英美诗歌选读 第八讲

英美诗歌选读 第八讲
英美诗歌选读 第八讲




史诗可分为三种,即史诗(epic),戏拟史诗(epic satire)和英雄叙事诗(heroic narrative)。


史诗指一种宏篇巨制且自成一卷的叙事诗,用高雅的语言叙述英雄的事迹,风格庄严华美,多用精巧的修辞手法,如史诗明喻等。早期诗史多为民族传奇,往往被看成是一个民族的伟大文化财富之一,如英国民族史诗《贝奥武甫》(Beowulf)即是如此。其他史诗有斯宾塞的《仙后》(The Faerie Queen,1590~1596),贾尔斯?弗莱彻(Giles Fletcher,1586-1623)的《基督的胜利》(Christs Victorie,and Triumph in Heaven,and Earth,over,and after Death,1610),弥尔顿的《失乐园》(Paradise Lost,1667)、《复乐园》(Paradise Regained,1671)。布莱克的《弥尔顿》也可以看作是一部史诗。

《贝奥武甫》现代译文第735行~第766行描述了贝奥武甫在鹿厅与巨怪葛婪代的激战:Mighty and canny,

Hegylac’s kinsman was keenly watching

for the first move the monster would make.

Nor did the creature keep him waiting

but struck suddenly and started in;

he grabbed and mauled a man on his bench,

bit into his bone-lappings,bolted down his blood

and gorged on him in lumps,leaving the body

utterly lifeless,eaten up

hand and foot. Venturing closer,

his talon was raised to attack Beowulf

where he lay on the bed,he was bearing in

with open claw when the alert hero’s

comeback and armlock forestalled him utterly.

The captain of evil discovered himself

in a handgrip harder than anything

He had ever encountered in any man

on the face of the earth. Every bone in his body

quailed and recoiled,but he could not escape.

He was desperate to flee to his den and hide

with the devil’s litter,for in all his days

he had never been clamped or cornered like this.

Then Hygelac’s trusty retainer recalled

his bedtime speech,sprang to his feet

and got a firm hold. Fingers were bursting,

the monster back-tracking,the man overpowering.

The dread of the land was desperate to escape,

to take a roundabout and flee

to his lair in the fens. The latching power

in his fingers weakened;it was the worst trip

the terror-monger had taken to Heorot. [1]

(Beowulf, a verse translation by Seamus Heaney)


But on his brest a bloudie Crosse he bore,

The deare remembrance of his dying Lord,

For whose sweete sake that glorious badge he wore,

And dead as living ever him adored:

Upon his shielde the like was also scored,

For soveraine hope,which in his helpe he had:

Right faithful true he was in deede and word,

But of his cheere did seeme too solemne sad;

Yet nothing did he dread,but ever was ydrad. [2]

斯宾塞向后来的诗人赠送了一笔宝贵遗产,那就是他有名的九行诗体,这里引的诗节就是典型的斯宾塞诗体。这是一种复杂的诗体,押韵格式为abab bcbc c。前八行是五韵步,第九行即最后一行延长为六韵步。节奏徐缓,韵式有连锁之美(b韵重复四次,c韵三次)。这种诗体影响深远,拜伦、雪莱、济慈、丁尼生等都曾经用该诗体写出佳作,因此人们称斯宾塞为“诗人的诗人”。



What though the field be lost?

All is not lost;the unconquerable Will,

And study of revenge,immortal hate,

And courage never to submit or yield:

And what is else not to be overcome?

That Glory never shall his wrath or might

Extort from me. To bow and sue for grace

With suppliant knee,and deifie his power

Who from the terror of this Arm so late

Doubted his Empire,that were low indeed,

That were an ignominy and shame beneath

This downfall;since by Fate the strength of Gods

And this Empyreal substance cannot fail,

Since through experience of this great event

In Arms not worse,in foresight much advanced,

We may with more successful hope resolve

To wage by force or guile eternal War

Irreconcileable,to our grand Foe,

Who now triumphs,and in th' excess of joy

Sole reigning holds the Tyranny of Heav'n. [3]


In either hand the hastening Angel caught

Our lingering parents,and to the eastern gate

Led them direct,and down the cliff as fast

To the subjected plain—then disappeared.

They,looking back,all the eastern side beheld

Of Paradise,so late their happy seat,

Waved over by that flaming brand;the gate

With dreadful faces thronged and fiery arms.

Some natural tears they dropped,but wiped them soon;

The world was all before them,where to choose

Their place of rest,and Providence their guide.

They,hand in hand,with wandering steps and slow,

Through Eden took their solitary way. [4]


《复乐园》写的是耶稣挫败了撒旦的种种诱惑,使撒旦在成功地诱惑了夏娃之后终于遭到失败,这样,人类就可以赎罪而重新升入天堂,也就是恢复了乐园。全诗的结构是一场大辩论,耶稣与撒旦不断辩论,自始至终,贯穿四章。诗的开始七行是全诗的总序:I,who erewhile the Happy Garden sung

By one man’s disobedience lost,now sing

Recovered Paradise to all mankind,

By one man’s firm obedience fully tried

Through all temptation,and the Tempter foiled

In all his wiles,defeated and repulsed,

And Eden raised in the waste Wilderness. [5]

第一句是说诗人在写《复乐园》之前曾写了《失乐园》,咏亚当受诱惑食禁果而失去乐园。第二行的“一人”(one man),指亚当和夏娃,他们夫妇是一体。


戏拟史诗,即讽刺史诗,指一种通过滑稽性地模仿严肃史诗的手法,主要描写非英雄故事的长篇叙事诗。如蒲柏的《劫发记》(The Rape of the Lock)(1714),拜伦的《唐璜》(Don Juan)(1819-24)等。



I want a hero:an uncommon want,

When every year and month sends forth a new one,

Till,after cloying the gazettes with cant,

The age discovers he is not the true one;

Of such as these I should not care to vaunt,

I'll therefore take our ancient friend Don Juan --

We all have seen him,in the pantomime,

Sent to the devil somewhat ere his time. [6]


英雄叙事诗指一种风格庄严、典雅,类似史诗的叙事诗,叙述英雄的伟大业绩或所遭受的苦难,但情节单一。一般来说,能够在一两个小时内一口气读完的叙述英雄事迹的长诗就可以被叫做英雄叙事诗。如:乔叟《坎特伯雷故事》中《教士讲的故事》(The Parson’s Tale),讲述的是名人落难记,包括《圣经》中的人物撒旦、参孙、赫拉克勒斯以及西班牙的彼得王、叙利亚古国国王的故事等。另外还有莎士比亚的《维纳斯与阿多尼斯》(Venus and Adonis,1593)、《鲁克丽斯受辱记》(The Rape of Lucrece,1594),丁尼生《国王叙事诗》(Idylls of the King,1859)中的叙事段落,马修?阿诺德的《邵莱与罗斯托》(Sohrab and Rustum,1853)等。


'But this foul,grim,and urchin-snouted boar,

Whose downward eye still looketh for a grave,

Ne'er saw the beauteous livery that he wore;

Witness the entertainment that he gave:

If he did see his face,why then I know

He thought to kiss him,and hath kill'd him so.

''Tis true,'tis true;thus was Adonis slain:

He ran upon the boar with his sharp spear,

Who did not whet his teeth at him again,

But by a kiss thought to persuade him there;

And nuzzling in his flank,the loving swine

Sheath'd unaware the tusk in his soft groin.

'Had I been tooth'd like him,I must confess,

With kissing him I should have kill'd him first;

But he is dead,and never did he bless

My youth with his;the more am I accurst.'

With this she falleth in the place she stood,

And stains her face with his congealed blood [7]


From the besieged Ardea all in post,

Borne by the trustless wings of false desire,

Lust-breathed Tarquin leaves the Roman host,

And to Collatium bears the lightless fire

Which,in pale embers hid,lurks to aspire

And girdle with embracing flames the waist

Of Collatine's fair love,Lucrece the chaste.

Haply that name of 'chaste' unhappily set

This bateless edge on his keen appetite;

When Collatine unwisely did not let

To praise the clear unmatched red and white

Which triumph'd in that sky of his delight,

Where mortal stars,as bright as heaven's beauties,

With pure aspects did him peculiar duties. [8]



传统歌谣都是无名氏作品,一代一代口传下来的,其最大特点是单纯质朴。也有知名诗人自觉创作的文人歌谣,华兹华斯和柯尔律治匿名出版的《抒情歌谣集》(The Lyrical Ballads)(1798)中就有华兹华斯的《荆棘》(The Thorn)、《痴尔》(The Idiot Boy)等和柯尔律治的《古舟子咏》(The Rime of the Ancient Marine),奥斯卡?王尔德的《雷丁监狱之歌》(The Ballad of Reading Goal,1898)也属于文人歌谣。另外还有考珀(William Cowper,1731-1800)的滑稽歌谣《约翰?吉尔宾》(John Gilpin)等。


The Wedding-Guest sat on a stone:

He cannot choose but hear;

And thus spake on that ancient man,

The bright-eyed Mariner.

‘The ship was cheered,the harbour cleared,

Merrily did we drop

Below the kirk,below the hill,

Below the lighthouse top.

‘The Sun came up upon the left,

Out of the sea came he!

And he shone bright,and on the right

Went down into the sea. [9]



John Gilpin was a citizen

Of credit and renown,

A train-band captain eke was he

Of famous London town.

John Gilpin's spouse said to her dear,

Though wedded we have been

These twice ten tedious years,yet we

No holiday have seen.

To-morrow is our wedding-day,

And we will then repair

Unto 'The Bell' at Edmonton,

All in a chaise and pair.

My sister and my sister's child,

Myself and children three,

Will fill the chaise;so you must ride

On horseback after we. [10]



“O what can ail thee,knight-at-arms,

So haggard and so woe-begone?

The squirrel’s granary is full,

And the harvest’s done.

“I see a lily on thy brow

With anguish moist and fever dew;

And on thy cheek a fading rose

Fast withereth too.”

“I met a lady in the meads,

Full beautiful ___ a faery’s child,

Her hair was long,her foot was light,

And her eyes were wild. [11]

(John Keats:La Belle Dame sans Merci)



He did not wear his scarlet coat,

For blood and wine are red,

And blood and wine were on his hands

When they found him with the dead,

The poor dead woman whom he loved,

And murdered in her bed.

He walked amongst the Trial Men

In a suit of shabby grey;

A cricket cap was on his head,

And his step seemed light and gay;

But I never saw a man who looked

So wistfully at the day. [12]

(Oscar Wilde:The Ballad of Reading Gaol)



Now would you see this aged Thorn,

This pond,and beauteous hill of moss,

You must take care and choose your time

The mountain where to cross.

For oft there sits between the heap

So like an infant’s grave in size,

And that same pond of which I spoke,

A Woman in a scarlet cloak,

And to herself she cries,

“Oh misery!oh misery!

Oh woe is me!oh misery!”[13]

(William Wordsworth:The Thorn)


戏剧诗(dramatic poem)的含义宽泛,既指运用某中戏剧技巧,如戏剧对话(dramatic dialogue)、戏剧独白(dramatic monologue)等写的诗歌,又指供阅读而不太适合演出的诗剧(poetic drama or verse drama),还泛指任何剧本中出现的诗歌的各种形式。戏剧诗一般用素体来写,如莎士比亚《如愿》以下诗行:

The sixth age shifts

Into the lean and slipper’s pantaloon,

With spectacles on nose,and pouch on side,

His youthful hose well sav’d, a world too wide

For his shrunk shank,and his big manly voice,

Turning again toward childish treble,pipes

And whistles in his sound. Last scene of all,

That ends this strange eventful history,

Is second childishness,and mere oblivion,

Sans teeth,sans eyes,sans taste,sans everything.[14]

(Shakespeare:As You Like It,Act III,Scene VII)

弥尔顿的悲剧《力士参孙》(Samson Agonistes,1671)和雪莱的《解放了的普罗米修斯》(Prometheus Unbound,1820)也属于戏剧诗。


SAMSON. A little onward lend thy guiding hand

To these dark steps,a little further on;

For yonder bank hath choice of sun or shade.

There I am wont to sit,when any chance

Relieves me from my task of servile toil,

Daily in the common prison else enjoined me,

Where I, a prisoner chained,scarce freely draw

The air,imprisoned also,close and damp,

Unwholesome draught. But here I feel amends—

The breath of Heaven fresh blowing,pure and sweet,

With day-spring born;[15]

(John Milton:Samson Agonistes,Lines 1~11)


“Hitherto,Lords,what your commands imposed

I have performed,as reason was,obeying,

Not without wonder or delight beheld;

Now,of my own accord,such other trial

I mean to show you of my strength yet greater

As with amaze shall strike all who behold.”

This uttered,straining all his nerves,he bowed;

As with the force of winds and waters pent

When mountains tremble,those two massy pillars

With horrible convulsion to and fro

He tugged,he shook,till down they came,and drew

The whole roof after them with burst of thunder

Upon the heads of all who sat beneath,

Lords,ladies,captains,counsellors,or priests,

Their choice nobility and flower,not only

Of this,but each Philistian city round,

Met from all parts to solemnise this feast.

Samson,with these immixed,inevitably

Pulled down the same destruction on himself;

The vulgar only scaped,who stood without. [16]

(John Milton:Samson Agonistes,Lines 1640~1659)


And women,too,frank,beautiful,and kind,

As the free heaven which rains fresh light and dew

On the wide earth,passed;gentle,radiant forms,

From custom's evil taint exempt and pure;

Speaking the wisdom once they could not think,

Looking emotions once they feared to feel,

And changed to all which once they dared not be,

Yet being now,made earth like heaven;[17]

(Shelley:Prometheus Unbound,Act III,Scene IV,Lines 153-162)

妇女的解放只是全人类解放的一个部分,而整个社会的解放之后,将是一副全新的面目:The loathsome mask has fallen,the man remains

Sceptreless,free,uncircumscribed,but man

Equal,unclassed,tribeless,and nationless,

Exempt from awe,worship,degree,the king

Over himself;just,gentle,wise;but man

Passionless--no,yet free from guilt or pain.[18]

(Shelley:Prometheus Unbound,Act III,Scene IV,Lines 193-198)


故事诗(metrical tale)就是用诗的形式讲的故事。《坎特伯雷故事》由很多个故事组成,向人们清晰地展现了十四世纪上半叶英国社会各阶层的社会面貌。其中巴思妇所讲的关于她自己的婚姻的故事就特别有代表性,她是讲她自己的故事。

Now sire,thanne wol I telle you forth my tale.

As evere mote I drinke win or ale,

I shal saye sooth:tho housbondes that I hadde,

As three of hem were goode,and two were bade,

The three men were goode,and riche,and olde;

Unnethe mighte they the statut holde

In which they were bounden unto me—

Ye woot wel what I mene of this,pardee.

As help me God,I laughe whan I thinke

How pitously anight I made hem swinke;

And by my fay,I tolde of it no stoor:

They hadde me yiven hir land and hir tresor;

Me deeded nat do lenger diligence

To winne hir love or doon hem reverence.

They loved me so wel,by God above,

That I ne tolde no daintee of hir love.

As wis womman wol bisye hire ever in oon

To gete hire love,ye,ther as she hath noon,

But sith I hadde hem hoolly in myn hand,

And sith that they hadde yiven me all hir land,

What sholde I take keep hem for to plese,

But it were for my profit and myn ese?[19]



This clerk was cleped hende Nicholas.

Of derne love he coude,and of solas,

And therto he was sly and ful privee,

And lik a maide meeke for to see.

A chambre hadde he in that hostelrye

Alone,withouten any compaignye

Fetisly ydight with herbes swoote,

And he himself as sweete as is the roote

Of licoris or any setewale. [20]

华兹华斯的《迈克尔》(Michael),其副标题是“一首牧歌”(a Pastoral Poem),但它应该属于叙事诗,主要讲述老牧人迈克尔一家三口的故事。诗歌一开始不久,就描述了主人公迈克尔的情况:

Upon the forest-side in Grasmere Vale

There dwelt a Shepherd,Michael was his name;

An old man,stout of heart,and strong of limb.

His bodily fame had been from youth to age

Of an unusual strength:his mind was keen,

Intense and frugal,apt for all affairs,

And in his shepherd’s calling he was prompt

And watchful more than ordinary men.

Hence had he learned the meaning of all winds.

Of blasts of every tone:and,oftentimes,

When others heeded not,he heard the South

Make subterraneous music,like the noise

Of bagpipers on distant Highland hills. [21]


His bodily frame had been from youth to age

Of an unusual strength. Among the rocks

He went,and still looked up to sun and cloud,

And listened to the wind:and,as before,

Performed all kinds of labour for his sheep,

And for the land,his small inheritance.

And to that hollow dell from time to time

Did he repair,to build the Fold of which

His flock had need. [22]

[1] 赫依拉勇武的外甥目不转睛,/ 看这杀人凶手如何实施攻击。/ 那怪物并无耐心,/ 说时迟,那时快,/ 早已抓起一位沉睡中的战士,/ 迫不及待,一把撕开/ 放进血盆大口,将骨锁咬得粉碎,/ 狼吞虎咽,鲜血如注,/ 刹那间整具尸首已入腹中,/ 连手带足!然后他猛扑上前,/ 伸手便抓假睡在床的英雄,/ 张开魔爪直捣贝奥武甫。/ 不料那猛士回敬得更快,/ 翻身坐起,以全身重量压上他的手臂。/ 孽障之主立刻发现,/ 世界上没有任何地方任何人,/ 请他领赏过如此强大的受力。/ 他心中惧怕起来,/ 可一下子又脱不了身。/ 他想逃窜,逃进黑暗的老巢,/ 窜回鬼怪中间。行凶一世,/ 他从来没受过这番礼遇!/ 然而那豪杰,赫依拉的外甥/ 牢记着那天晚上的誓言,一跃而起,/ 将魔爪死死钳在手掌。怪物的手指断了,/ 他不顾一切,拼命向外挣扎。/ 英雄步步紧逼;罪犯只求躲避,/ 不管什么地方;但愿早早告辞鹿厅,/ 藏进沼泽老巢。他知道自己手指的力量/ 已经留在敌人手中。这害人妖精/来鹿厅这同意趟,可真没赶巧。(冯象译)此译文是译者根据古英语译出,故与这里采用的现代作家诗人希尼的现代英语译文不能一一对应。

[2] 他胸前饰有一枚血红的十字,/ 这是对殉难之主的亲切纪念,/ 为了主,他戴上这枚光辉的标志,/ 敬奉主——虽死犹如永活一般:/ 同样的红十字也绘在银盾上面,/ 表明想获得主佑的最高希望:/ 在言行两方面他都忠心可见,/ 但一幅庄严的神情流露在脸上;/ 他无所畏惧,却总是令人敬畏异常。(胡家峦译)

[3] 地盘丢了又怎样?/ 并非什么都丢光:不挠的意志、/ 热切的复仇心、不灭的憎恨,/ 以及永不屈服、永不退让的勇气,/ 还有什么难以战胜的呢?/ 他的暴怒或威力永远/ 夺不走我身上的那荣耀。/ 经过这一次战争的惨烈,/ 好容易才使他的政权动摇;/ 这时还要弯腰

屈膝,向他/ 哀求怜悯,拜倒在他的权力之下,/ 那才真正是卑鄙、可耻,/ 比这次的沉沦还要卑贱。/ 因为我们生而有神力,/ 秉有清轻的灵质,不能朽坏,/ 又因这次大事件的经验,/ 我们要准备更好的武器,/ 更远的预见,更有成功的希望,/ 用暴力或智力向我们的大敌/ 挑起不可调和的持久战争。/ 他现在正自夸胜利,得意忘形,/ 独揽大权,在天上掌握虐政呢。(朱维之译)

[4] 那天使看见这情景,急忙/ 两手牵住我们的始祖父母,/ 一直把他们领到乐园的东门,/ 急速奔下山岩,如履平地,/ 然后不见了。他们二人回顾/ 自己原住的幸福乐园的东侧,/ 那上面有火焰的剑在挥动。/ 门口有可怖面目和火武器的队伍。/ 他们滴下自然的眼泪,但很快/ 就拭掉了;世界整个放在他们/ 面前,让他们选择安身的地方,/ 有神的意图作他们的指导。/ 二人手携手,慢移流浪的脚步,/ 告别伊甸,踏上他们孤寂的路途。(朱维之译)

[5] 我先前曾讴歌那快乐的庭园,/ 那庭园只为一人违逆天命而丧失了;/ 现在又来歌咏这为人类而收复的乐园,/ 这乐园只为一人严守神旨而复得,/ 经过种种诱惑,试探,/ 抵抗诱惑者一切诡计,/ 终于追奔逐北,握取最后胜利,/ 在广漠的荒野中复兴伊甸。(朱维之译)[6] 我缺少一个英雄:真是个不寻常的缺陷,/ 当每年每月都有一个新的英雄产生,/ 直到报章上满纸登载了一阵废话以后,/ 这时代却发现他不是真正的英雄:/ 象这些个我实在无意来歌颂,/ 因此我就把我们的老朋友唐璜拿来——/ 我们大家在哑剧里都看到过他,/ 他似乎没有活到他的寿限就一命呜呼。(朱维基译)

[7] “但是丑恶的拱着嘴巴的野猪,/ 眼光总是下垂,像是寻找坟地,/ 根本没看见他的翩翩的风度;/ 请注意他是怎样对待他的:/ 如果他看到他的脸,那么我知道/ 他是本想吻他,竟那样把他杀害了。/ “的确,的确,阿多尼斯是这样被杀:/ 他挺着尖矛奔向野猪,/ 野猪并没有再磨他的牙,/ 只是想用一吻把他说服;/ 这亲热的猪,用鼻子在他身上乱拱,/ 一不当心,把牙插进了他的腹中。/ “我若有他那样的牙,我得承认,/ 我早已用一吻就会把他杀害;/ 不过他已死了,他不曾用他的青春/ 和我缱绻;只怪我的命太坏。”/ 说完这话她立即晕倒在地,/ 脸上染了他的淤凝的血迹。(梁实秋译)

[8] 欲火中烧的塔尔昆,/ 鼓着邪恶的淫念,/ 匆匆离开围攻阿尔地亚的罗马大军,/ 带着隐在灰烬中的无光火焰,/ 往科拉提阿姆去称心如愿,/ 想用一团烈火来拥抱/ 柯拉廷的贞洁美妻鲁克丽斯的腰。/ 也许那“贞洁”之名不幸/ 激起了他的强烈欲念,/ 皆因柯拉廷一时冲动,/ 不该那样极口的称赞/ 他的娇妻之无比的美艳;/ 她的两眼有如天上的明星,/ 对他熠熠照耀,脉脉传情。(梁实秋译)

[9] 客人在一块石头上坐下来——/ 没法子,他只能静听;/ 这目光灼灼的古舟子/ 把往事叙述分明:// “人声喧嚷,海船离港,/ 兴冲冲,我们出发;/ 经过教堂,经过山冈,/ 经过高高的灯塔。// 太阳从左边海面升起,/ 仿佛从海底出来;/ 它大放光明,在天上巡行,/ 向左边沉入大海。(杨德豫译)

[10] 约翰?吉尔宾是一位/ 有名望的市民/ 而且他还是著名伦敦/ 一队人马首领。// 吉尔宾爱妻对他讲/ 虽然我们结婚/ 已长达乏味二十年,/ 还没度过假期。// 明天是我们结婚日,/ 那么我们就去/ 位于爱德蒙特的“钟”,/ 全坐四轮马车。// 我妹和妹家的孩子,/ 我和三个孩子,/ 坐满马车,你就只好/ 乘马跟随我们。

[11] “为什么你这样痛苦呵,骑士——/ 形容憔悴,神情沮丧?/ 松鼠的窝里已贮满粮食,/ 收获都进了谷仓。// “我见你额角白如百合,/渗出热汗像颗颗露珠,/ 我见你面颊好似玫瑰/ 正在很快地干枯。”// “草地上我遇到一位姑娘,/ 美丽妖冶像天仙的小女儿,/ 她头发曼长,腿脚轻捷,/ 有一对狂放的眼珠儿。(屠岸译)

[12] 他没有穿他的红大衣,/ 因血和酒为红色,/ 人们见他与死者一起/ 手上沾着血和酒/ 可怜死者是他所爱,/ 床上被人杀害。//他走在审判者中间,/ 穿着灰烂衣衫;/ 头上戴的是

板球帽,/ 步伐显得轻盈欢快;/ 但我从未在白天见过/ 如此愁闷的人。

[13] 如果你要看看这老荆树,/ 水塘和美丽的青苔土墩,/ 就得挑拣去山间的时间,就得自己多留点神。/ 因为,婴儿坟大小的土墩/ 和我刚说过的水塘之间,/ 有位妇女唱坐在那地方,/ 她身上穿着猩红的大氅,/ 自言自语地在呼喊:/ “我呀真是苦!我呀真是苦!/ 哎呀,我真惨!我呀真是苦!”(黄杲炘译)

[14] 第六期便成为一个瘦弱的穿拖鞋的老朽,鼻子上架着眼镜,身边挂着钱袋,年轻时省下来的一双长袜子穿在缩小的小腿上却松得厉害;男人洪亮的声音又变为儿童的细嗓,说起话来唧唧地叫。结束这一段离奇多变的故事之最后的一幕,便是返老还童,忘怀一切,没有牙齿,没有眼,没有口味,没有一切。(梁实秋译)

[15] 有劳你引路的手,领我这瞎子/ 不见天日的脚步向前再迈进几步;/ 在前面河边可以选择阳光或树荫:/ 我有机会暂免劳役苦工时,/ 就要到这儿来选个地方坐坐;/ 平时,我这个带镣铐的囚徒,/ 每天都在狱中干活,不得自由呼吸,/ 连空气也被囚禁,窒闷、潮湿、/ 恶浊、霉烂。但在这里得到了补偿,/ 天风拂晓,吹来清洁和煦的/ 新鲜气息;(朱维之译)[16] “老爷们!我已经依从你们的命令/ 表演了各种武艺,不无新奇玩意,/ 也引起你们一些高兴;/ 现在我自己主动表现一点新东西,/ 表现一下我更大的气力,/ 给你们看了会感到大吓一跳。”/ 说完了,他咬紧牙关,拉紧/ 每条神经,低下头,用撼山动地的/ 暴风雨和山洪的千钧之力,/ 摇震那两根柱子,把他们左右震荡,/ 拖拉、摇曳,终于轰的一声塌下,/ 整个屋顶随着崩摧,雷霆一般/ 砸在底下坐着的人们身上,/ 首长们、贵妇们、将军们、顾问们、祭司们,/ 以及本城和附近各非利士城的/ 豪绅贵族,娇嫩如花的美人/ 被挑选来赴宴的都在内。/ 参孙和他们在一起;/ 他自己拉倒大厦,自然也同归于尽;/ 幸免的只有那些站在外面的穷百姓。(朱维之译)

[17] 女人也洒脱,美丽,仁慈,一如/ 那向大地洒下光和露水的蓝天,/ 体态轻盈,光彩夺目,再没有/ 旧风俗打下的污渍,完全纯洁;/ 谈吐生智,而过去她们不敢思想,/ 真情袒露,而过去她们不敢感觉,/ 她们变了,过去不敢做的全实现了,/ 这一变使人世成了天堂。(王佐良译)

[18] 自由,不受管辖,不受限制,真正的/ 人,平等,没有阶级、种族、国家,/ 没有恐惧、迷信、等级,每人都是/ 自己的王,公正、温和、聪明。(王佐良译)

[19] 各位,我现在就来讲我的故事:/ 有关我丈夫的事,我爱讲事实——/ 就像葡萄酒、麦芽酒总招我爱——/ 五个丈夫里头,三个好两个坏。/ 头三个又好又有钱,只是很老,/ 所以差不多没有一个能做到/ 他们理当给我做到的那一条——/ 我这话什么意思,你们也知道。/ 想到我夜里使他们窘态毕露,/ 真要笑死我,只好求天主保护——/ 真的,他们那点活不在我眼里。/ 他们给了我他们的钱财、土地;/ 所以我不必再去花什么气力/ 博取他们的爱,向他们表敬意。/ 天知道,他们爱我爱得很真挚,/ 所以,对他们的爱我并不珍视!/ 一个明智的女人总集中精力/ 去把她还没有占有的爱博取。/ 而既然我已把他们捏在手里,/ 既然他们已向我显出了土地,/ 那么,不为了我的乐趣和利益,/ 我何必还费心去讨他们欢喜。(黄杲炘译)

[20] 这位书生叫做殷勤的尼古拉,/ 他熟知男女私情和偷欢作耍,/ 同时他为人相当机灵和狡黠,/ 看来却又温顺得像个姑娘家。/ 他在那木匠家租了一间房屋,/ 独自一个,没有别的人陪他住。/ 他那间屋里布置了芳草香花,/ 极其雅致;他本人也同样潇洒,/ 看上去甜美得像是干草的根。(黄杲炘译)

[21] 在格拉斯米尔谷地里,森林旁边,/ 住着一个牧羊人,名叫迈克尔;/ 老了,性子可刚强,手脚也硬朗。/ 从小到老,他那一副身子骨/ 一直是强健非凡;又俭省,又勤快,/ 心灵手巧,干什么活计都在行;/ 在他们牧羊人当中,他也比别人/ 遇事更留神,办事更干脆利落。/ 不论刮什么风,狂风唱的是/ 什么调,他都明白其中的含义;/ 往往,当别人谁

也不曾留神,/ 他却听到了南风在隐约吹奏,/ 仿佛远处高山上传来的风笛。(杨德豫译)[22] 从小到老,他那一副身子骨/ 一直是强健非凡。他照样上山去,/ 仰望太阳和云彩,听风的呼唤;/ 照样干各种活计,侍弄那群羊,/ 侍弄那块地——他那份小小的产业。/ 也时常走向那一片空旷的山谷,/ 该他的羊群砌那座新的羊栏。(杨德豫译)


第三讲英美诗歌的押韵 押韵(rhyme)是指一个音节的读音在以后音节读音中的重复,或是一个单词的最后一个音节或几个音节的读音在以后音节相应位置的读音重复。 从押韵的位置看,押韵主要有头韵(alliteration)、尾韵(end rhyme)和中间韵或腹韵(internal rhyme)。尾韵又分全韵(perfect rhyme)和非全韵(imperfect rhyme)两种。全韵要求押韵的辅音和元音都相同,非全韵又包括只是元音相同但辅音不押韵的元韵(assonance)和只押辅音不押元音的和韵(consonance),另外,还有从拼写上看起来似乎押韵但实际读音并不押韵的目韵(eye rhyme, visual rhyme or sight rhyme)等。 第一节头韵 头韵是指一行(节)诗中几个词开头的辅音相同,形成押韵。如克里斯蒂娜?罗塞蒂的《歌》前两诗节: When I am dead, my dearest, Sing no sad songs for me; Plant thou no rose at my head, Nor shady cypress tree: Be the green grass above me With showers and dewdrops wet; And if thou wilt, remember, And if thou wilt, forget. 1 (Christina Rossetti: Song) 第一行的dead / dearest,第二行的sing / sad / songs,第五行的green / grass,第六行的with / wet押头韵。 又如柯尔律治的《古舟子咏》第103~第106行: The fair breeze blew, the white foam flew, The furrow followed free, We were the first that ever burst Into that silent sea. 2 (Samuel Taylor Coleridge: The Rime of the Ancient Mariner) 1当我离开人间,最亲爱的,/ 别为我哀歌悲切;/ 我的墓前不要栽玫瑰,/ 也不要柏树茂密;// 愿绿草覆盖我的身躯,/ 沾着湿润的灵珠雨水;/ 假如你愿意,就把我怀念,/ 假如你愿意,就把我忘却。(徐安祥译)2好风吹送,浪花飞涌,/ 船行时留下纹路;/ 这幽静海面,在我们以前/ 从来没有人闯入。(杨德豫译)

英美诗歌选读 第四讲

英美诗歌选读第四讲 [大] [中] [小] 英美诗歌的基本押韵格式 押韵格式(rhyme scheme)指的是一首诗中各押韵诗行的组合形式。一般说来,每首诗都由数量不同的诗行组成,每一行的结尾都按照其读音的相同或类似而押韵,并表现出规律性。 押韵格式分为定型诗歌格式和普通诗歌格式。前一种格式主要有十四行诗体、斯宾塞诗体、回旋诗体等押韵格式;普通诗歌格式主要有双行押韵格式(aa)、隔行交互押韵格式(abab)和吻韵格式(abba)。 第一节基本押韵格式 一、双行押韵格式(aa) 它是英语诗歌最基本押韵格式,主要用于双行诗节(couplet)。双行诗节指两行押韵或不押韵的诗行。双行诗节可以单独成为诗节,也可以存在于其他诗节中。七行体(又称皇韵体,rhyme royal)诗和八行体(octa rima)诗用双行诗节结束,莎士比亚的十四行诗也是用双行诗节结束全诗。 双行诗节分开放双行诗节(open couplet)和完整双行诗节(closed couplet)两种。完整双行诗节如果是用抑扬格五韵步写成,就被称为英雄双行诗节(heroic couplet)。 开放双行诗节指的是跨行的双行诗体,即两行诗有共同的语法和逻辑结构,但第二行的意思需要继续下去,直到在后面的诗行中结束。如济慈叙述希腊神话中的美少年长诗《恩弟米安》开始几行: A thing of beauty is a joy for ever: Its loveliness increases;it will never Pass into nothingness;but still will keep A bower quiet for us,and a sleep Full of sweet dreams,and health,and quiet breathing. Therefore,on every morrow,are we wreathing A flowery band to bind us to the earth, Spite of despondence,of the inhuman dearth Of noble natures (1) (John Keats:Endymion) 这些诗行的特点是: 首先,每两行押韵,即ever / never,keep / sleep,breathing / wreathing,earth / dearth 押韵。 其次,第一行是完整句,第二行要表达的意思跨入下面数行才结束。 双行诗节是英语中最短的诗节,在印刷安排上,有时按两行一个诗节的形式分开排列,有时连续排在一起。每个诗节的押韵不重复,即下一个诗节同上一个诗节不能押相同的韵,必须转韵,因此,整首诗的押韵格式就成了aabbccdd,一直往下推。 完整双行诗节不仅要求两行诗押韵相同,而且要把意思表达完整。英雄双行诗节是完整双行诗节中的一种,它是英语诗歌之父乔叟最喜爱的诗体,如他的《坎特伯雷故事》总引中对骑士的介绍:


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第四讲英美诗歌的基本押韵格式 押韵格式(rhyme scheme)指的是一首诗中各押韵诗行的组合形式。一般说来,每首诗都由数量不同的诗行组成,每一行的结尾都按照其读音的相同或类似而押韵,并表现出规律性。 押韵格式分为定型诗歌格式和普通诗歌格式。前一种格式主要有十四行诗体、斯宾塞诗体、回旋诗体等押韵格式;普通诗歌格式主要有双行押韵格式(aa)、隔行交互押韵格式(abab)和吻韵格式(abba)。 第一节基本押韵格式 一、双行押韵格式(aa) 它是英语诗歌最基本押韵格式,主要用于双行诗节(couplet)。双行诗节指两行押韵或不押韵的诗行。双行诗节可以单独成为诗节,也可以存在于其他诗节中。七行体(又称皇韵体,rhyme royal)诗和八行体(octa rima)诗用双行诗节结束,莎士比亚的十四行诗也是用双行诗节结束全诗。 双行诗节分开放双行诗节(open couplet)和完整双行诗节(closed couplet)两种。完整双行诗节如果是用抑扬格五韵步写成,就被称为英雄双行诗节(heroic couplet)。 开放双行诗节指的是跨行的双行诗体,即两行诗有共同的语法和逻辑结构,但第二行的意思需要继续下去,直到在后面的诗行中结束。如济慈叙述希腊神话中的美少年长诗《恩弟米安》开始几行: A thing of beauty is a joy for ever: Its loveliness increases; it will never Pass into nothingness; but still will keep A bower quiet for us, and a sleep Full of sweet dreams, and health, and quiet breathing. Therefore, on every morrow, are we wreathing A flowery band to bind us to the earth, Spite of despondence, of the inhuman dearth Of noble natures (1) (John Keats: Endymion) 这些诗行的特点是: 首先,每两行押韵,即ever / never,keep / sleep,breathing / wreathing,earth / dearth 1美的事物是一种永恒的愉悦:/ 它的美与日俱增:它永不湮灭,/ 它永不消亡;/ 为了我们,它永远/ 保留着一处幽境,让我们安眠,/ 充满了美梦,健康,宁静的呼吸。/ 这样子,每天清晨,我们编织/ 绚丽的彩带,把我们跟尘世系牢,/ 不管失望,也不管狠心人缺少/ 高贵的天性……(屠岸译)


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第三讲英美诗歌的押韵 押韵(rhyme)是指一个音节的读音在以后音节读音中的重复,或是一个单词的最后一个音节或几个音节的读音在以后音节相应位置的读音重复。 从押韵的位置看,押韵主要有头韵(alliteration)、尾韵(end rhyme)和中间韵或腹韵(internal rhyme)。尾韵又分全韵(perfect rhyme)和非全韵(imperfect rhyme)两种。全韵要求押韵的辅音和元音都相同,非全韵又包括只是元音相同但辅音不押韵的元韵(assonance)和只押辅音不押元音的和韵(consonance),另外,还有从拼写上看起来似乎押韵但实际读音并不押韵的目韵(eye rhyme, visual rhyme or sight rhyme)等。 第一节头韵 头韵是指一行(节)诗中几个词开头的辅音相同,形成押韵。如克里斯蒂娜?罗塞蒂的《歌》前两诗节: When I am dead, my dearest, Sing no sad songs for me; Plant thou no rose at my head, Nor shady cypress tree: Be the green grass above me With showers and dewdrops wet; And if thou wilt, remember, And if thou wilt, forget. 1 (Christina Rossetti: Song) 第一行的dead / dearest,第二行的sing / sad / songs,第五行的green / grass,第六行的with / wet押头韵。 又如柯尔律治的《古舟子咏》第103~第106行: The fair breeze blew, the white foam flew, The furrow followed free, We were the first that ever burst Into that silent sea. 2 (Samuel Taylor Coleridge: The Rime of the Ancient Mariner) 1当我离开人间,最亲爱的,/ 别为我哀歌悲切;/ 我的墓前不要栽玫瑰,/ 也不要柏树茂密;// 愿绿草覆盖我的身躯,/ 沾着湿润的灵珠雨水;/ 假如你愿意,就把我怀念,/ 假如你愿意,就把我忘却。(徐安祥译)2好风吹送,浪花飞涌,/ 船行时留下纹路;/ 这幽静海面,在我们以前/ 从来没有人闯入。(杨德豫译)

英美诗歌选读 第三讲

英美诗歌选读第三讲 [大] [中] [小] 英美诗歌的押韵 押韵(rhyme)是指一个音节的读音在以后音节读音中的重复,或是一个单词的最后一个音节或几个音节的读音在以后音节相应位置的读音重复。 从押韵的位置看,押韵主要有头韵(alliteration)、尾韵(end rhyme)和中间韵或腹韵(internal rhyme)。尾韵又分全韵(perfect rhyme)和非全韵(imperfect rhyme)两种。全韵要求押韵的辅音和元音都相同,非全韵又包括只是元音相同但辅音不押韵的元韵(assonance)和只押辅音不押元音的和韵(consonance),另外,还有从拼写上看起来似乎押韵但实际读音并不押韵的目韵(eye rhyme,visual rhyme or sight rhyme)等。 第一节头韵 头韵是指一行(节)诗中几个词开头的辅音相同,形成押韵。如克里斯蒂娜?罗塞蒂的《歌》前两诗节: When I am dead,my dearest, Sing no sad songs for me; Plant thou no rose at my head, Nor shady cypress tree: Be the green grass above me With showers and dewdrops wet; And if thou wilt,remember, And if thou wilt,forget. [1] (Christina Rossetti:Song) 第一行的dead / dearest,第二行的sing / sad / songs,第五行的green / grass,第六行的with / wet押头韵。 又如柯尔律治的《古舟子咏》第103~第106行: The fair breeze blew,the white foam flew, The furrow followed free, We were the first that ever burst Into that silent sea. [2] (Samuel Taylor Coleridge:The Rime of the Ancient Mariner) 前三行里,头韵[f]重复七次。这个摩擦送气的清辅音模仿柔风轻涛的声音,创造出一种宁静的意境。第四行里的两个[s]音宛如和风吹过沉寂海面而发出的咝咝声。头韵在这里的使用,令读者有身临其境之感。另外,中间韵blew / flew,first / burst,furrow / followed,尾韵free / sea形成悦耳动听的韵味和节奏感。 再如莎士比亚编号为71的十四行诗前八行: No longer mourn for me when I am dead Than you shall hear the surly sullen bell Give warning to the world that I am fled From this vile world with vilest worms to dwell. Nay,if you read this line,remember not The hand that writ it;for I love you so


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第三讲英美诗歌的押韵 押韵(rhyme)是指一个音节的读音在以后音节读音中的重复,或是一个单词的最后一个音节或几个音节的读音在以后音节相应位置的读音重复。 从押韵的位置看,押韵主要有头韵(alliteration)、尾韵(end rhyme)和中间韵或腹韵(internal rhyme)。尾韵又分全韵(perfect rhyme)和非全韵(imperfect rhyme)两种。全韵要求押韵的辅音和元音都相同,非全韵又包括只是元音相同但辅音不押韵的元韵(assonance)和只押辅音不押元音的和韵(consonance),另外,还有从拼写上看起来似乎押韵但实际读音并不押韵的目韵(eye rhyme, visual rhyme or sight rhyme)等。 第一节头韵 头韵是指一行(节)诗中几个词开头的辅音相同,形成押韵。如克里斯蒂娜?罗塞蒂的《歌》前两诗节: When I am dead, my dearest, Sing no sad songs for me; Plant thou no rose at my head, Nor shady cypress tree: Be the green grass above me With showers and dewdrops wet; And if thou wilt, remember, And if thou wilt, forget. 12 (Samuel Taylor Coleridge: The Rime of the Ancient Mariner) 前三行里,头韵[f]重复七次。这个摩擦送气的清辅音模仿柔风轻涛的声音,创造出一种宁静的意境。第四行里的两个[s]音宛如和风吹过沉寂海面而发出的咝咝声。头韵在这里的使用,令读者有身临其境之感。另外,中间韵blew / flew,first / burst,furrow / followed,尾韵free / sea形成悦耳动听的韵味和节奏感。 再如莎士比亚编号为71的十四行诗前八行: No longer mourn for me when I am dead Than you shall hear the surly sullen bell Give warning to the world that I am fled From this vile world with vilest worms to dwell. 1当我离开人间,最亲爱的,/ 别为我哀歌悲切;/ 我的墓前不要栽玫瑰,/ 也不要柏树茂密; 2好风吹送,浪花飞涌,/ 船行时留下纹路;/ 这幽静海面,在我们以前/ 从来没有人闯入。(杨德豫译)


[大] [中] [小] 英美诗歌的押韵 押韵(rhyme)是指一个音节的读音在以后音节读音中的重复,或是一个单词的最后一个音节或几个音节的读音在以后音节相应位置的读音重复。 从押韵的位置看,押韵主要有头韵(alliteration)、尾韵(end rhyme)和中间韵或腹韵(internal rhyme)。尾韵又分全韵(perfect rhyme)和非全韵(imperfect rhyme)两种。全韵要求押韵的辅音和元音都相同,非全韵又包括只是元音相同但辅音不押韵的元韵(assonance)和只押辅音不押元音的和韵(consonance),另外,还有从拼写上看起来似乎押韵但实际读音并不押韵的目韵(eye rhyme, visual rhyme or sight rhyme)等。 第一节头韵 头韵是指一行(节)诗中几个词开头的辅音相同,形成押韵。如克里斯蒂娜?罗塞蒂的《歌》前两诗节: When I am dead, my dearest, Sing no sad songs for me; Plant thou no rose at my head, Nor shady cypress tree: Be the green grass above me With showers and dewdrops wet; And if thou wilt, remember, And if thou wilt, forget. [1] (Christina Rossetti: Song) 第一行的dead / dearest,第二行的sing / sad / songs,第五行的green / grass,第六行的 with / wet押头韵。 又如柯尔律治的《古舟子咏》第103~第106行: The fair breeze blew, the white foam flew, The furrow followed free, We were the first that ever burst Into that silent sea. [2] (Samuel Taylor Coleridge: The Rime of the Ancient Mariner) 前三行里,头韵[f]重复七次。这个摩擦送气的清辅音模仿柔风轻涛的声音,创造出一种宁静的意境。第四行里的两个[s]音宛如和风吹过沉寂海面而发出的咝咝声。头韵在这里的使用,令读者有身临其境之感。另外,中间韵blew / flew,first / burst,furrow / followed,尾韵free / sea形成悦耳动听的韵味和节奏感。 再如莎士比亚编号为71的十四行诗前八行: No longer mourn for me when I am dead Than you shall hear the surly sullen bell Give warning to the world that I am fled From this vile world with vilest worms to dwell. Nay, if you read this line, remember not The hand that writ it; for I love you so That I in your sweet thoughts would be forgot If thinking on me would make you woe. [3]
