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The Curta in Goes up 竹幕卷起
Peking permits foreign investment all along its coastline —creating differing rules and added con fusi on
By Mary Lee in Beiji ng
1. A clearly con fide nt Chi na has rolled up a large sect ion of its bamboo curta in, declared itself "ope n to the outside world" and hung sig ns on n early all its cities in vit ing foreig n inv estors to come and do serious bus in ess.

2.The four special econo mic zones (SEZs) in Guan gdo ng and Fujia n Provin ces, 14 coastal cities (all former treaty ports) and Hainan island (19 "open" areas in all) nave specifically desig ned tax and other incen tives for the foreig n in vestor. But every Provincial capital is doing its best to attract foreign investment.


3.The foun dati on for all this was assembled in piecemeal form, beg inning in mid —1979 with the State Council ' s decision to set up four SEZs in the south. Then a joint-venture
law was published for the first time (albeit one full of holes), quickly followed by procedures for “compensation trade ” --- both or which were designed to attract foreign
inv estme nt to these four zon es. The followi ng year, a tax law for joi nt ven tures was promulgated.



4.But eve n as bus in essme n battled with bureaucracy in an effort to fulfil their hopes
of doing bus in ess with a pote ntial market of 1 bill on people, Chin ese leaders were grow ing
impatie nt with the rate of progress in the showpiece SEZ ——Shen zhe n.

5.In April 1984, after the cou ntry ' s top leaders had visited the Shenzhen, Zhuhai and
Xiamen SEZs, the state Council declared 14 cities along the entire coast plus Hainan island ope n to foreig n in vestme nt, thus in troduc ing a real eleme nt of competiti on into the
country ' s economic-development programme. Then came the much- publicised “decision on reform of the econo mic structure ” and sudde nly, the race to get foreig n tech no logy and funds was on.


6.For foreign investors, the prospect of having access to a market of 1 billion consumers
no Ion ger seems like a pipedream. The Chin ese —in particular the rural population---are getting richer and nowwant visible improvements to their standard of living: they aspire to own colour TVsets, refrigerators, trucks, washing machines and better radios, bicycles and clothing. Even local factories are taking note of the vast potential sales in their own domestic market.



7.Recently, State Councillor GuMu, head of the China Coastal Cities Economic and Technical
Developme nt Corp. (CCETDC) ---the policymak ing and coordi nati on body for the 19 “ ope n
areas ”---reportedly pronoun ced the en tire coast ope n to foreig n inv estme nt. Take n
literally, this does not make much sense as the parts of the coast which have not been
“ ope necT are simply not ready for the dema nds of foreig n bus in essma n. In fact, sha ntou among the SEZs, and some of the 14 coastal cities plus Hainan are not even equipped with admi nistrative support or in frastructure to cope with the resp on sibilities which the cen tral gover nment has placed on them.



8. A well-placed source within the CCETDC said Gu in fact was referri ng to the 19 areas
which had been officially opened. The strategy, he said, was a Iong-term one, to transfer the SEZs experience with new industry to the 14 cities and Hainan, at the same time as this experience was being shared with the country ' s inner regions.



9.The cen tral gover nment ' s determ in ati on to raise the level of in dustrial tech no logy
is clearly behind the decision to open the 14 coastal cities. In addition, China is now
ready to spend US$ 14.2 billion for its foreign-exchange reserves (which stood at US$ 16.5 billi on in June 1984) to buy foreig n tech no logy. The Bank of China has also said that new and more flexible load policies will enable “thousands ” of domestic enterp rises to borrow foreig n excha nge to import equipme nt and repay in Renmin bi.



10.The n eed to upgrade in dustrial equipme nt is great: official figures show that in 1980,
20% of China ' s capital stock was already 10 -20 years behind that of the West. Another
20% --while tech no logically backward —worked well, but the remai ning 60% should have
bee n scrapped or reno vated. The comb ined in dustrial output of the 15 coastal areas is reportedly equal to a quarter of the nation ' s total.


11.But while the reasons for throwing 19 areas and cities open to foreign investment and
tech no logy tran sfer are clear, how the prefe ' ren tial systems will operate in not. This
is due largely to the intensity of competition amongthe 19, coupled with the inexperienee of most local authorities both in making decisions and in dealing with the outside world. However, there are important differences between the SEZs and the coastal cities and even
among the coastal cities themselves.



12.In the SEZs, which are being built-almost from scratch, foreigners can invest in anything which the state deems useful for the coun try, be it, for example, product ion of
goods for export or construction of private-housing estates. These can be joint ventures,
cooperative en terprises or wholly foreig n-ow ned operati ons. Because every factory or bus in ess established in the SEZs is n ew, imports of capital and con sumer goods (except cigarettes and liquor) are exempted from customs duties, and a uniform 15%income-tax rate is applied.



13.In the coastal cities, only factories where pla nt is being upgraded by foreig n
investment, enjoy the 15%tax rate (or less for target projects such as transport, energy and telecom muni catio ns). Only “ key equipme nt and other materials n ecessary for tech ni cal
tran sformatio n whic h cannot be readily obta in able in Chi na ” will enjoy exemptio ns from
customs duties prior to 1990, accordi ng to Gu.


14.However, each coastal city also has bee n gran ted the right to establish an Econo mic
and Technical Development Zone (ETDZ) outside the city centre, which will offer a uniform tax rate of 15% for all projects and waive the usual 10% profit-remittance tax.
然而,每个沿海城市都被授权在市中心以外建立经济技术开发区,对所有的项目都实施统一的15% 的税率,并免除通常的10%勺利润汇款税。

15.Only the ETDZ in Shanghai (one of the 14 coastal cities) enjoys the same status as the four SEZs. This means that if an enterprise is within the zone, it will enjoy the preferential tax rate of 15%. A joint venture outside the Zone --- involving the setting
up of a new factory, and not the upgrading of an existing one --- is liable to the standard 33% tax rate. Tourist enterprises and any other service industry outside the zone - as 如有你有帮助,请购买下载,谢谢!
with similar projects outside the SEZs —are not en titled to any special status.




16.The major source of con fusi on for foreig n inv estors, however, is not the tax rate but
who has the authority to approve projects. The mun icipal gover nments of Tianjin and
Shanghai have the power to approve projects each coating no more than US $ 30 million.
Dalian and Canton have the power to approve projects of less than US $ 10 million each, and the other 10 cities may approve projects involving less than US $ 5 million.

天津和上海的市政府有权批准不超过3, 000万美元的单个项目。

大连和广州有权批准不超过1, 000万美元的

17.On eofficial who is well aware of the con fusi on afflicti ng both local authorities and
foreig n inv estors is Jing Shup ing, preside nt of Chi na Intern ati onal Econo mic Con sulta nts
Inc. which is the consultancy arm of the China International Trust and Investment Corp.
The various cities and zones, he said, must discover their own special characteristics, stre ngths and weak nesses.


18.“ We want to stir up the en thusiasm of the grassroots un its --- the en terprises --to get things done, ” he said. “ We are only just beg inning, so the con fusi on is n atural.
But if we start putt ing too many rules and regulatio ns (in an effort to in troduce some
order to the situation) they will get discouraged. The time will come when the cities and
zones will ask for help in coord in ati ng their efforts. ”



19.Ano ther source of con fusi on for the in vestor lies in the fact that in Guangdong, for
instanee, there are three SEZs and two “open” areas, Canton and Hainan island. There
have been recent complaints from the Hainan government on interference from Canton (the provincial capital) on the exercise of its authority.



20.So, while a comprehensive framework for the country ' s modernisation has been provided
by the central committee ' s 21 October 1984 decision to reform the e conomic structure,
it will be some time before the dust settles and local authorities and foreign investors
can deal with one another in a systematic way. The mountainous bureaucracy facing foreign bus in essme n has yet to be reduced effectively, despite promises by gover nment.


21.What foreign businessmen find encouraging is that ideology is no longer in the driver 's seat, having been de ftly
removed with the slogan “Socialism with Chinese characteristics ” and replaced by entrepreneur -ship. Enterprises wholly owned by foreigners are now allowed. Even the oft- repeated phrase “public ownership of the means of production ” has been amended wit h the passage of a law on inheritance which protects private ownership of capital equipment - another way of saying that individuals can now
own the means of production.



22.Stock- taking of the open policy will come later this year when the National People's Congress discusses the seventh five-year plan, which will run to the end of the decade.
今年晚些时候当全国人民代表大会讨论第7个五年级计划时将要对开放政策进行评估,第7 个五年计划将持续到80 年代末。

---- From far Eastern Economic Review . 31 Jan. , 1985
摘自《远东经济评论》1985 年 1 月31 日
section / 5sekFEn/ n. 部分
former / 5fR:mE/ a. 以前的;旧时的
specially / 5speFEli/ ad. 明确地;特别地
tax / tAks/ n. 税
incentive / in5sentiv/ n. 刺激;鼓励
attract / E5trAkt/ v. 吸引
assemble / E5sembl/ v. 汇集;形成
piecemeal / 5pi:smi:l/ ad. 一件一件地;逐渐地
State Council / / 国务院
albeit / R:l5bi:it/ conj. 尽管
procedure / prE5si:dVE/ n. 程序;手续
promulgate / prR5mElgeit/ v. 颁布;公布
potential / pE5tenFEl/ a. 潜在的
showpiece / / n. 优秀样品;展出之事物
publicize / 5pQblisaiz/ v. 引起公众对... 注意
fund / fQnd/ n. 资金
prospect / 5prRspekt, prEs5pekt/ n. 前景
pipe dream / / n. 白日梦;幻想
aspire / Es5paiE/ v. 渴望
vast / va:st/ a. 巨大的
state councilor / / 国务委员
pronounce / prE5nauns/ v. 宣告;宣布
administrative infrastructure cope (with) strategy long-term transfer inner regions
/ Ed5ministrEtiv/ a. 管理的;行政的
/ 5infrEstrQktFE/ n. 基础设施
/ / v. (成功地)应付;(妥善地)处理/ 5strAtidVi/ n. 战略
/ / a. 长期的
/ trAns5fE:/ v. 搬;使转移
/ / 内地
foreign-exchange reserves / / 外汇储备
repay / ri:5pei/ v. 偿还;付还(钱)upgrade / 5Qp5greid/ v. 提高;改善
remaining scrap / / a. 剩余的;其余的
/ skrAp/ v. 刮(擦)净;除掉
technology transfer / / 技术转让
intensity / in5tensiti/ n. 强烈;激烈(to start) from scratch / / 从零(开始)
deem estate / di:m/ v. 认为;相信
/ is5teit/ n. 地产;财产
wholly foreign-owned / / 外商独资拥有的
operation business capital goods consumer goods liquor / 5RpE5reiFEn/ n. 企业/ 5biznis/ n. 工商企业/ / 资本货物
/ / 消费品
/ 5likE/ n. 酒类
uniform / 5ju:nifR:m/ a. (税收、法律等)一样的;一致的
plant / pla:nt/ n. 全套设备readily / 5redili/ ad. 无困难地;容易地
prior (to)
waive profit-remittance status / / ad. 在... 之前
/ gra:nt/ v. 给予;授予
/ weiv/ v. 放弃;不坚持要求/ / 利润汇款
/ 5steitEs/ n. 地位
preferential tax rate / / 优惠税率
be liable to
entitle (to) authority / / 有义务的;应付(税)的
/ / v. 给... 权利;给... 资格/ R:5WRriti/ n. 权;权利
approve / E5pru:v/ v. 批准;核准
municipal affict consultant consultancy / mju:5nisipEl/ a. 市(政)的
/ / v. 使苦恼;折磨
/ kEn5sQltEnt/ n. 顾问
/ kEn5sQltEnsi/ n. (承接咨询业务的)顾问服务公司
strengths and weaknesses / / 优缺点
stir (up) grassroots complaint interference exercise / / v. 激起;鼓励
/ / a. 群众的;基层的
/ kEm5pleint/ n. 抱怨;抗议
/ 5intE5fiErEns/ n. 干预;扰乱
/ 5eksEsaiz/ v. (官能、力量、权利等的)行驶;运用;执行
comprehe nsive framework has yet to ideology in the driver's seat deftly remove en trepre neurship
oft-repeated / 5kRmpri5hensiv/ a.广泛的;综合的/ 5freimwE:k/ n.准则
/ / 有待
/ aidi5RlEdVi/ n.思想意识
/ /处于统治(或控制)地位
/ / ad.机敏地
/ ri5mu:v/ v.移开;挪走
/ / n.企业家精神
/ /反复说的
means of producti on / / 生产资料
ame nd
in herita nee / E5mend/ v.修改;修订/in5heritEns/ n.继承权
protect / prE5tekt/ v.保护
stock-tak ing / /盘货;评估;估量
Natio nal People's Co ngress / / 全国人民代表大会
1.…tax and other incentives for the foreign investor attract tf o reign investment.
2. c. a tax law for joint ventures was promulgated .
3. c. Chinese leaders were growing impatient with the rate of progress in the showpiece SEZ-She
ngzhe n.
4. c. thus introducing a real element of competition into the country ' s
econom ic-developme nt programme.
5.Even local factories are taking note of the vast potential sales in their own domestic market.
6.The cen tral govemme nt ' s determ in ati on to raise the level of in dustrial tech no logy
is clearly behind the decision to open the 14 coastal cities.
7. c. repay in Renminbi.
8.The n eed to upgrade in dustrial equipme nt …
9.The combined industri al output of the 15 coastal areas …
10.the preferential systems
11.the intensity of competition
12.private-housing estates.
13.Wholly foreign-owned operations
14. A uniform 15% income-tax
15. c. plant is being upgraded by foreign investment …
16. c. waive the usual 10% profit-remitta nee tax.
17. A joint venture outside the zone is liable to - the standard 33% tax rate.
18.Tourist enterprises and any other service industry outside the zone are not entitled to …
any special status.
19. c. who has the authority to approve projects.
20.The consultancy arm
21.rules and regulations
22. c. it will be some time before the dust settles …
23.Stock-taking of the open policy。
