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Words Explanation

Teaching aims:

Enable the students to master the usage of the words and expressions. Procedures:

1.defend vt防御,保卫,为…辩护

defence n., defendant n.被告

Defend myself from/against attack

Offense is the best defence

in defence of ___________

2. waste n.& vt. wasteful adj, 浪费的,不经济的

a waste of time/money to do sth;

waste…doing sth.

waste away (人,体力)衰弱

3.seemingly adv. seem v.

~ endless froset

seem 跟事实接近

appear表面如此, 跟事实一般不符合

look 根据表面印象得出的结论

4. freezing adj. 极冷的,严寒的 e.g. freezing cold;

The temperature remained below freezing all day. 温度整天都在冰点以下frozen adj. 冰冻的frozen food _______

The lake was frozen over until late spring. 那湖全让冰封住了, 到晚春才解冻. The seedling was frozen to death. 幼苗被冻死了

freeze v.

5. Abundant a. 丰富的,充裕的abundance n.

Indonesia is abundant in petroleum deposits. 印尼的石油蕴藏量丰富

There is abundant firewood in the forest. 森林里有充裕的薪柴

a year of abundance _____

6.be home to/be the home of 为…的所在地,原场地,栖息地

7. sheet

a sheet of flame __________

a sheet of paper 一张纸

as white /pale as a sheet _____________

8.settlement n.; settle vi.; settler n.

settle down _____________ settle down to sth/do sth

settle on/upon_______________

settle up with sb _________________

settle to do_______________ settle the quarrel /problem 9. Compromise n.v.

reach /arrive at a ~ __________ make a~ with sb __________

We have to compromise with him on this point.

10.preference n., prefer v.

prefer to do

prefer doing to doing

prefer to do rather than do (would rather do than do )

I prefer it if you come with me .

give preference to the experienced ones

have a preference for sweet food ____________

11. occupy

~ a lot of space /two hours/the country 占用,占领

be occupied with/in occupy oneself in/with _________

12. content .n. 目录. 内容(Contents) v. 满足adj.满意的

be content to do 满足,心甘情愿做某事

content oneself with 以…使某人满足

to one‟s heart’s content 尽情地

contented : with a contented look /smile 满意的表情,微笑

13.fit –unfit

keep /feel fit

_________________________________ 这个房子适合你居住The water is fit to drink 这水可以喝

It is not fit for you to talk like that 你那样说不合适

The jacket fits me well

fit in with other students______________

14. grasp n. v

I kept her hands in my grasp. 我紧握着她的手。

_______________________________. 我领会了这篇演讲的要点。You must grasp this opportunity. 你必须抓住机会。

She has a good grasp of the English language. __________________ 15. compete-competitor-compition

compete with sb for sth 为…与某人竞争

16. impressive –impress-impression

I was deeply impressed by his speech.

She impressed me as a woman of great kindness.

My father impressed on me the importance of work

make/leave a deep impression on sb
