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US Overall View of America

I 1.








9. Fill in the bla nks.

Si nee the time of i ndependen ceof the Un ited States, 48 states were added.

Two states are sep aratedfrom the con ti nen tal US, that is Hawaii i n

Ocea n and Alaska to the n orthwest of Can ada.

In the US, there are 4 time zones form the east to west.

“ WASP stands for White Anglo-Saxon Protestant

Among the Great Lakes, Lake Michiga n is the on ly one en tirely in


Wash ington, D.C is n amed after George Wash ingto n and Christ op her Columbus. The country is situated mostly in central North America , with

Can ada_ to the n orth and Mexico to the south, the P acific Ocea n to the west and Atla ntic Ocea n to the east.

The federal district of USA is Washington, DC and the largest city is New York City. Appalachian Mountains are in the eastern part and the Rocky Mountains are in the western p art.

con ti


the Pacific

the Uni ted

II 1.


Choose the most approp riate an swer to each questi on or stateme nt.

How many con ti nen tal states were there at the time of independence of the US? A. 35 B.

48 C. 13 D.50

Which of the followi ng was the last con ti nen tal state added to the Un io n?





Ken tucky

Arizona Penn

sylva nia


3. Which of the followi ng descri pti on of uni formity of America n culture is not true?




D. People in gen eral share the same ideas, ideals and objectives

There is no real regi onal or class variety in sp eech of usage of En glish. There is n ot much really disti nctive regi onal architecture or cookery. Gen erally sp eak ing people have the same eth nic backgro und.

4.Which states are geogra phically sep arated from the America n con ti nent?

A Hawaii and Alaska.

B Hawaii and Ariz ona

C Arizo na and Alaska

D Alaska and New York

5.The biggest city in the US is ___________ .

A.Los An gels

B.New York


D.San Fran cisco

6.Which two lakes con sist of Niagara Falls?

A. Lakes Sup erior and Michiga n

B. Michiga n and Huron

C. Huron and Erie

D. Erie and On tario

7. What are the five famous symbols of America n culture?

A. Barbie Doll, American Gothic, Buffalo Nickel, Uncle Sam, The Statue of Liberty

B. Uncle Sam, The Statue of Liberty, Coca-cola, Barbie Doll, America n Gothic

C. American Gothic, Buffalo Nickel, Uncle Sam, Coca-cola, The Statue of Liberty


Coca-cola, Barbie Doll, Buffalo Nickel, Uncle Sam, The Statue of Liberty

8. What are the n atio nal rose and tree of US?

A. rose and palm

B. rose and oak

C. tulip and oak

D. tulip and palm

Hawaii became the 5^ states of the Uni ted States in the 1948. The largest of the racial and eth nic min orities in the US is the Hispani cs.

The Grand Canyon is located in the state of Colorado.

The first thirtee n states of the Un ited States mai niy located along the easter n seaboard 5. (T) Arizona was the last continen tal state which joined the Union in the 1912. 6. (T) Hollywood located in Los An gels.

1. Fi nd the nickn ames of the followi ng States in the USA. Arka nsas: Land of Opportun ity California: Golde n State Colorado: Centennial State Florida: Sunshine State Hawaii: Aloha State

Alaska: Land of Midnight Sun; the Last Frontier ; Peninsula State Massachusetts: Old Colony State Bay State V Exp lai n each item in your own words 1. diversity of the people

It refers to the differe nt orig ins of the immigra nts (differe nt eth nic backgro un ds) and the differences between the first generation of immigrants and Iong-established America ns. 2. Man hattan Isla nd

It is south-east part of New York City.

It is the center of the City and includes things that are famous to the world: Wall Street, Fifth Ave nue, Broadway, the Emp ire State Buildi ng. Rockefeller Cen tre, the Un ited Nati ons Buildi ng, Cen tral P ark, Harlem and so on VI Questi ons for short an swers

1. Which was the “ mother country ”?

The UK was con sidered as the mother country of the orig inal thirtee n colonies in North America.

III Judge whether each stateme nt is true(T) or false(F). 1. (T) 2. (F) 3. (F)

4. (T)
