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姓名: ___________ 得分: ____________ 一、选出下列每组单词中划线部分读音不同的一项,将其标号填入提前的括号内。(10 分)()1.A bag B cap C name ()2. A me B get C let ()3. A bike B big C five ()4. A do B go C no ()5. A bus B put

C cup

二、英译汉,将答案写在横线上。(20 分)

1.good idea_____________

2.teac her ’s desk_____________

3.summer holiday_________

4.science museum___________

5.Chinese book____________

6.a wise man _____________

7.watch TV______________ 8.turn right_____________

9.play the violin_____________ 10.each other____________

三、选出下列每组单词中不同类的一项,将答案标号填入括号内。(10 分)

()1.A . silk B . moth C. bee ()

2. A. white B. black C . skirt ()

3. A . hot B. cool C . weather ()

4.A . wise B .brave C. person ()

5.A Monday B March C Sunday

四、选择正确答案,将其标号填入括号内。(10 分)


()2. Where is the book store?

()3. What’s the matter with you ?

()4. What colour is your school bag?

()5. What does your father do?

A. He is a doctor.

B. I have a fever.

C. It ’blue. s

D. She is twelve.

E. Next to the post office.

五、单项选择,将正确的答案的标号填入括号内。(20 分)

()1.---How many months are there in a year ?




( ) 2.Zhou Jielun is a famous ______ ?


B. writer


( ) 3.My desk is _______than yours.




( ) 4.The Chinese people _______ very friendly.

A. is

B. are


( ) 5._______ your brother see a film last Sunday?

A. Did

B. Does

C. Do

( ) 6. After _ comes .

A. autumn, winter

B. winter, autumn

C. spring, winter ( )7. Qingming Festival is like _ .

A. May Day

B. Day of the Dead

C. Carnival

( )8. -What did Lei Feng do?

A. He was a soldier.

B. He lived in China.

C. He always helped people.

( )9. ___ did the Mid-autumn Festival start? -It started very long ago

A. When

B. What

C. Who

( )10. We _ on a science field trip last week.

A. go

B. went .

C. will go

5.根据情境,选择最佳答案。( 10 )

(1)你和英国的朋友 Jenny通过电话聊天,她询问你中国的天气如何,她会说: ( )

A. What's the weather like in China?

B. It's sunny and windy. Kids can fly kites.

C.What about the weather in the UK? (2)你告诉 Jenny 你们班上周进行了一次科学实地考察,她问你学到了什么,你回答: ( )

A. We went on a science field trip last week.

B. We learned that ants never work together.

C. We learned that a baby butterfly can make silk.

(3)姆亲节快要到了,她询问你有什么打算,你回答: ( )

A. What will you do for Mother's Day? :

B. Mum and l will go to see a film on Mother's Day.

C. She is a doctor. She helps people when they are ill.

(4)你向 Jenny介绍与中国传统节日端午节有关的故事,以下说法错误的是: ( )

A. Qu Yuan was a hero in Chinese history.
