be the lymphatic system, respiratory system problems. Vitamin E can be dark green vegetables, fruit intake. Toughness of the nail: with the other fingers press the nail tip, if slightly bent, the hardness is just said, if too soft, said unhealthy nails.

The nail plate is smooth: when viewed from the side will find grooves, it would be more nourishing nails, to improve the situation.

The surrounding skin: the skin around the nail is too dry, rough, then you need to use massage and maintenance, to improve the situation.
