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2. 翻译的单位
• 翻译的单位从小到大可以分为三个层次: 第一个层次是词和词组,主要探讨词义及其搭配; 第二个层次是小句和句子, 主要探讨信息的解析组合以 及译文句子的构建; 第三个层次段落或语篇,主要探讨句子之间、段段之间的 逻辑连接。 • 在传统翻译研究中,句子是最常用的,最具操作性的翻译 单位,所以翻译的规律常常局限于词句层面上。随着语篇 语言学的发展,越来越多的语篇知识和研究成果被应用到 翻译研究中,为翻译研究的发展开拓了新的领域。 • 我们不准备对语篇翻译学进行详细的讨论, 我们在此引 入“语篇”这个概念的目的,首先在于强调翻译中的语 篇意识,其次是介绍语篇研究中和翻译密切相关的两个 要素——衔接和连贯,以及提出语篇功能主导作用以及 在转换中采取的策略。
• To invite those eminent persons to help make advertisements should be regarded as one of the best advertisement strategies and could produce a spectacular VIP effect, provided that those eminent persons are perfectly willing to accept the invitation and the commodities are genuine and their prices fair.// Sometimes, while a commodity is of inferior quality, the advertisement is still lavishing praises on it. If, under such a circumstance , an eminent person is invited to help make the advertisement, the advertisement could, if anything, be temporarily successful before it turns the brand of the commodity in question notorious and, more disastrously, ruins the reputation of the eminent person thereafter. //It is precisely for this reason that the eminent persons are well advised to think more than twice before he or she agrees to appear on a commercial.
下面三个版本,哪一个是衔接 和连贯的
• (1) It often occurred in the history of science that an important discovery was come upon by chance. A scientist looking into one matter, unexpectedly came upon another which was far more important than the one he was looking into. The penicillin was a result of such a discovery. • In 1928 the British bacteriologist, Fleming, tried to cultivate a species of germs called staphylococci. One day he discovered that one of the cultures was accidentally contaminated by a fungus called penicillin. . .(Giora, 1984: 560-561)
• beyond-sentence level 超句单位 (Exit. No smoking.)
• A text is a dynamic unit.
• Texture is one of the defining characteristics of text. It is that property which ensures that a text hangs together, both linguistically and conceptually. Under normal circumstances, we expect of a text that it should be coherent (i.e. have continuity of sense) and cohesive (i.e. display connectivity between its surface elements), and that it should display distinct patterns of thematisation (i.e. that it will be arranged in such a fashion as to draw attention to those parts of its content which are deemed most important-cf. Fowler 1986:61) ( Hatim &Mason, 2001:192)
翻译与语篇 Translation and Discourse
Topics: • 1. 语篇概念与语篇意识(textual awareness) • 2. 语篇作为翻译单位(动态单位) (dynamic unit) • 3. 衔接与连贯( cohesion, coherence) • 4. 翻译策略:重组或重写(reorganization, rewriting) • 5. 语篇翻译5步骤
1.语篇 (text ,discourse)
• Definition: A text is essentially a semantic unit. So any instance of living language that is playing some part in a context of situation, we shall call a text. It may be either spoken or written.(Hallidy&Hasan ,1985:10) 由前后相连的句子构成的段落,如果在语言交际中表现为 一个相对独立的功能单位,我们称之为语篇(text)。(陈 平1987)
• (3) It often occurred in the history of science that an important discovery was come upon by chance. The penicillin was a result of such a discovery. A scientist looking into one matter, unexpectedly came upon another which was far more important than the one he was looking into. • ( ibid. : 556)
Βιβλιοθήκη Baidu
• 就信息的推进方式而言, 语篇的发展是信息不断累加的过程。Giora 认为, 语 篇片段往往以概括性的或信息性最低的话题(discourse topic) 信息作为开头, 在语篇的展开过程中, 每一个命题都在上文的基础上增加与话题相关的信息, 最后以信息性最高的命题作为语篇片段的结束。例如: 例(1) 的第一段用一个概括性的命题作开头, 并逐渐过渡到信息性最高的命题。 然后, 这一命题又成为第二段的话题, 使语篇前后连贯, 符合信息递增条件。相 反, 虽然下列语篇例(2),(3)与例(1) 在信息内容上基本相同, 但由于其信息推进 的方式不符合信息递增条件, 所以是不连贯的。(unity,coherence) 虽然例(2) 中的最后一个句子所表达的命题与上一个句子所表达的命题之间 存在着一定的联系, 并且在信息上也有所增加, 但它与本段的话题没有关系, 因而应当把最后一个句子作为下一段的开始。(coherence) 例(3) 也不符合信息递增的条件, 因为第二个句子的信息性最高, 应该出现在 第三个句子的后面。 信息递增条件不仅制约着命题的排列顺序, 而且决定着语篇段落的界限和某一 命题在语篇段落中的归属问题。如果命题的排列和段落的划分不符合信息递 增条件, 那么, 语篇就没有连贯性可言。
句群之间的连贯:功能词将 内因的逻辑关系凸现
• 例2 • 邀请名人做广告,只要商品是货真价实, 名人又愿意,这应该是广告技巧的上策, 会产生很强的名人效应。但是商品质量差, 广告又言过其实,又请名人做广告,这种 广告一时可能会有一些好的影响,但最终 是砸了自己的牌子,也坍了名人的台,影 响名人的信誉。 因此名人在接受时要慎之 又慎。
• (2) It often occurred in the history of science that an important discovery was come upon by chance. A scientist looking into one matter, unexpectedly came upon another which was far more important than the one he was looking into. The penicillin was a result of such a discovery. The penicillin was accidentally discovered by Fleming in 1928. (ibid. : 554-555)
• •
• 1. 2. 3.
例举说明: 翻译要建立语篇意识 在译文中重构连贯 以语篇(段落)为翻译单位
• The old idea of an essentially unchanging universe that could have existed , and could continue to exist forever, was replaced by the notion of a dynamic, expanding universe that seemed to have begun a finite time ago, and that might end at a finite time in the future. • 旧的宇宙观为新的宇宙观替代了。前者认为宇宙 基本上是不变的,它已经存在了无限长的时间,并将 永远继续存在下去;后者则认为,宇宙在运动、在膨 胀,它开始于遥远过去的某一个时间,并将在遥远将 来的某一个时间终结。
3. 衔接与连贯(cohesion and coherenc)
A text is characterized by coherence; it hangs together. At any point after the beginning, what has gone before provides the environment for what is coming next . (H&H,1985:12) We usually expect them (written and spoken words) to be coherent, meaningful communications in which the words and/or sentences are linked to one another in a fashion that corresponds to conventional formulae… (McCathy (1991:12) 连贯(coherence):语义成分在意义上的关联(黄国文) 语篇连贯不仅基于表层的衔接手段,更主要的是基于内 在认知上的同一性及内容的整体性。