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Key words&expressions
2. terribly
adv. 非常;
It is terribly hot. I miss my mother terribly. I'm very / really / terribly / extremely sorry.
adj. 糟糕的,极坏的

helped you yesterday.
Key words&expressions

during trip offer guess grow beard
prep. v. v. v. v. n.
在„„期间 旅行 提供 猜 长,让„„生长 (下巴上的)胡子, 络腮胡子
5. 多漂亮的船啊!
6. 提供给你一份工作
7. 对/对了。
8. 留胡子 9. 刮胡子 10.澳大利亚之旅
8. grow a beard
9. shave off a beard 10.a trip to Australia
=shave a beard off = shave it off
Key words&expressions
(meant ; meant) ⑴v. 意思是 What does the word mean? The red light means “stop”. mean to do sth 打算做... I mean to go tomorrow. mean doing 意味着 The picture means stopping. ⑵adj. 吝啬的 He is mean about money. ⑶adj.卑鄙的 It is mean of sb to do sth 某人做...真卑鄙 It is mean of you to steal the poor‟s money.
water ['wɔ:tə, 'wɔ-] v. terribly ['terəbli] adv. dry [drai] adj. nuisance ['nju:səns] n. mean [mi:n] v. surprise [sə'praiz] n. immediately [i'mi:diətli] adv. 浇水 非常 干燥的,干的 讨厌的东西或人 意味着,意思是 惊奇,意外的事 立即地
Байду номын сангаас
Where is the ball?
Where is the ball?
surprise immediately
浇水 惊奇,意外的事 干的 非常 water terribly 讨厌的东西或人 mean dry 意味着;意 思是
Look, Scott. trip to Australia. during my ____ This is a photograph I took ______ SCOTT: Let me see it, Mike. SCOTT: This is a good ____ photograph. Who are these people? trip during the ____. MIKE: They’re people I met ______ MIKE: That’s the ship we travelled _______ on. SCOTT: What a beautiful _______ ship! SCOTT: Who’s this? Remember MIKE: That’s the man I told you about. _________? SCOTT: Ah yes. job in Australia. offered you a ____ The one who _______ MIKE: That’s right. SCOTT: Who’s this? MIKE: Guess _____! SCOTT: It’s not you, is it? MIKE: That’s right. grew a ______ during the trip beard ______ MIKE: I _____ ___, shaved it ___ off when I came home. but I ______ SCOTT: Why did you _____ shave it ____? off MIKE: My wife didn’t like it!
A trip to Australia
Free talk
Have you ever planted a plant? How ?
mean surprise
Key words&expressions
Fill in the blanks 1
Tea for two Can’t you ____ come in and ____ have tea now, Peter? SUSAN: _____ water the garden first. PETER: Not yet. I must ____ _____ have __ to _____ water it now? SUSAN: ___ Do you ____ must ____ PETER: I’m afraid I ____. Look at it! It’s terribly dry. SUSAN: What a nuisance! Don’t you PETER: Last summer it was ___very dry, too. _____ ________ ? I ____ remember had __ to _____it water every day. have tea by myself. SUSAN: Well, I’ll ____ SUSAN: That was ___ quick! finished already? ____ you _______ Have PETER: Yes. Look ____ out of the window. means you ____ don’t _____ need __ to _____ water raining That _____ SUSAN: It’s ______! the garden. was a pleasant surprise. PETER: That ___ means I ___ can ____ have tea, It _____ instead.
2.在旅游期间 3.让我看看
让我看看它 4.乘船旅行 travelled 5. 多漂亮的船啊!
5. What a beautiful ship!
6. offer you a job offer sb. sth. =offer sth. to sb. 7. That’s right.
Key words&expressions
1. water
⑴ vt. ;给…浇水 My grandpa is watering the flowers in the garden. ⑵ n. 水;海水;雨水;海域,大片的水 Give me a glass of water. by water 用船运= by ship =by sea Postmen send the packages by water. My sister spends her money like water.
–How is the weather? - It is terrible.
Key words&expressions
3. dry
⑴adj. 干的(wet 湿的)
This glass can keep the sugar dry. ⑵ v.
He dried his hair with a towel.毛巾 dry one‟s eyes 擦干眼泪
Welcome to My Class

朋友是你送给自己的一 份礼物
A friend is a present which you give yourself.
1.The eggs (who/which) I bought were not fresh.
√ 2.The friend( who/ which )came to √
Key words&expressions
4. nuisance
n. 讨厌的东西或人 What a nuisance! 真讨厌! You are a real nuisance to me. 你真是太讨厌了! make a nuisance of oneself = make oneself a nuisance 惹人讨厌 Don„t make yourself a nuisance to others. 不要做一个令人讨厌的人。
Key words&expressions
6. surprise
⑴ n. 惊喜;惊讶;意外的事 Surprise! to sb‟s surprise To the surprise of me = to the surprise of sb令某人惊讶的是 To my surprise, she is the mother of two children. in surprise 吃惊地,在惊慌中 He looked at me in surprise. ⑵ v. 使...惊讶 You always surprise me.
supper last night was not hungry. 3.The noodles( which/ who)you √ cooked were delicious. 4.The friend (who/ whom) I saw √ yesterday was not Tom. 5.She is the girl (who / whom )
1.take a photograph =take a photo =take a picture 2. during my trip 3. let me see =let me have a look Let me see it. =Let me have a look at it. 4. travel on a ship travel5. What a beautiful ship!
Tea for two SUSAN: Can’t you come in and have tea now, Peter? PETER: Not yet. I must water ____ the garden first. water it now? SUSAN: Do you have to _____ PETER: I’m afraid I must. terribly dry. Look at it! It’s ______ nuisance SUSAN: What a _______! PETER: Last summer it was very dry, too. Don’t you remember? I had _______ to water it every day. SUSAN: Well, I’ll have tea by myself. SUSAN: That was quick! Have you finished already? PETER: Yes. Look out of the window. SUSAN: It’s raining! That means _____ you don’t need to _____ water the garden. surprise PETER: That was a pleasant _______. means I can have tea, instead. It _____