乔治 华盛顿 PPT

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乔治·华盛顿George Washington (1732年2月22日至 1799年12月14日)1775年至1783年美国独立战争时大陆军 (Continental Army)的总司令,1789年至1797年成为美 的总司令, 国第一任总统。 国第一任总统。
George Washington and the cherry tree
一天,父亲送给他一把小斧头。那小斧头新崭崭的,小巧 一天,父亲送给他一把小斧头。那小斧头新崭崭的, 锋利。小乔治可高兴啦!他想父亲的大斧头能砍倒大树, 锋利。小乔治可高兴啦!他想父亲的大斧头能砍倒大树, 我的小斧头能不能砍倒小树呢?我要试一试。 我的小斧头能不能砍倒小树呢?我要试一试。他看到花园 边上有一棵樱桃树,微风吹得它一摆一摆的, 边上有一棵樱桃树,微风吹得它一摆一摆的,好像在向他 招手: 来吧,小乔治,在我身上试试你的小斧头吧! 招手: “来吧,小乔治,在我身上试试你的小斧头吧!” 小乔治高兴地跑过去,举起小斧头向樱桃树砍去,一下, 小乔治高兴地跑过去,举起小斧头向樱桃树砍去,一下, 两下……樱桃树倒在地上了 一会儿,父亲回来了, 樱桃树倒在地上了。 两下……樱桃树倒在地上了。一会儿,父亲回来了,看到 心爱的樱桃树倒在地上,很生气。他问小乔治: 心爱的樱桃树倒在地上,很生气。他问小乔治: “是你 砍倒了我的樱桃树吗? 小乔治这才明白自己闯了祸, 砍倒了我的樱桃树吗?”小乔治这才明白自己闯了祸,心 今天准得挨爸爸揍啦!可他从来不爱说谎, 想:今天准得挨爸爸揍啦!可他从来不爱说谎,就对父亲 爸爸!是我砍倒你的樱桃树。 说: “爸爸!是我砍倒你的樱桃树。我想试一下小斧头 快不快。 父亲听了小乔治的话,不仅没有打他, 快不快。”父亲听了小乔治的话,不仅没有打他,还一下 把他抱起来, 把他抱起来, 高兴地说: 我的好儿子,爸爸宁愿损失一千棵樱桃树, 高兴地说: "我的好儿子,爸爸宁愿损失一千棵樱桃树, 也不愿你说一句谎话。 也不愿你说一句谎话。
• “George,‘’ said his father, ”do you know who has killed George,‘’ my beautiful little cherry tree yonder(那里的) in the 那里的) garden?‘’ garden?‘’ This was a hard question to answer, and for a moment George was staggered by it, but quickly recovering himself he cried: “I cannot tell a lie, father, you know I cannot tell a lie! I did cut it with my little hatchet.‘’ hatchet.‘’ The anger died out of his father‘s face, and father‘ taking the boy tenderly(温柔地、亲切地)in his 温柔地、亲切地) arms, he said: “My son, that you should not be afraid to tell the truth is more to me than a thousand trees! ”
Who is George Washington?
• George Washington (February 22, 1732–December 14, 1732– 1799) commanded the American colonies' Continental Army during the American Revolutionary War (1775– (1775– 1783), and was the first President of the United States, from 1789 to 1797.
• 华盛顿是一位坚定的领袖,他保持了国家 华盛顿是一位坚定的领袖, 的统一,但是却无永远把持政权的野心, 的统一,但是却无永远把持政权的野心, 既不想做国王,又不想当独裁者。 既不想做国王,又不想当独裁者。他开创 了主动让权的先例——一个至今美国仍然 了主动让权的先例——一个至今美国仍然 奉行的先例。 奉行的先例。
• 1. When did Washington become the first president of the USA ? • 2. What did Washington use to chop the cherry tree? • 3. What do think of George Washington?
• One day, George was made the wealthy master of a hatchet of which, he was extremely fond. He went about chopping everything that came his way. One day, as he wandered about the garden, he found a beautiful, young English cherry tree, of which his father was most proud. He tried the edge of his hatchet(短柄小斧)on hatchet(短柄小斧)on the trunk of the tree so that it died. Some time later, his father discovered what had happened to the tree.
Washington was a determined leader, he keep the unity of the nation, but he don’t have the ambitions don’ of holding power, he don‘t want to be king as well as a dictator(独裁者). He initiatively(主动地) make dictatorwk.baidu.com独裁者) initiatively(主动地 主动地) way for competent person----a precedent(先例) person----a precedent(先例) remain observed in today’s America. today’