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Profitability ratios : Profitability ratios measure the company’s ability to generate profitable sales from its Assets. Gross profit margin 毛利率 Operating profit margin 营业利润率 Net profit margin 净利润率 Return on assets 资产报酬率 Return on total equity 全部权益报酬率 Return on common equity 普通权益报酬率
Rental income is recognized in advance
Improve the residual value of rental equipment
Rental income of the contract income portfolio is recognized in advance
Words Study
1.Financial ratio 财务比率 financial ratio analysis 财务比率分析 2.restrictive covenants 限制性条款 这项借款有很多限制性条款 There are many restrictive covenants in the loan 3.board indenture 债券契约 这项债券契约是合法的
Asset Management Ratios: Asset Management Ratios measure a company’s ability to Manage the assets at its disposal. Accounts receivable turnover ratio 应收账款周转率 Inventory turnover ratio 存货周转率 Accounts payable turnover ratio 应付账款周转率 现金流转周期 Cash conversion cycle 固定资产周转率 Fixed asset turnover ratio 总资产周转率 Total asset turnover ratio
Financial Ratio Analysis
1.what’s financial ratio?
A financial ratio is a mathematical relationship among several numbers often stated in the form of percentage, times, or days. 财务比率是几个数字之间的数学关系,它的单位是百分比、倍数 (次数)和天数。 Financial ratios are a means of evaluating a firm’s performance and health that use a standard of comparisons of items on the firm’s financial statements rather than a direct reading of financial figures.
STANDARD&POOR'S 标准普尔 由亨利· 瓦纳姆· 普尔(Mr Henry Varnum Poor) 于1860年创立。标准普尔为投资者提供信用评 级、独立分析研究、投资咨询等服务,其中 包括反映全球股市表现的标准普尔全球1200指 数和为美国投资组合指数的基准的标准普尔 500指数等一系列指数。 FitchRatings 惠誉国际 1913年由约翰· 惠誉(John K.Fitch) 创办。
In isolation(孤立地), a financial ratio is a useless piece of information. 单独的一个财务指标能告诉我们的信息很少。
Some of a firm’s financial accounting practices or
choices will affect its financial statements and, finally, its financial ratios. Financial ratios do not provide analysts with all of the answers about a firm’s condition.
Debt Management Ratios: Debt Management Ratios measure a company’s ability to meet long-term obligations. 资产负债比率 Debt ratio 产权比率 Debt –to –equity ratio 权益乘数 Equity multiplier Long-term debt ratio 长期负债比率 Interest coverage ratio 利息保障倍数 Cash flow coverage ratio 现金流量保障比率
Interpretative Examples
If given that this company’s competitors have profit margins of 10%, what can you draw from the comparison? 如果我们知道该公司的竞争对手毛利率平均为10%,那 通过比较我们能获得什么结论? If given that the historical trend of this company’s gross profit margin is upwards, what conclusion can you make? 如果该公司的毛利率在过去的几年里保持增长趋势,我 们又能得出什么结论呢?
Interpretative Examples
Suppose a gross profit margin for a company is 25%, according to the given information, can you tell it is high, or low for the company? 假设一个公司的毛利率为25%,你能判断该
The bond indenture is a legitimate
4.financial analyst 财务分析师 5. last-in ,firsFra Baidu bibliotek-out (LIFO) 后进先出 first-in,first-out(FIFO) 先进先出 6. window dressing 账面粉饰 Window dressing is an unfair way of attracting customers. 粉饰帐目不是吸引客户的公正方式。
Financial Ratio Analysis
Learning Objectives
What are financial ratios? What categories(种类) can financial ratios be grouped into? How to calculate each financial ratio? What’s the meaning of each financial ratio? What are the pros and cons of each financial ratio?
Mini Case
施乐公司(Xerox Corporation)创 建于1906年,总部位于美国康涅狄格州 斯坦福市,是一家历史悠久的以经营办 公设备为主的跨国企业,也是世界上最 大的现代化办公设备制造商及复印机的 发明者。施乐公司于2001年和2002年两 次重新编报以前年度的财务报告,大幅 下调收入和利润。
Text study
4.1 Financial Ratio Analysis
4.2 Liquidity Ratios
4.3 Debt Management Ratios
4.4 Asset Management Ratios
4.5 Profitability Ratios
4.6 Market Value Ratios 4.7 Uses and Limitations of Financial Ratio Analysis
Wisdom If you cannot measure it, you cannot improve it.
——Lord Kelvin(1824-1907)
Core Financial Ratio
Liquidity Ratios:
Liquidity Ratios measure the company’s ability to meet its short-term obligations. 流动比率 Current ratio 速动比率 Quick ratio 现金比率 Cash ratio
提高上市公司的会计信息质量一方面涉及到公司 内部治理问题,另一方面涉及外部多方的监督和管理。 在美国,这些外部力量包括独立审计师、证券分析人员 、信用评级机构、各证券交易所和证券交易委员会( SEC)。由于我国资本市场建立时间较短,公司内部治 理法规和外部监督力量都比较薄弱。所以,在提高我国 会计信息质量的道路上,新会计制度的制定是一方面, 同时还要加强公司内部治理和外部力量的监督和管理。
标准化比较来评价企业的经营业绩和财务状况。 Lenders, rating agencies, other investors, regulators, managers
Moody‘s 穆迪公司 创始人是约翰· 穆迪,他在1909年首 创对铁路债券进行信用评级。它的 股票在纽约证券交易所上市交易 (代码MCO)。在全球占有40% 的份额。
Manipulation of the reserve
Undisclosed the discounted accounts receivable
1、市场预期 2、经理人报酬 SEC指出,1997年至2000年间,施乐高级管理人士领 取了500多万美元的业绩补贴,并通过出售所持股票获取 了3000多万美元的利润。
Financial Ratio Analysis
2.Analyzing Financial Ratios : Financial ratios are not standardized. Analyzing a single financial ratio for a given year may not be very useful.
目的:上市、配股和避免成为ST公司或退市等。 手段:以利润和费用的确认为主。
ST黎明的1999年度会计报告资产虚增8996万元;负债 虚增1956万元;所有者权益虚增7413万元;主营业务收 入虚增15277万元;利润总额虚增8679万元。
ST冰熊2000年年报显示,由于费用挂账、会计处理不当 等会计差错,该公司2000年期初未分配利润调减5545万元, 表明该公司以前年度信息披露存在重大不实行为。 郑百文上市前采取虚提返利、少计费用、费用跨期入账 等手段,虚增利润1908万元,并据此制作了虚假上市申报 材料;上市后三年中采取虚提返利、费用挂账、无依据冲 减成本及费用、费用跨期入账等手段,累计虚增利润 14390万元。
Market value ratios: Market value ratios use market data such as stock price to provide useful information about the firm’s relative value. Price/earnings ratios (P/E) 市盈率 Market -to-book value ratio 市值与账面价值的比 股利收益率 Dividend yield Dividend payout 股利支付率