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Chapter1.Iroduction to Supply Chain Management

1.【supply chain】The system of suppliers, manufacturers, transportation, distributors, and vendors that

exists to transform raw materials to final products and supply those products to customers.

2.【supply chain management】SCM is a business network covering from buying, making, moving,

warehousing to selling.

3.【What makes supply chain management difficult?】

①Supply chain strategies cannot be determined in isolation. They are directly affected by another chain

that most organizations have, the development chain.

②It is challenging to design and operate a supply chain so that total systemwide costs are minimized,

and systemwide service levels are maintained.

③Uncertainty and risk are inherent in every supply chain.

4.【Strategies for SCM】

①Global Optimization(全局优化)②Managing Uncertainty(管理不确定性)

5.【Why is Global Optimization Hard?】

①The supply chain is a complex network.

②Different facilities in the supply chain frequently have different, conflicting objectives.

③The supply chain is a dynamic system.

④System variations over time

6.【Why Is Uncertainty Hard to Deal With?】

①Matching supply and demand is a major challenge.

②Forecasting doesn’t solve the problem.

③Inventory and back-order levels typically fluctuate considerably across the supply chain, even when

customer demand for specific products does not vary greatly.

④Demand is not the only source of uncertainty.

⑤Recent trends such as lean manufacturing, outsourcing, and offshoring that focus on reduction increase

risks significantly.

7.【The three principles of all forecasting techniques】

①Forecasting is always wrong.②The longer the forecast horizon , the worse the forecast.

③Aggregate forecasts are more accurate.

Chapter2.Inventory Management, Supply Contracts and Risk Pooling

1.【何时低(高)于平均需求】If the cost of not selling an additional unit is larger than the profit from

selling an additional unit, the optimal quantity in general will be less than average demand, while if the reverse is true, the optimal order quantity in general will be greater than average demand.

2.【平均需求与最优订货量的关系】The optimal order quantity is not necessarily equal to average, or

forecast demand.

3.【Coefficient of variation】

①Coefficient of variation=Standard deviation

Average demand

②The Standard deviation measures the absolute variability of customer demands, the coefficient of

variation measures variability relative to average demand.

4.【Risk Pooling: three critical points】

①Centralizing inventory control reduces both safety stock and average inventory level for the same

service level.

②The higher the coefficient of variation, the greater the benefit obtained from centralized systems; that

is, the greater the benefit from risk Pooling.

③The benefits from risk Pooling depend on the behavior of demand from one market relative to demand

from another.
