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A:How are you getting on?/How's everything?

B:Not bad./Well.Thank you.

A:Please remember me to...

Please give my regards/love to...

Best wishes/regards to...

Say hello to...

Bill sends his best wishes/love to...

B:Thank you.I certainly will.

Of course.

Oh,that's nice of him.

2.祝愿和祝贺Expressing wishes and congratulations

(1)A:Good luck/wishes/journey.


Have a good trip/time/journey.

Happy birthday to you.

B:Thank you.

Thanks a lot.

Many thanks.

(2)A:Happy New Year!

Merry Christmas.

I'd like to congratulate you on...

I wish you success/a wonderful journey.

B:The same to you!

Thank you.

May you be the same.

You too./I wish you the same.

(2009·山东高考)—John and I will celebrate our fortieth wedding anniversary next month.—Oh,!

A.cheer up

B.well done

C.go ahead


选句意:——我和约翰下个月将庆祝我们结婚40周年。——哦,祝贺你们!cheer up(使)高兴起来,(使)振作起来;well done做得好;go ahead干吧,说吧,用吧;congratulation 祝贺。故选D。

3.建议和劝告Suggestions and Advice

A:Why not...?/Why don't you...?

What about...?/How about...?

Shall we...?/Let's...?

B:(That…s a)Good idea./I‟d love to./OK,(that…s) fine/great!

I'm afraid...

It's a good idea,but.../I'd love to,but...

[注意]why not后加动词原形。how/what about后接名词、


(2009·陕西高考)-My mother is preparing my favorite dishes.Go with me and have a taste,okay?

-.And I'll be glad to meet your parents.

A.I think so

B.I'd love to

C.I'm sure

D.I hope so

选句意:——我妈妈在做我最喜欢吃的菜。跟我一起去尝尝,好吗?——我很愿意去。见到你的父母我会很高兴。would love to do很喜欢,很愿意。I'd love to是省略句,全句为I would love to go with you and have a taste.此项符合题意;so常用在hope,believe,think,say,suppose等动词之后,代替上文内容,避免重复。故选B。

4.打电话Making phone calls

(1)Hello!Is (Tom) in?

May/Could I speak to...?

It that...(speaking)?

Who's speaking,please?/Who's that?

Who's it (calling,speaking)?

I'd like to speak to...

Let me speak to...,please.

(2)Hello,who is it?

This is...(speaking).


Hold the line,please./Hold on (for a moment) ,please.

May I have your message?/Can I take a message for you?

Would you like to leave a message?

He/She isn't here right now.

Your number,please?

May I have your number?

(3)You're wanted on the phone.(有你电话。)

The line is engaged(占线).

I couldn't get through(打不通).

Put me through to Room 301.


5.问路与指路Asking and Directing the way

A:Excuse me.Could you tell me where...(地点)is?

Could you tell me where is the nearest...?

Pardon me.Can/Could you tell me the way to...?

How can I get to...?/Which is the way to...?

Excuse me,but is this the way to...?

Is this the right way to...(地点)?

How long will it take me to walk there?

How long will it take me to take a bus to...(地点)

B:It's over there.Go ahead and...

It's only ten minutes' walk.
