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❖ (4).一定要在考试前准备些必用词语和好的句式 ❖ 1. There is no doubt that= It is universally
acknowledged that…/There is no denying the fact that the policy is of great importance in our lives/society/ in solving the housing problem. ❖ 2. …have/has a profound=far-reaching impact/effect/influence on our lives/our society/?. ❖ 3. …attach importance to…/put stress on=lay emphasis on… 强调,重视
❖ 中心思想不明确,不切题,没有条理,重Βιβλιοθήκη Baidu语法结 构错误很多。
❖ 1.了解英语写作的测试目的,准确把握题目 的要求,主题:考什么类型作文?怎么写? 用什么句型写?如何才能写好?我们是否在 考前准备充分呢???
❖ 2. 考试作文最想让你写什么,你拿什么来说 服别人相信你的观点.
❖ 3. 正确把握遣词造句的原则
❖ (3) 尽量使用派生形式来点缀文章亮点 ❖ 例如,… is of primary importance
/help/use/significance 来替代 it is very important/significant/helpful/useful 本身就是 英语水平的一个综合展示。另外,作文如果 能够出现not unnecessary/not unimportant 也能得到很多印象分
❖ 【病句】 ❖ 1.Comparing with the bike, the car runs
much faster. ❖ 2.The climate in Walton is colder than
other cities.
❖ 比较结构是常用结构,正确地使用这一结构 可以使文章句式变化,提高写作水平。下面 是比较结构一些常用表达方法。
❖ (1) 尽量使用同义词避免简单重复 ❖ “重要”可用 important, critical, vital,
significant, crucial、be very important/be of great/primary importance/significance//…play a significant role in our lives/society等。
❖ 中心思想明确,切中题意,条理清楚,用词恰当, 无语法,结构错误。
❖ 中心思想较明确,基本切中题意,条理基本清楚, 用词较恰当,有些语法,结构错误.
❖ 中心思想基本明确,基本切题,条理基本清楚,用 词还恰当,语法结构错误较多。
❖ 中心思想不够明确,基本不切题,缺乏条理,重大 语法结构错误较多。
❖ 4. Only in this way/Only if we put stress on this problem can we sovle it very well.
❖ 5. It must be realized that... 我们必须意识到...
❖ 6. There is no denying the fact that…play an increasingly/growingly important/significant role in our lives/society.
❖ (2) 尽量使用词性变化来丰富自己的表达手段
❖ 如果能够用I/Different people/Some people voice some different opinions that… 来替代 to give/express/have/has some different opinions; //I voice the opinion that= I think that…
of history.
❖ 从以上例句还可看出,句中主语后面可接多 种修饰语,如介词短语、不定式短语、定语 从句、分词短语等等。这无疑使该结构增加 了表现力,使句子表达内容更加丰富。 在运
用这一结构时,考生最容易犯错误的是在 there be之后又加了一个动词作谓语,使句子 结构出现严重错误。这里列举考生典型错误 均属这种情况。
movies. ❖ 2. There are different kinds of vegetables
can be bought on the market by people.
❖ 这两个例句错误比较有普遍性,因为在历次 考试中有不少考生不能正确运用there be这一 最常用句式。在这种结构中,there是引导词, 没有实际意义。be在句中作谓语,有时态和 数变化。
❖ 7. It must be admitted that..
❖ 8. Some people think that…=Some people hold the opinion that…
❖ 一、灵活使用“There be”结构 ❖ 【考生病句】 ❖ 1. There are many people like to go to the
❖ 例如:
❖ 1.There is not a moment to be lost. ❖ 2.There are many people rushing into the
cities every year. ❖ 3.There are many things we can do to
prevent traffic accidents. ❖ 4.There is no use holding back the wheel