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Key to Unit 1

Extended Reading Skills and Practice

1. The ability to delay reward.

2. D)

Extended Writing Skills and Practice

1.1) simple sentence 2) compound sentence 3) compound sentence

4) complex sentence 5) simple sentence 6) complex sentence


1) Part-time jobs are useful for full-time students because they not only earn money but also gain career experience.

2) Old people are unlikely to assume physically demanding tasks although there are many jobs that are especially

suitable for old people such as consultants, doctors and psychologists.

3) I like tea while my sister likes coffee.

4) More people who have received higher education should earn more money.

5) Study hard and you will make a remarkable progress.

6) There are too many examinations nowadays for college students which are too difficult.

Review and Test (1)

Part I


Part II

1. Y

2. Y

3. NG

4. N

5. N

6. N

7. Y

8. his major

9. public institutions

10. deciding which students to accept

Part III

11-15 DBADC 16-20 ADDBC 21-25 ADCAD

26-30 ADCBD 31-35 DBDCD

(36) focused (37) emotionally (38) distant (39) disease

(40) cancer (41) retirement (42) crossed (43) increasingly

(44) you can make a number of important changes in your current lifestyle

(45)We know much more about how to keep healthy today than our parents

(46)And this new knowledge can be passed on to our children

Part IV

47-51 HMJEF 52-56 BOGNL

57-61 DBCDB 62-66 CDACB

Part V

67-71 ACBBD 72-76 DABBC

77-81 ACCBD 82-86 DBACD

Part VI

87. having interest

88. looked back

89. change their minds

90. filled with admiration

91. shares what she has with others

Key to Unit 2

Extended Writing Skills and Practice

Practice for Number of Nouns

1.buses foxes boys days zoos

trees deer fish cities leaves

lives milk feet horses mice

teeth women brooms juice water

people branches families oxen countries


1) children 2) women teachers 3) Germans; Germany 4) Chinese; Germans 5) milk

Practice for Articles


1) a; an; the 2) a; an 3) An; a 4)The; the; a 5) a 6) the 7) a; The 8) The; the 9)The;the; ×10) a 2.

1)-5) B ACCA 6)-10) CBCAD

Review and Test(2)

Part I


Part II

1. Y

2. Y

3. NG

4. Y

5. N

6. N

7. N

8. self-reliance

9. half a million

10. doubtful

Part III

11-15 BCABC 16-20 DACAC 21-25 DBDBA

26-30 ADCBC 31-35 ADCBD

(36) reflections (37) waking (38) recognize (39) biological (40) action (41) unfamiliar (42) emotional (43) indoor

(44) women in the workplace dream about bosses and colleagues

(45)angry people act out their anger in their dreams

(46)Creative people often use their dreams to solve problems

Part IV

47-51 DBALK 52-56 OMJEC

57-61 BACDC 62-66 ADCBC

Part V

67-71 CACBD 72-76 ACBDC

77-81 CACAD 82-86 CCDBB

Part VI

87. was released from prison

88. is committed to
