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complex topography and landform and is known as "a continuous stretch of mountains and scattered water and
fields".Based on field investigation and a literature review, this paper makes a systematic analysis and discussion
of the site layout, spatial form, courtyard streets, residential buildings, and landscape features of ancient villages
in Fuping County. The paper summarizes the spatial form of villages and the wisdom of residential buildings with
the constraints of a special geographical environment and reveals the simple "design" technique and construction
ideas of the ancient villages — that is, respect the environment, learn from nature, and have an active influence
on the natural environment. The purpose is to provide a new content and perspective for the protection and
development of ancient villages in Fuping and even the traditional villages in the Taihang Mountains.
中图分类号 TU241.5
文献标志码 A
DOI 10.3969/j.issn.1000-0232.2019.01.058 文章编号 1000-0232(2019)01-0058-06 作者简介 1 教授;2 硕士研究生,通信作者,电子邮箱:1486160269@qq.com;3 讲师;4 硕士研究生;1&2&3&4 中国
林祖锐 1,韩刘伟2,张 潇 3,王帅敏 4
LIN Zu-rui,HAN Liu-wei,ZHANG Xiao,WANG Shuai-min
摘要 阜平县地处太行山中北部东麓,地形地貌复杂,素有“九山半水半分田”之称。文章以实地调查及文献查阅方
自然环境积极响应折射出的朴实 “设计”手法和建设思想,旨在为阜平古村落乃至太行山区的传统村落保护发展研究
关键词 阜平;古村落;空间格局;建筑特色
ABSTRACT Fuping County is located in the eastern foothills of the north-central Taihang Mountains. It has a
山峦绵亘,沟谷纵横,潺潺流水,九曲十弯,绕村穿户。 1 阜平县概况
较少平整连片的土地,使得村落常背山面水,或蟠于山腰, 阜平地处河北省保定市西部,太行山中北部东麓,
或选址于山脚下的河流两侧、地势较为平坦或坡度较为 大清河水系沙河上游,是两省四市九县交汇处,被誉为“冀
阜平县。据《河北县名考源》记载 ,“阜”为“盛”,县 名寓“兴盛平安”之意。阜平属太行山山系,境内地形 复杂。属暖温带半湿润地区,气候为北温带大陆性季风 气候,四季分明。森林覆盖率达 35.09%,植被覆盖率达 80.8%,被誉为“太行山深处的香格里拉” [1]。 阜平为全山区县,可建设用地和可耕地匮乏的现状 尤为严重。受地形、交通条件等影响,村庄建设或依山 傍水或择谷而建,充分利用自然条件。
平缓的地带。特殊的地理环境制约使得每个自然村落都 晋咽喉”、“畿西屏障”(图 1)。阜平历史悠久,早在
具有一定的差异性,而这些不同也通过各村落的选址、 夏商时代就有人类居住,金明昌四年 ( 公元 1193 年 ) 设
58 官方网站 www.nfjzbjb.com
2019.1 South Architecture / 南方建筑 / Research on Vernacular and Traditional Architecture 民居与传统建筑研究
民居与传统建筑研究 Research on Vernacular and Traditional Architecture / 南方建筑 / South Architecture 2019.1
河北阜平传统聚落的空间格局与建筑特色 分析 *
Analysis of the Spatial Distribution and Architectural Characteristics of the Traditional Settlement in Fuping, Hebei Province
KEY WORDS Fuping; ancient villages; spatial distribution; architectural characteristics
* 基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(51778610):太行山区古村落传统水环境设施特色及其再生研究;江苏建筑节