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课程编码:30615001 学分: 2学分总学时:36学时
教材:Rod Ellis 《第二语言习得》上海外语教育出版社,2000年。
参考书:P. M. Lightbown and N. Spada 《语言学习机制》上海外语教育出版社, 20XX年。
Rod Ellis《第二语言习的研究》上海外语教育出版社, 1994年。
第一部分Introduction: Describing and Explaining L2 Acquisition
Ⅰ.The definition of second language acquisition
Ⅱ.The goals of second language acquisition
Ⅲ.Two case studies
Ⅳ.Methodological issues
Ⅴ.Issues in the description of learner language
Ⅵ.Issues in the explanation of L2 acquisition
教学重点:the definition of second language acquisition
教学难点:the goals of second language acquisition
1. In what respects is Wes a ‘good language learner’ and on what respects is he not one?
2. What is your own definition of a ‘good language learner’?
第二部分The Nature of Learner Language
Ⅰ.Errors and error analysis
Ⅱ.Developmental patterns
Ⅲ.Variability in learner language
Ⅳ. Summary
教学重点:Error analysis and contrast analysis
教学难点:the difference between error analysis and contrast analysis
1. What does Corder mean by saying that an ‘error’is ‘systematic’and a ‘mistake’is ‘unsystematic’? Do you see any problems with this definition?
2. Later Corder recognizes that it may be difficult to distinguish ‘errors’ and ‘mistakes’. Can you suggest ways of doing this?
I. the definition of behaviorist learning theory and its influence on second language acquisition
II. a mentalist theory of language learning and its influence on second language acquisition III. the definition of interlanguage
IV. a computational model of L2 acquisition
教学重点:Behaviorist learning theory
教学难点:the definition of interlanguage
1. What is meant by describing the interlanguage continuum as a “restructuring continuum”?
2. What objections can be leveled against this view of the interlanguage continuum?
第四部分Social Aspects of Interlanguage
Ⅰ. Interlanguage as a stylistic continuum
Ⅱ. The acculturation model of L2 acquisition
Ⅲ. Social identity and investment in L2 learning
教学重点:the understanding of some terms: stylistic continuum; careful style; vernacular style; accommodation theory; divergence; pidginization
教学难点:the understanding of some theories
1. Can you think of any other examples of these two bad learning situations?
2. Can you think of examples of good learning situations?
第五部分Communicative Language Teaching
Ⅰ. Acquiring discourse rules
Ⅱ. The role of input and interaction in L2 acquisition
Ⅲ. The role of output in L2 acquisition
Ⅳ. Summary
教学重点:t he understanding of some terms: foreigner talk; negotiation of meaning; input hypothesis; comprehensible input; interaction hypothesis; negative evidence; scaffolding; zone of proximal; auto-input
教学难点:the understanding of some theories
1. To what extent is Krashen’s input Hypothesis a mentalist theory?
2. “Speaking is the result of acquisition and not its cause.”Do you agree? What counterarguments can you think of?
第六部分Psycholinguistic Aspects of Interlanguage
Ⅰ.L1 transfer
Ⅱ.The role of consciousness in L2 acquisition
Ⅲ.Processing operations
Ⅳ.Communication strategies
Ⅴ.Two types of computational model
教学重点: the understanding of some linguistic terms: communication strategies; negative transfer; positive transfer; avoidance; contrastive analysis; speech act; restructuring continuum; noticing; implicit knowledge; explicit knowledge; notice the gap; operating principles 教学难点:t he understanding of some linguistic theories
1. What languages do you consider ‘typologically close’ and ‘typologically distant’ to your own language?
2. Can you identify structures in your L1 which you perceive to be ‘unmarked’and thus potentially transferable?
第七部分Linguistic Aspects of Interlanguage
Ⅰ. Typological universals: relative clauses
Ⅱ. Universal grammar
Ⅲ. Learnability
Ⅳ. The critical period hypothesis
Ⅴ. Access to UG
Ⅵ. Markedness
Ⅶ. Cognitive versus linguistic explanations
教学重点the understanding of some terms: accessibility hierarchy; universal grammar; poverty of the stimulus; positive evidence; negative evidence; critical period hypothesis 教学难点:t he understanding of some linguistic theories
1. What do you think older children and adults enjoy ‘a short-lived advantage’ over children in learning an L2?
2. What explanations can you offer for the failure of adults to achieve native-like competence in an L2?
第八部分Individual Differences in L2 Acquisition
Ⅰ. Language aptitude
Ⅱ. Motivation
Ⅲ. Learning strategies
教学重点:t he understanding of some linguistic terms: language aptitude; motivation; instrumental; integrative; resultative; intrinsic; learning strategies
教学难点:t he understanding of some linguistic theories
1. What exactly are the “two contrasting orientations to language and language learning”that Skehan has in mind?
2. What alternative view of motivation do Crookes and Schmidt offer?
第九部分Instruction and L2 Acquisition
Ⅰ.The concept of form-focused instruction and its application in second language acquisition Ⅱ. Learner-instruction matching
Ⅲ. Strategic training
Ⅳ. Summary
教学重点:t he understanding of some linguistic terms: teachability hypothesis; production-based instruction; input-based instruction; consciousness-raising
教学难点:t he understanding of some linguistic theories
1. What do the two experiments that Lightbown describes show about the effectiveness of instruction?
2. Why are relative clauses an appropriate grammatical structure to test whether “generalization of instruction” takes place?
第十部分Conclusion: Multiple Perspectives in SLA
The multiple-perspectives in SLA
教学重点: t he multiple-perspectives in SLA
教学难点: To understand that different types of enquiry that characterize SLA and different types of explanations provided reflect the different purposes of researchers
Why do you think terminology proliferated in SLA? Do you think Gregg is right to criticize this?
1. 题型比例:
2. 难度等级:分为较易、中等、较难三个等级,大概比例是20:60:20。
第一部分Introduction: Describing and Explaining L2 Acquisition
1.learner language
2. target language
3. input
4. language aptitude
5. case study
6. overuse
7. item learning
8. system learning
9.mentalist 10 .formulas
1.识记:(1)learner language(2)target language
2.理解:(1)input (2)item learning(3)system learning
(4)learners’ overuse of linguistic forms
3.应用:(1)case study (2) formulas (3) item learning (4) system learning
第二部分The Nature of Learner Language
1. errors and mistakes
2. omission
3. overgeneralization
4. transfer
5. global errors
6. local errors
7. silent period
8. acquisition order
9. sequence of acquisition
10. accuracy order 11. transitional constructions 12. U-shaped course of development
13. restructuring 14. linguistic context 15. psycholinguistic context
16. form-function mappings 17. fossilization
1.识记:(1) fossilization (2) free variation (3) omission
(4) overgeneralization (5) restructuring
2.理解:(1)accuracy order & acquisition order(2)silent period
(3)global errors & local errors (4)U-shaped course of development
(5)linguistic /psycholinguistic/situational context
3.应用:(1)identify errors (2)describing errors (3)explaining errors (4)error evaluation
2. behaviorist learning theory
3. mentalist theory of language learning
4. language acquisition device
5.interlanguage continuum
6.learning strategies
1.识记:(1)interlanguage(2)Backsliding(3)interlanguage continuum (4)intake
(5)behaviorist learning theory (6)mentalist
2.理解:(1)behaviorist learning theory(2)language acquisition device
(3)mentalist theory of language learning
3.应用:Try to analyze your own “interlanguage”.
第四部分Social Aspects of Interlanguage
1.stylistic continuum
2. careful style
3. vernacular style
4. accommodation theory
5. convergence & divergence
6.acculturation model
8. social distance 9.psychological distance 10.investment
1.识记:(1)careful style (2)vernacular style(3)pidginization
2.理解:(1)stylistic continuum (2)accommodation theory
(3)psychological (4)convergence & divergence
3.应用:(1) careful style (2) vernacular style
第五部分Communicative Language Teaching
1. discourse rules
2. foreigner talk
3. negotiation of meaning
4. input hypothesis
5. comprehensible input
6. interaction hypothesis
7. negative evidence 8. scaffolding 9. zone of proximal development 10. auto-input
1.识记:(1)foreigner talk (2) negotiation of meaning (3)auto-input
(4)comprehensible input (5)scaffolding;
2.理解:(1)interaction hypothesis (2)input hypothesis
(3)zone of proximal development
3.应用:(1)discourse rules (2) negotiation of meaning (3) scaffolding
第六部分Psycholinguistic Aspects of Interlanguage
1.L1 transfer
2. communication strategies
3.negative transfer
4.positive transfer
5. avoidance
7.contrastive analysis
8.speech acts
9.restructuring continuum 10.noticing 11.implicit knowledge 12. explicit knowledge
13.notice the gap 14.operating principles 15.dimensional model
16.processing constraints 17.distributed processing
1.识记:(1)negative transfer (2) positive transfer (3) explicit knowledge
(4)speech act (5)noticing;
2.理解:(1)communication strategies (2) notice the gap (3)contrastive analysis
(4)operating principles (5)implicit knowledge (6) explicit knowledge
(7) restructuring continuum;
3. 应用:(1) Notice the gap between what they have observed in the input and the current
state of their interlanguage as manifested in their own output.
(2) communication strategies
第七部分Linguistic Aspects of Interlanguage
1. universal grammar
2. accessibility hierarchy
3. poverty of the stimulus
4. positive evidence
5. negative evidence
6. critical period hypothesis
1.识记:(1)accessibility hierarchy (2) positive evidence (3) negative evidence
2.理解:(1)universal grammar (2)poverty of the stimulus (3)critical period hypothesis 3.应用: (1) accessibility hierarchy (2) critical period hypothesis
第八部分Individual Differences in L2 Acquisition
nguage aptitude
2.motivation: instrumental motivation; integrative motivation;
resultative motivation; intrinsic motivation; 3.learning strategies
1.识记:(1) instrumental motivation (2)integrative motivation
(3)resultative motivation (4)intrinsic motivation;
2. 理解:(1)learning strategies (2)language aptitude;
3. 应用:(1) instrumental motivation (2) integrative motivation
(3) resultative motivation (4) intrinsic motivation;
(5) learning strategies
第九部分Instruction and L2 Acquisition
1. form-focused instruction
2. teachability hypothesis
3. production-based instruction
4. input-based instruction
5. consciousness-raising
6. input flooding
7. learner-instruction matching
1.识记:(1) production-based instruction (2)input-based instruction (3)input flooding
2. 理解:(1)teachability hypothesis (2) consciousness-raising
3.应用:(1)form-focused instruction (2) production-based instruction
(3) input-based instruction (4) consciousness-raising
(5)learner-instruction matching
第十部分Conclusion: Multiple Perspectives in SLA
the multiple-perspectives in SLA
1.识记:the multiple-perspectives in SLA
2. 理解:To understand that different types of enquiry that characterize SLA and different
types of explanations provided reflect the different purposes of researchers.
3.应用:Give some models of L2 acquisition that incorporate the perspectives we have learned.
I. Decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F) (每小题2分,共20分)
1. Avoidance is said to take place when specific target language structures are under-represented
in the learner’s production in comparison to native-speakers production.
2. Behaviorist learning theory of language acquisition emphasize the importance of the innate
capacity of the language learner at the expense of environmental factors.
3. When language users are able to attend closely to the form of the language they produce, they
call upon their ‘careful style’. A ‘careful style ’ is evident in formal language tasks such as reading pairs of words, or doing a grammar test.
4. Aptitude refers to the specific ability a learner has for learning a second language. This is
hypothesized to be separate from the general ability to master academic skills, which is referred to as ‘intelligence’.
5. Backsliding involves the use of a rule belonging to some late stage of development. It occurs
when learners are under some pressure, as, for instance, when they have to express difficult subject matter or are feeling anxious.
6. Communication strategies are employed when learners are faced with the task of
communicating meanings for which they lack the requisite linguistic knowledge.
7. Access to comprehensible input may be an unnecessary condition for acquisition to take
8. This states that there is a period when language acquisition can take place with effort, but that
after a certain age the brain is no longer able to process language input in this way.
9. Error analysis involves collecting samples of learner language, identifying the errors in the
sample, describing these errors, classifying them according to their hypothesized causes, and evaluating their seriousness.
10. When native speakers address learners, they adjust their normal speech in order to make the
speech more formal.
Ⅱ. Define the following terms(每小题3分,共30分)
1. learner language
2. errors
3. the critical period hypothesis
4. complete access
5. language aptitude
6. poverty of the stimulus
7. pidginization
8. processing constraints
9. communication strategies
10.careful style
Ⅲ Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words(每空2分,共30分)
1. The theory that also draws on the idea of stylistic variation but which is more obviously
social is _______’s accommodation theory.
2. According to Krashen, L2 acquisition depends on ________.
3. Explicit knowledge may help learners to move from intake to acquisition by helping them to
________ between what they have observed in the input and the current state of their ________ as manifested in their own output.
4. The idea of _________. This credits the learner with the ability to perform a number of
mental tasks at the same time, for example, the ability to attend to both form and meaning while processing input.
5. Various kinds of motivation have been identified: _________, __________, __________,
and ________.
6. The Grammar Translation Method and the __________ both attempts to teach learners
grammar, differing only in how this is to be accomplished.
7. Backsliding is the production of errors representing a(n) ________stage of development.
8. Foreigner talk is the _________that native speakers use when addressing non-native
9. According to Stephen Krashen’s input hypothesis, L2 acquisition takes place when a learner
understands input that contains ________forms that are at ‘i+1’(i.e. are a little more advance d than the current state of the learner’s interlanguage).
10. The critical period hypothesis is a period during which language acquisition is easy and
complete and ________which it is difficult and typically incomplete.
11. Language aptitude is the ability that is believed to be in part related to ________
intelligence but also to be in part distinct.
Ⅳ Answer the following questions.(第一题12分;第二题8分,共20分)
1. How many different theoretical positions can you state as to whether adult L2 learners have
access to UG?
2. What is scaffolding? Illustrate it with an example.