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高瞻课程作为学前教育干预计划的一部分 被设计出来,它旨在缓解那些被预测可 能会在教育体系中失败的儿童们的感知 需求。
2.It is one of many such programmes developed in the USA.
它是在美国被发展着的众多这种计划中 的一个。
3.In the British education system implementation(实现) of the High Scope curriculum has not been according to the initial ( 最 初 的 ) criteria ( 标 准 ) but many establishments have implemented the curriculum as a system that embodies(体 现了) good pre-school practice.
在这个结构里,我们能十分明显的看 到学前教育课程里那些熟悉的特征,包 括沙子、水、绘画、角色扮演、建构游 戏和户外游戏等。
1. The curriculum is based upon a range of psychological, educational and sociological theories.
在这种背景下,高瞻课程的研究者还提供了 一个关于这个课程的金融研究。
在教育背景下,它被解释为“寓教于乐” 的方法能够确保课程发展得当。
1. The sociological basis of the High Scope curriculum is the now generally accepted notion that a society needs to find ways of allowing as many people as possible to function(功能,起作用) well within the society, firstly as a philosophical notion of equality but also, perhaps more cynically(嘲讽), as a way of harnessing(利用) all available skills for the benefit of a society’s economy.
这个课程是基于一系列的心理学、教育学 和社会学理论。
2.The underpinning ( 基 础 ) psychological theory owes much to Piaget: that children learn best from active involvement ( 参 与 ) with their environment.
1. The High Scope curriculum was designed as a pre-school interventionist programme (干预计划) aiming to alleviate(缓解) the perceived(感知) needs of children who were predicted as likely to fail within the education system.
构已经实现了能够让这个课程成为一个系 统,体现了良好的教育实践。
1.The High Scope curriculum has a particular pattern of expectations, roles, structures and system.
它的心理学基础很大程度上要归功于 皮亚杰,这个心理学基础就是:儿童最 好的学习状况来自于积极主动地参与周 围的环境。
3.This is interpreted(解释) within an educational context (环境、背景、上下文) in a learning-through-play approach which ensures that the curriculum is developmentally appropriate.
pre-school experience 课程参与者的研究结果表明,与拥有其他种
类教育经验的孩子相比,受到高瞻课程教 育的孩子,有更少可能会出现反社会行为。
1. In this context the researchers into the High Scope curriculum also provide a financial for the curriculum.
高瞻课程的社会学基础在现在已经是被广泛接受的 观念,那就是一个社会需要找到方法使尽可能多 的人在社会中充分发挥作用,首先作为哲学概念 上平等的人,但同时,更具讽刺意味的是,作为 一个利用所有可用技能的方式,来造福社会经济。
1. Research into the outcomes ( 成 果 ) for participants ( 参 与 者 ) in thwenku.baidu.com curriculum show that they are less likely to develop antisocial patterns ( 反 社 会 状 态 ) of behavior than children who had other types of
高瞻课程对于期望、角色、结构和系 统有一个特定的模式。
2.Within this structure many of the familiar features of pre-school curriculum are evident(明显的)-----sand, water, painting, role play, construction(建筑) and outdoor play.