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My family are all music lovers 我的一家人都是音乐爱好者(强调个体成员)All the furniture has been moved to another room.

Much equipment is needed in our lab.我们的实验室需要更多的设备。

Be calm! The police are coming . 镇静!警察就要来了。

Eeither you or I am mad .

Not only he but also all his family are keen on concerts.

Neither the students nor the teacher knows this matter.

Bread and butter is what we usually have for breakfast.

A knife and fork is on the table . 桌子上有副刀叉。

Jim and Mary are my good friends.

Both brother and sisiter are college students.

Each teacher and ( each) student was given a ticket.每一位老师和学生都发了一张票Every hour and (every) minute is important. 每小时和每分钟都很重要。

Twenty years is a long time in one’s life .

Ten dollars is enough for this pair of shoes.

One hundred cents make a dollar.

None has / have been found .一个也没有找到。

Neither statement was true.

Somebody is waiting for you at the school gate 有人在学校大门口等你。

More than 200 people including a baby were killed in the air crash..

The teacher with two students was at the meeting.

The rest of the lecture is dull. 讲座的其余部分是枯燥的

The rest of the bicycles are on sale today . 剩余的自行车今天出售。

Half of the farmland was damaged in the flood .一半的农田再洪灾中遭受破坏。

One of the students in my class is from Hong Kong.我班里有一位学生来自香港。

He is one of the students who have passed the exam.

A number of new houses have been built there .

Large quantities of money are needed to equip the school.

The crossroads is / are dangerous . 这个/ 些十字路口很危险。

A sheep is dying. 有一只绵羊要死了。

Many sheep are eating grass on the hill 有许多绵羊仔山上吃草。

Every means has been tried 各种方法都试过了。

The Himalayas extend along the border of India and China.


To read English aloud every morning does you a lot of good.每天早晨朗读英语有很多好处What he said has been recorded.他说的话已被录音了。

What we badly need are good teachers.我们急需的是好老师。
