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指导老师:xx xx




二、PLC在电梯中的应用很广泛;三、以后我有志愿在此领域发展,也是为以后的成功做铺垫。PLC 单元为电梯控制系统的核心部分,由PLC 提供变频器的运行方向和速度指令,使变频器根据电梯需要的速度曲线调节运行方向和速度。通过PLC 的合理编程,实现自动平层、自动开关门、自动掌握停站时间、内外呼信号的登记与消除、顺向截梯及自动换向等集选控制功能。通过分析电梯控制系统的运行方式和输入输出的点数,基本确定了本文设计的主要方面,此电梯控制系统有手动和自动的运行方式,主要由变频调速主回路、输入输出单元以及PLC 单元构成,用来完成对电梯曳引电机及开关门机的起动、加减速、停止、运行方向、楼层显示、层站召唤、轿箱内操作、安全保护等指令信号进行管理和控制功能。

关键词:PLC 电梯控制应用


This article describes the application of PLC in elevator control. Is study this subject because, I love of PLC professional; second, the application of PLC in elevator is very wide; and later I had volunteer development in this area, but also for future success bedding. PLC unit as a core part of the elevator control system, direction and speed provided by the PLC frequency converter instructions, enables frequency converter based on the speed of elevators need adjust the direction and speed. Through reasonable PLC programming, automatic leveling, automatic switch, automatically acquire stopping time, inside and outside of calling signals intercepted registration and de-duplication, climb ladders and set selected control features such as automatic reversing. By analysis elevator control system of run way and entered output of points, basic determine has this article design of main aspects, this elevator control system has manually and automatically of run way, main by frequency adjusting speed main circuit, and entered output unit and PLC unit constitute, used to completed on elevator drag introduction motor and the switch door machine of up dynamic, and plus deceleration, and stop, and run direction, and floor display, and layer station calls, and car box within operation, and security protection, instruction signal for management and control function.

Keywords:PLC elevator control application


引言 (1)

1.PLC的特点 (1)

1.1可靠性高,抗干扰能力强 (1)

1.2编程简单、易于掌握 (1)

1.3配套齐全,功能完善,适用性强 (1)

1.4易学易用,深受工程技术人员欢迎 (2)

1.5系统的设计、建造工作量小,维护方便,容易改造 (2)

1.6体积小,重量轻,能耗低 (2)

2.PLC的结构和工作方式 (2)

2.1 PLC的结构 (2)

2.1.1 PLC控制系统设计 (2)

2.1.2 PLC的工作方式 (4)

3.PLC的元件及基本指令系统 (5)

3.1 PLC的元件 (5)

3.2 PLC的基本指令指令系统 (5)

4.电梯控制系统 (6)

4.1电梯的构造 (6)

4.2电梯控制的组成 (8)

5.电梯控制系统的设计 (11)

5.1 电梯的运行过程 (11)

5.2 PLC的选择 (11)

5.3 PLC规模的估算 (12)

5.4 PLC输入输出模块的选择 (13)

5.5 画出梯形图 (16)

5.6写出指令语句表 (17)

结束语 (21)

谢辞 (23)

参考文献 (24)
