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1.有两种商品,x1和x2,价格分别为p1和p2,收入为m 。当11x x ≥时,政府加数量税t,画出预算集并写出预算线
2. 消费者消费两种商品(x1,x2),如果花同样多的钱可以买(4,6)或(12,2),写出预算线的表达式。
(1)假设没有任何市场干预,中国的粮价为每斤0.4元,每人收入为100元。把粮食消费量计为x ,在其它商品上的开支为y ,写出预算线,并画图。
1.当11x x ≥时,加数量税t,画出预算集并写出预算线 预算集:).....(..........
112211x x m x p x p ≤≤+ ).........(..........)(1112211x x x t m x p x t p ≥+≤++
m x p x p ≤+2211则有m p p =+2164,m p p =+21212
不妨假设12=p ,则可解得:8,211==m p 。 预算线为82121=+x x
3.(1)0.4100x y +=
(2)0.2100.............300.4106. (30)
x y if x x y if x +=≤⎧⎨+=>⎩ (3)0.4106x y +=
注1:第1题和第3题的第(2)小题都是非线性价格的题目,道理是一样的. 确定各个线段的端点坐标和斜率, 算出直线方程. 检验答案正确与否的一个快捷的方法是看两端方程是不是在临界点相交(这是一个必要条件, 不是充分条件)
商品2 如果也是中性商品那么该题就无所谓无差异曲线,也无所谓边际替代率了.
两道题是关于边际替代率和中性商品(neutral good)的概念的.
边际替代率衡量无差异曲线的斜率, 它的概念来源于消费者愿意以什么样的比率用一种商品换另一种商品.(,the slope of an indifference curve is known as the marginal rate of substitution. The name comes from the fact that the MRS measures the rate at which the consumer is just willing to substitute one good for the other)
替换的方向没有什么追究的意义. ”...MRS...describes....the rate at which the consumer is willing to substitute ...good 2 for ...good 1”,”...MRS measures the rate at which the consumer is ...willing to substitute good 1 for good 2”(课本中的表述,二者皆可。)
只要知道MRS 衡量无差异曲线的斜率就可以了.(注意,这个斜率是负值,除非存在坏商品bads 时).
1. 写出下列情形的效用函数,画出无差异曲线,并在给定价格(p 1,p 2)和收入(m )的情形下求最优解。
(1)x 1=一元纸币,x 2=五元纸币。
(2)x 1=一杯咖啡,x 2=一勺糖, 消费者喜欢在每杯咖啡加两勺糖。
(1)x1 is indefinitely the substitution of x2, and five units of x1 can bring the same utility asthat one unit of x2 can do. With the most simple form of the utility function, ()125u x x x =+,and assume that the prices of those two goods are p1 and p2 respectively and the total wealth of the consumer is m, the problem can be written as
121112max ,..u x x s t p x p x m +≤
③Because 5p1=p2, any bundle ()12,x x which satisfies the budget constraint, is the solution of such problem.
(2) A cup of coffee is absolutely the complement of two spoons of sugar. Let x1 and x2 represent these two kinds of goods, then we can write the utility function as
()12121,min ,2u x x x x ⎧⎫=⎨⎬⎩⎭
The problem of the consumer is
121112max ,..u x x s t p x p x m +≤
Any solution should satisfies the rule that 1212
x x =, and the budget constraint. So replace x1 with (1/2)(x2) in the budget constraint and we can get 1122m x p p =+, and 21222m x p p =+. 1.121212(,),2000,1000,u c c c c m m ==⋅==两期的价格都是p=1,利息率r=10%。
求**21,c c ,有无储蓄? 2) 当%20='r 时,求*
*21,c c 。