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生态学杂志Chinese Journal o f Eco l ogy 2010,29(11):2229-2234


胡宏友1** 肖亮嫦1 张万旗2 刘俊伟2 董克钻1 李学梅1


摘 要 选取平均斑块面积、斑块密度、景观多样性等景观格局指数和林地面积比例、树种











关键词 半自然公园;人工公园;树种多样性;斑块面积

中图分类号 Q149 文献标识码 A 文章编号 1000-4890(2010)11-2229-06

Correlations bet w ee n landscape pattern and plant comm unity structure i n X ia m en urban

parks.HU H ong you1,X I A O L iang chang1,Z HANG W an q i2,L I U Jun w e i2,DONG K e

zuan1,LI Xue m e i1(1StateK ey Laboratory of M arine Environm ental Science,X iam en Universit y,

X iam en361005,Fujian,China;2South Lake P ark M anag e m ent Office of X iam en M unicipal

Gar dens Bureau,X iam en361005,Fujian,China).Chinese J ournal of E cology,2010,29(11):


Abst ract:A i m ed to approach the corre lations and the m utual adaptability bet w een the landscape

pattern and p lant co mm unity str ucture i n X ia m en urban parks,the landscape pattern i n d ices

(average patch size,patch density i n dex,and landscape d i v ersity i n dex)and the plant co mmu

n ity str ucture i n d ices(forest area ratio,spec i e s d i v ersity,and proportion of native species)w ere

selected to quantify the landscape patter n and p lant co mm un ity str ucture i n t h e parks,and the

m utua l Pearson s correlati o n coefficients w ere ana l y zed.I n earli e r constructed artific i a l parks,

tree species w ere rich,w it h un ifor m collocati o n and w ith rati o na l a lloca ti o n of native species and

exotic spec ies.In later constr ucted artificia l parks,tree spec ies co m position w as si m p le,and the

proportion of native speciesw as l o w.In se m i natural par ks,natura l forestsw ere w e llm a i n ta i n ed,

w it h rich tree species and h i g h proporti o n of native spec ies.Co m pared w ith artific ial parks,se m i

natural parks had larger average patch areas,lesser patch types,and lo w er landscape frag m enta

ti o n and l a ndscape d i v ersity.The average patch size w as positi v e l y correlated w ith the forest area

rati o and the proporti o n o f nati v e species,wh ile the landscape d iversity i n dex had a negative cor

re lation w ith the forest area ratio,i n dica ti n g that there ex isted a certa i n spatia l correlation

bet w een p lant landscape pattern and co mm unity struct u re i n X ia m en urban par ks.

K ey w ords:se m i natural par k;artific ial par k;tree species diversity;patch size.

*厦门市市政园林局资助项目(2006 1)。

**通讯作者E m ai:l hongyouhu@x m

收稿日期:2010 05 27 接受日期:2010 08 18
