



1.Mary, we left you in _______charge of the room, but now it’s in________ mess!

A.the; a B.不填;a


2.The Jurassic Park is _____ Steven Spielberg movie in which _____ hero fights bravely and protects his friends and family from dinosaurs.

A./;the B.a;the

C./;a D.the;a

3.We urge ______ extreme caution in ______ use of this medicine, which has not been officially approved yet.

A.an; the B.an; 不填

C.不填; the D.不填; 不填

4.When you visit a museum you must ask for _______ permission before taking

_______ photographs inside it.

A./; / B.a; the

C.a; / D.the; the

5.Living in_________ ever increasingly fast-paced world, we are facing greater competition, so we must take _________ advantage of every opportunity to develop.

A.an; the B.an; /

C.the; an D.the; /

6.It is often said that ______teachers have ______very simple life.

A.不填;不填 B.the; a C.不填;a D.the; 不填

7.It’s______ comfort to know there’s someone to keep ______eye on the kids. A.a; the B.a; an

C./;an D./;the

8.It's not easy for Tom to find a job, who has been in prison for many years. So he is still out of work.

A.不填; a B.the; a

C.不填; 不填 D.the; 不填

9.It comes as ______ surprise that ______ dream of space travel will soon come true.

A.a; the B.the ; the

C.the; a D.a ; /

10.In________eyes of children,playing on the Internet can only bring them________great fun. A.the;a B.不填;a


11.Last year our team went to Seattle and won ______ second place. Personally, I think the team that was ______ champion cheated.

A./, the B.the, the

C.a, the D.the, /

12.—It’s reported that over 1billion people watched the live opening ceremony of___ 2010 South Africa World Cup on TV.

—Yes, news came as____ shock to me.

A.the; the B.x; a C.the; a D.a; the

13.— We had ______ really damp October this year.

—I can’t remember ______ autumn when it rained so much.

A.a; 不填B.不填; the C.the; an D.a; an

14.The white paint was cracked and peeling away from itself in ________ most unpleasant manner unlike the paintwork in the house in Berlin.

A.a B.the C./D.any

15.The sentence just doesn’t ___________, no matter how you read it.

A.make a sense B.make sense

C.make the sense D.make senses

16.Only a short-sighted man will lose _______ sight of the importance of education.

A.a B.the

C./ D.an

17.He is in _______ possession of that beautiful garden and the shop is in _______ possession of his brother.

A.the; the B.the; /

C./; the D./ ; /

18.Jane’s grandmother has wanted to write ______ children’s book for many years, but one thing or another always got in ________ way.

A.a, /B.a, the C.the, the D.the, a

19.As ______ matter of fact, many people speak English in Asia as ______ foreign language. A.the ; /B.a; a C.the; the D.a ; the

20.The new law has come into effect, and number of wild animals here is on____increase now. A.the; the B.a; the C.the; /D.a; /

21.Life the like ________ ocean; Only ________strong-willed can reach the other shore. A.an; the B.the; a

C.the ;/D./ ; a

22.—How do you find the story about ________ blind?

—It is so encouraging that I try to read it without ________ second thought.

A.a; a B.a; the C.the; a D.the; the 23.—How about _______ Christmas evening party?

—I should say it was _______ success.

A.a;a B.the;a C.a;不填D.the;不填24.The biggest whale is ________ blue whale,which grows to be about 29 meters long—the height of ________ 9-story building.

A.the;the B.a;a C.a;the D.the;a

25.It's ______ great surprise when I heard ______ news about the accident.

A.the; a B.a; the

C.a; 不填 D.the; the







考查冠词。句意:玛丽,我们让你负责这个房间,但现在房间乱七八糟。(be)in charge of是“掌管、负责”之意,表示主动、掌管,主语常是人,比如:I am in charge of the work. 我负责这项工作/这项工作由我负责。(be)in the charge of 表“由……掌管、负责”之意,表示被动、被掌管、被负责,in还可以用under代替,比如:This class is in the charge of an experienced teacher. 这个班由一位经验丰富的老师负责。这里表示主动,让你负责这个房间,所以要用in charge of。in a mess是固定短语,意为“乱糟糟,一团糟”。故选B。




试题分析:考查冠词。句意:The Jurassic Park是一部Steven Spielberg的电影,在这部电影里英雄勇敢地抗击恐龙来保护他的家人和朋友。第一空表示泛指一部电影,填a;第二空表示特指那位英雄,故填the。故选B。














试题分析:考查冠词:第一空填an,生活在一个快节奏的世界,单词even以元音字母e 开头,所以是an;第二空不填,固定词组take advantage of意思“利用”,句意:生活在一个快节奏的世界,我们面对较大的竞争,因此我们必须利用每个机会去发展。选B。



即学即练:I looked under_____bed and found ______books I lost last week.

A. the; a

B. the;the

C. 不填;the

D. the; 不填

解析:B。此题中的the bed和the books都为特指。the bed 指“所看的床”;the books指“所丢的书”







【解析】考查冠词。句意:对于汤姆来说找到一份工作不容易,因为他坐牢好多年,因此他仍然失业。坐牢是in prison;失业是 out of work.,根据固定搭配判断都不填冠词,因此选C。








试题分析:考查冠词。in the eyes of在……的眼中;所以第一空应该填the;fun是不可数名词,所以第二空不填冠词;可知选C项。



【解析】考查冠词。句意:去年我们的队去西雅图,赢了第二。就我个人而言,我认为,冠军队作弊了。固定搭配:second place第二名;the champion冠军。故选A。




考查冠词的用法。第一空the 2010 South Africa World Cup特指2010年南非世界杯;第二空考查抽象名词具体化,a shock此处指“一个震惊的消息”。故选C
















考查固定搭配。句意:不管你怎么读,这个句子就是讲不通。make sense表示“讲得通”,故B项正确。





考查固定搭配。句意:只有目光短浅的人才会忽略教育的重要性。lose sight of表示“看不到、忽略”,故C项正确。


注意一些固定搭配中名词前采用零冠词,例如,lose sight of表示“看不到、忽略”,以及下一题中的make sense表示“讲得通”。





考查固定搭配及冠词。句意:他拥有那座美丽的花园,这家商店归他哥哥所有。in possession of意为“某人拥有某物,”,而in the possession of…为固定搭配,意为“某物为某人拥有”。分析句子的语境可知,第一句是“某人拥有某物”,即in possession of…;而“in the possession of…”为“某物为某人拥有”,故要用定冠词,故选C。18.B





考查冠词。句意:多年来,Jane的祖母一直想写儿童书籍,但总有这样或那样的事情妨碍着她。结合句意,第一空泛指“一本儿童书籍”,故用不定冠词,又children是辅音音素开头,故用a;第二空考查固定短语get in the way阻碍,故用定冠词the,故选B项。19.B




考查冠词。句意:实际上,在亚洲很多人把英语当成一门外语来讲。本题第一空考查了固定短语as a matter of fact,该短语意为“实际上”,在句中做状语。第而二空后的名词language是一个可数名词,句中使用不定冠词a泛指“一门外语”。故B项正确。






考查冠词及固定搭配。句意:新的法律已经生效,野生动物的数量正在增加。由谓语动词is可知主语是the number of...,the number of...为固定搭配,意为“……的数量”;on the increase是固定搭配,意为“在增加”。根据语境可知,选A。


















考查冠词。句意:——圣诞晚会怎么样?——我应该说它很成功。Christmas evening party特指对方所参加的圣诞节晚会,所以要用定冠词the。success意为“成功的人或事”时,是可数名词,表示泛指要用不定冠词a。故选B。













高考英语固定句型知识点基础测试题含解析 一、选择题 1.Once the marine life is poisoned, it will be a very long time __________it restores its original condition. A.since B.that C.before D.until 2.Helen was about to walk out of the door________ the telephone rang. A.when B.then C.while D.that 3.It is only when people live on à very limited diet_________ it is necessary to make a special effort to supply the missing vitamins. A.so B.that C.since D.until 4.________ occurred to me that I had left my shirt on the playground. A.It B.One C.That D.What 5.How excited I am now! You know, it is the second time that I _____ the first prize in the 400-meter race. A.wins B.won C.have won D.is winning 6.Do you consider it any good______ your eyes to your cellphone every day? A.gluing B.to glue C.having glued D.to have glued 7.Please choose the WRONG sentences. A.It is so fine a day that Mijie wants to play basketball with Caixukun B.It is such a fine day that Caojiayi wants to have a date with Lixian C.It is such fine weather that Zhangyan wants to team up with Wangyibo. D.It is so a fine weather that Zhangyueyao wants to kiss Wangjunkai. 8.It is no use ____ me not to worry. A.you tell B.your telling C.to have told D.having told 9.There is no doubt ______ cultural relics are ______ protecting. A.whether; worth B.whether; worthy C.that; worth D.that; worthy 10.The little girl had been taught to behave ____ her parents would live as quiet a life as possible. A.in such a way that B.in a way such that C.in such a way as D.in a way so that 11.It won’t be long __________ our winter vacation begins, but my vacation plans are still up in the air. A.when B.until C.that D.before 12.I ______ thank you too much for all your help to my son while we were away from home. A.won’t B.shouldn’t C.can’t D.needn’t 13.Astronauts who are accustomed _____ views that you and I cannot really describe were moved _____ tears when they looked out the windows of the spacecraft for the first time. A.in, by B.from, by C.to, to D.with, to


数词 I.定义与分类 数词是指表示数目多少或顺序先后的词。表示数目多少的数词叫基数词,如one, five, ten, thirty, sixty-five 等;表示顺序先后的数词叫序数词,如first, sixth, tenth, twenty-first 等。数词用法相当于名词和形容词,在句中可用作主语、宾语、表语、定语、同位语等。 II. 基数词 1. 英语中没有“万”这个读数单位,要表示汉语中的“万”,英语需借用thousand一词,如“一万”用“十个千”表示(ten thousand),“十万”用“一百个千”表示(one hundred thousand)。 2. 用作基数词单位的hundred, thousand, million, billion 通常不带复数词尾-s,但若用于表示数百、数千、数百万这样的泛指,则用复数。如: About two thousand people died in the earthquake. 大约有两千人在地震中丧生。Thousands of people go to the seaside every year. 每年成千上万的人到海滨去。 3. 表示整十的基数词用复数形式可以表示人的大约岁数或年代。如: He is in his early twenties. 他才二十出头(from 。 This took place in the 1930s. 这事发生在20世纪30年代。 III. 序数词 1. 许多序数词是由相应的基数词后加词尾-th构成的,如four / fourth,six / sixth,ten / tenth,sixteen / sixteenth,但是nine变为序数词是ninth,而不是nineth。 2. twentieth, thirtieth, fortieth 等表示整十的序数词,由相应的基数词将词尾y改为ie,再加-th 构成。 3. first, second, third 通常可缩写为1st, 2nd, 3rd。凡是以th结尾的序数词可缩写为“基数词+th”:4th, 5th, 9th, 11th, 60th, 128th等。 4. 非整十的多位数,将个位数变成序数词即可:twenty-first(第21),thirty-sixth(第36),ninety-ninth(第99),three hundred and sixty-fifth(第365)等。 5. hundred, thousand, million 等序数词形式为hundredth, thousandth, millionth 等。 6. 序数词前通常要用定冠词,但表示考试或比赛等的名次时,通常可省略其前的定冠词。如: My room is on the second floor and his on the third. 我的房间在三楼,他的房间在四楼。 He was (the) third in the exam. 他考试得了第三名。 注:有时序数词前不用定冠词,而用不定冠词,表示次第在原有基础上的增加。如:We’ll have to do it a second time. 我们得再做一次(from 。 序数词前用定冠词和不定冠词的区别在于:定冠词表特指,不定冠词表泛指,有类似another 的意思,但比another 的意思更明确。 IV. 分数、倍数、小数和百分数 1. 分数。 (1)分数由基数词和序数词构成:分子用基数词,分母用序数词,当分子超过“1”时,分母用复数。如: two thirds=2/3 three fifths=3/5 注:1/2 通常读作 a [one] half,一般不读作a second;1/4 可读作 a [one] fourth,也可读作 a [one] quarter。


江西省南昌市2015-2016学年度第一学期期末试卷 (江西师大附中使用)高三理科数学分析 一、整体解读 试卷紧扣教材和考试说明,从考生熟悉的基础知识入手,多角度、多层次地考查了学生的数学理性思维能力及对数学本质的理解能力,立足基础,先易后难,难易适中,强调应用,不偏不怪,达到了“考基础、考能力、考素质”的目标。试卷所涉及的知识内容都在考试大纲的范围内,几乎覆盖了高中所学知识的全部重要内容,体现了“重点知识重点考查”的原则。 1.回归教材,注重基础 试卷遵循了考查基础知识为主体的原则,尤其是考试说明中的大部分知识点均有涉及,其中应用题与抗战胜利70周年为背景,把爱国主义教育渗透到试题当中,使学生感受到了数学的育才价值,所有这些题目的设计都回归教材和中学教学实际,操作性强。 2.适当设置题目难度与区分度 选择题第12题和填空题第16题以及解答题的第21题,都是综合性问题,难度较大,学生不仅要有较强的分析问题和解决问题的能力,以及扎实深厚的数学基本功,而且还要掌握必须的数学思想与方法,否则在有限的时间内,很难完成。 3.布局合理,考查全面,着重数学方法和数学思想的考察 在选择题,填空题,解答题和三选一问题中,试卷均对高中数学中的重点内容进行了反复考查。包括函数,三角函数,数列、立体几何、概率统计、解析几何、导数等几大版块问题。这些问题都是以知识为载体,立意于能力,让数学思想方法和数学思维方式贯穿于整个试题的解答过程之中。 二、亮点试题分析 1.【试卷原题】11.已知,,A B C 是单位圆上互不相同的三点,且满足AB AC → → =,则A BA C →→ ?的最小值为( ) A .1 4- B .12- C .34- D .1-

高考英语语法专题复习 数 词

2008高考英语语法专题复习数词 高考重点要求: 1.掌握基数词、序数词、分数词、倍数、百分数、年月日、钟点、年龄、序号的基本用法。 2.掌握不定数量词、约数词的表达方法。 数词在各个题项中,单选、阅读、听力、写作中发挥着很强的作用,往往用以说明事实的精确性和可信性。数词是由两大部分构成的即基数词和序数词,而其他数字表示法如分数,小数等均由这两大部分的不同组合而构成。 (三)数词的用法: 1.英语中年月日、点钟、序数词、分数词、算式列表 示例英语表示法 2001.6.30 June 30,2001 30June,2001 30thJune, 2001 7:25 seven twenty-five twenty-five past even 12:54 twelve fifty four six to one 9:15 nine fifteen a quarter past nine 2:30 two thirty half past two 21:50 twenty-one fifty 9:50p.m. 第21 twenty-first

第123 one hundred and twenty-third 21 a half 52 2 two and two-fifths 20% 20 per cent 20 percent 第七路公共汽车 Bus Number Seven 第201房间 Room 201 人民路153号 153 Renmin Road 4+8 =12 Four plus eight is twelve 11-7=4 Eleven minus seven is four. 6×5=30 Six times five is thirty. 20÷5=4 twenty divided by five is four. A >B A is more than B. A <B A is less than B. A ≈ B A is approximately (近似地, 大约)equals to B. A ≠B A is not equal to B. 2.约数表示法列表 含义 英语表达 例句 大于某数 more than He has lived here for more than twenty years. over she is over fifty. or more There're thirty people or more in the meeting-room. 小于某数 less than I have less than (not more than )fifty dollars. under Children under seven are not allowed to enter. below He would not sell it for below a hundred fifty dollars. or less The coat might cost him sixty dollars or less. 大约(某数) nearly She is nearly fifty now. almost Its almost three o'clock. up to Up to ten men can sleep in this tent. or He spent four or five days writing the article. or so The distance is twenty miles or so. about I visited that village about three years ago. some Their team has some four or five players. more or less The container can hold more or less twenty pounds of water. around/round Let's make it round/around eight o'clock. 3.不定数量词“多”的表示法列表


高考英语数词知识点专项训练解析附答案 一、选择题 1.After they each had said _____few words, Professor White took ______floor and answered the questions. A.a; / B.a; a C.a; the D./; a 2.As we should know, animals are not necessarily ___________ lower form of life than ___________ man. A.a; the B.the; the C.a; /D./; / 3.The Evening Party, turning out to be _______ great success, came to _______ end after midnight. A.a; an B./; an C./; / D.the; an 4.We urge ______ extreme caution in ______ use of this medicine, which has not been officially approved yet. A.an; the B.an; 不填 C.不填; the D.不填; 不填 5.In communication, a smile is usually _____ strong sign of a friendly and _____ open attitude. A.a; / B.the; / C.a; an D.the; an 6.Living in_________ ever increasingly fast-paced world, we are facing greater competition, so we must take _________ advantage of every opportunity to develop. A.an; the B.an; / C.the; an D.the; / 7.No one hopes the two countries will be at war, because peace is what everyone wants. A.the;the B.a;a C.the;/D./;/ 8.It’s______ comfort to know there’s someone to keep ______eye on the kids. A.a; the B.a; an C./;an D./;the 9.He had wanted to write _________ children's book for many years, but one thing or another always got in _________ way. A.a; / B.the; the C./; the D.a; the 10.Sarah looked at ______finished painting with ________satisfaction. A./;a B.a;the C.the;/D.the;a 11.It comes as ______ surprise that ______ dream of space travel will soon come true. A.a; the B.the ; the


一、选择题 1.---If your parents wanted to have a ______ child, would you agree? ---Of course. But they should make it in _____ yeas’ time. A.second; second B.two; two C.second; two D.two;second 2.—How do your students improve their English writing? —Well, about ______________ of the students like keeping diaries in English in our class. A.two fifth B.two fifths C.second five D.two five 3.﹣Welcome to Los Angeles.Have you ever been here? ﹣Sure. I visited this city three years ago so this is my _________ time here. A.first B.second C.third 4.---I am going to take this summer holiday in Taiwan. ---Oh, really? Taiwan is ______ a beautiful island that ______ people in Guangdong go to visit it every year. A.so; thousands B.so; thousands of C.such; many thousand D.such; thousands of 5.Every year there are about _______ people waiting for their trains back home in the railway station before Spring Festival comes. A.five thousand of B.five thousand C.thousand of D.five thousands of 6.— They will need __________ volunteers for 2014 International Horticulture Exposition (国际园艺博览会) in Qingdao. —Let’s go and join them. A.thousand of B.thousands of C.three thousand of D.three thousands 7.—How long is the bridge? —About ______ long. A.two thousand meter B.two thousand meters C.two thousands meter D.two thousands meters 8.I hear ____ foreign students will come to our school and they are in the ____ grade. A.eight, eighth B.eight, eight C.eighth, eighth 9.I’ve told him of that ______, but he always forget it. A.a hundred time B.hundred times C.hundred of times D.hundreds of times 10.This is our _______ school year, we are going to graduate in two months. A.third B.three C.the third 11.______of the students in our class ______ going to the summer camp in Beijing next week. A.Two-fifths, are B.Second-fifths, are C.Two-fifths, is D.Second-fifths, is 12.Nearly ________of the American children get money from their part-time job. A.two third B.two three C.two thirds D.second third


高考英语语法知识讲解 (名师详细讲解语法+配套实战练习,零基础也可以学 好英语,建议下载保存) (绝对精品文档,价值很高,值得下载打印收藏) (每天背诵提高英语语感。零基础学英语,每天进步一 点点!)

第一讲座:名词---基础篇 一、名词的复数: 1. 名词变复数的规则形式: 1). 一般情况下直接加s:book------books cup-----cups 2). 以辅音字母+y结尾的,先变y为i再加es: city-------cities family-----families 3). 以s、x、sh、ch结尾的加es: bus-----buses wish------wishes watch------watches 4). 以o结尾的多数加S 初中阶段只有三个单词加es: tomato-----tomatoes potato------potatoes hero-----heroes Negroes 5). 以f、fe 结尾的,先把f、fe变v 再加es: leaf----leaves self---selves shelf----shelves life----lives thief---thieves 2. 少数名词的复数形式是不规则的: man----men woman---women child----children foot-----feet tooth----teeth mouse---mice 3. 单数和复数形式相同: deer---deer fish----fish sheep----sheep Chinese ----Chinese Japanese---Japanese 4. 某国人的复数: 1). 中、日不变:Chinese----Chinese Japanese---Japanese 2). 英、法变:Englishman----Englishmen Frenchman----Frenchmen 3).其余s加后面:American-----Americans German----Germans Australian---Australians 二、不可数名词: 1. 不可数名词: 1). 不能直接用数字表数量;2). 不能直接加a或an;3). 没有复数形式; 4). 可用some、any、lots of、plenty of、much 修饰;5). 可用“量词短语”表示; 2. 不可数名词的数量的表示方法:a / 数字+ 量词+ of + 不可数名词: a piece of paper a cup of tea a glass of milk 三、名词的所有格: 1. ’s 所有格:


冠词和数词【Articles and Numerals】 冠词是虚词,也没有词义,它用在名词的前面,帮助指明名词的含义。本身不能单独使用,在句中不重读。冠词可以分为定冠词【the Definite Article】和不定冠词【the Indefinite Article】。 2.1不定冠词的用法【Usage of the Indefinite Articles】 不定冠词a(an)与数词one同源,是一个的意思。a用于辅音音素前,而an则用于元音音 词组或成语固定搭配【Word Phrases and Expressions】: a little, a few, a lot, a type of, a pile, a great many, many a, as a rule, in a hurry, in a minute, in a word, in a short while, after a while, have a cold, have a try, keep an eye on, all of a sudden 2.2定冠词的用法【Usage of the Definite Article】 定冠词the与指示代词this,that同源,有那(这)个的意思,但较弱,可以和一个名词连用,来表示某个或某些特定的人或东西。

用在惯用语中【Useful Expressions】: in the day, in the morning (afternoon, evening),the day after tomorrow, the day before yesterday,the next morning, in the sky (water,field,country), in the dark, in the rain, in the distance, in the middle (of), in the end, in the whole,by the way,go to the theatre


数词讲解与练习 数词分为基数词和序数词。表示事物数目的词称为基数词,表示事物顺序的词称为序数词。 1.基数词(1000以内的基数词的读法 365—three hundred and sixty-five 505—five hundred and five 2.基数词变序数词的方法: eg. one—first two—second three—third eight—eighth nine—ninth twelve—twelfth twenty—twentieth twenty-one –-twenty-first 3.数词的应用: A、时刻表达法: a. 整点:基数词+ o’clock eg. It’s eight o’clock now. b. 几点几分: 1.直接表达法:先小时后分eg. 3:25 three twenty-five 2.间接表达法:先分后小时 1)(<30分钟)用past :分钟past 小时 eg. 3:25 twenty-five (minutes) past three 2) (>30分钟)用to:(60-分钟数) to (小时数+1) eg. 3:35 twenty-five (minutes) to four 3) 30分钟= half 15分钟= a quarter eg. 3:30 three thirty = half past three 3:15 three fifteen = a quarter past three. 3:45 three forty-five = a quarter to four B、日期表达法:月日,年(或日月年) 1949年10月1日: October1st , nineteen forty-nine =the first of October, nineteen forty-nine 2000年: the year two thousand =twenty hundred 2001年: twenty o one 3月1日: March the first = the first of March C、表编号: 第207房间:Room 207 第五课:Lesson 5 = the fifth lesson D、序数词与不定冠词(a; an)连用表―又一;再一‖ eg. You’ve done it three times. Why not try a fourth time? E、分数的表达:分子(基数)、分母(序数) eg. one third 三分之一two thirds 三分之二 注意:1.分子超过1时,分母加s 2.含分数的短语作主语由分数后的词决定谓语 eg.1)One third of the students are girls. 2)One third of the milk is mine. 3.分数的特殊形式 1)one third = a third 2)one fourth = a quarter three fourths = three quarters


高考英语语法专题讲解(冠词) 冠词的用法在英语学习中较为复杂,千头万绪,尤其是惯用法,请同学们平时学习时注意积累。以下不过是谈谈冠词的一些常规的用法。 一、不定冠词的用法: 1、泛指人或事物的类别,相当于any, 如: A hammer is tool. A steel worker makes steel. 2、泛指某人或某物。 A boy is waiting for you. There is a book on your desk. 3、表one或every。 We work 8 hours a day.I go home twice a month. 4、表示the same 的意思。 Birds of a (= the same) feather flock together; people of a kind come together. 5、用在不可数名词前 a)(用在物质名词前)一种,一份 A large coffee for me.It was a wonderful tea. b)(用在某些表示风、雨等的名词前) It was clear daylight now and a fine rain was falling.There is a cold wind this morning. c)(用在抽象名词前)一种 That is a great disappointment.It’s a pleasure to work with you. 6、(用在某些专有名词前)某个叫…的人,一张…的画,一个象…的人等。 I saw a Mrs. Smith on the 12th at 2:00.He had a Van Gogh in the dining-room. What a strange London they saw!He’s a living Lei Feng. 7、用于某些固定词组中。 a few, a little, a good many, a lot of, all of a sudden, as a rule, have a cold等。 8、在元音音素开头的名词前应用an, 如an apple, an English book。要以发音为准,并非以元音字母而定。如a university, an hour, an “h”, an X-ray examination. 二、定冠词的用法。 1、表特定的或上文提到的人或物。 The boy likes the film.Shut the door, please. The old poor peasant has a son. The son is a model worker. 2、表示世界上独一无二的东西。 the earth, the moon, the stars, the sun(但space前不用)


高考英语语法知识点专题复习—数词 数词---基础篇 基数词: 表示人或事物数量多少的词. 序数词: 表示人或事物的顺序的词. 一. 基数词: 1. 基数词的读法. 1) 1---12: one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve 2) 13---19: 词尾加-teen: thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen 3) 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90: 逢十词尾加-ty: twenty thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety 4) 21----99: 在十位与个位之间加连字符构成. 21--- twenty-one 99---ninety-nine 5) 101---999: 先说几百, 再加and ,再加末尾两位数或个位数. 101---one hundred and one 238----two hundred and thirty-eight 6) 1000以上的数: 先将数字从右往左数, 每三位数用一个逗号隔开, 从右往左第一个逗号表示“千”读thousand 第二个逗号表示“百万”读million 第三个逗号表示“十亿”读billion 18, 657, 421---eighteen million, six hundred and fifty-seven thousand, four hundred and twenty-one. 二. 序数词: 基数词变序数词: 口诀: 基变序, 有规律, 词尾要加th .一二三, 特殊记, 词尾分别tdd(first second


高中英语知识点大全(27):bring/take/fetch(get)/carry的 区别 1、break 小结 break 一词常用搭配有: (1)break out (战争、火灾、争吵、瘟疫等)爆发 A big fire broke out in the city last week. (2)break away from 脱离 A carriage(车厢)broke away from the train. (3)break the law 违反法律 Who breaks the law will be punished by the law. (4)break in 破门而入;打断 He broke in to say that he was not interested in what I was talking about. (5)break down 损坏;中断 Her fridge has broken down for a long time. (6)break off 打断;结束;暂停 They were arguing(争论)but broke off when someone came into the room. (7)break into 闯入;侵入 Thieves broke into my house when I was out. break off

该短语动词的意思是“中断说话”,“暂时停止”。如: He broke off in the middle of a sentence. break sth.off/break off sth. with sb. 前者意为“(使)折断”,后者意为“与某人突然断绝(关系)”。如: The mast broke off /was broken off when the ship was moving. break out (战争、火灾、疾病、瘟疫等的)爆发 ①The American Civil War broke out in 1861. ②Fire broke out in the neighbour last night. break out in (into)… 忽然(做出)…… break out in laughter 突然放声大笑 break in (强盗等)强行闯入 break into 闯入;打碎(打破)成…… break up 分开,分割 2、bring短语归纳 bring down(风)刮倒,降低(降落);bring up 养大,呕吐;bring about带来,引起;bring along捎来,带来,bring back 归还;bring out 拿出;bring in 赚(钱),带进,传入;bring on 端上(饭菜),引起(火灾),使……成长; [应用]副词填空 ①He felt terribly ill and brought ______ what he ate. ②Surely the new railway will bring __ many changes in this less developed area.

数词 高考英语语法重点归纳

四、数词 3、序数词:表示顺序的数词叫序数词。 1、英语的序数词基本变法: (1) 一般在基数词后加th,(2)-ve结尾的改为-fth,(3)-ty结尾的改为-tieth,(4)熟记特殊 词。 2、序数词如下: 1000th→one thousandth, 1000000th→one millionth., 第703→the seven hundred

and third, 第5480→the five thousand four hundred and eightieth. 3、注:(1)两位以上的序数词仅个位数部分用序数词,其余部分仍用基数词。如: thirty-sixth, (2) 使用序数词时一般加定冠词the. 如:I’m in the third grade. (3) 序数词作“几分之几”讲时,有复数形式。如:1/5→one fifth ; 2/3→ two third s ; 4/7→ four seventh s ; 1/2→ a half ; 1/4→a quarter ; 3/4→ three quarter s ; 50%→ fifty hundredth s ( fifty per cent). 4、数词的用法: 1、表示年份:2002: twenty thousand and two ; 1976 : nineteen seventy-six. 2、表示日期:12月1日: Dec.1st或the first of December;2002年11月8日: Nov. 8th, 2002. 3、表示时刻:5:15→ five fifteen或a quarter past five ; 8:30→ eight thirty或half past eight ; 10:45→ ten forty-five或a quarter to eleven. 4、表示编号:Room 105→Room one 0 five; Bus No.13→Bus Number Thirteen; P.5→Page Five; Tel.No.7658659→Telephone Number seven-six-five-eight-six-five-nine 5、小数的读法:5.7→ five point seven, 0.16 →zero point one six. 6、“半”的表达:1/2→half, 半小时→half an hour, 1.5小时→one and a half hours或one hour and a half. 7、序数词前面加the时,表示顺序,加a/an时表示“再一、又一”。如:The third lesson is rather difficult.(第三课相当难)/ Shall we read the text a third time?(我们把课文读第三遍,好 吗?)

高考英语考点解析 名词

高考英语考点解析名词 一名词单复数 1.不可数名词----物质名词、抽象名词通常是不可数,做主语时谓语要用单数。例如:success, water… 2.可数名词有单复数形式,单数做主语,谓语用单数;复数做主语谓语用复数。 名词复数规则 完成下列变复数练习并总结名词复数规则:。 desk, brush_____, zero______ potato_______ leaf______ family______, city____ box_______ class_______ watch_______ stomach_______, thief_______, knife_____ roof_____ piano______ hero_______ Chinese________, tooth________,radio_____ mouse________, child_______, cup______, toy_______ phenomenon_________ policewoman_________ woman teacher__________ means_______ deer__________ passer-by______ grown-up__________ 规则总结: 1 ______________________ 2.___________________________ 4._____________________________, 5.____________________________________ 6. 注意: 7. 表示由两部分构成的东西如:glasses (眼镜) trousers, clothes 等做主语时,谓语用_____数。,若表达具体数目,要借助数量词 pair(对,双); suit(套); a pair of glasses; two pairs of trousers 这些词前面是a pair of 时,谓语用_____数。 8. 单复同形如:deer,sheep,fish,Chinese,Japanese, means等这些词做主语时,谓语动词的数应该根据___________________________来决定。 改错: 1) My glasses broke yesterday. I had it repaired. 2) This pair of trousers fit you very well. 3) All the sheep likes eating grass. 4) Every means have been tried. 二名词所有格 名词所有格一般是在名词后面加上"'s",表示"某某人的……",称为所属关系。 名词所有格有"'s","of"和"双重所有格"几种形式: 关于"'s"结构 名词所有格多用于表示有生命的名词的所属关系,此时要用"'s"表示。但其构成和用法又分为以下六种情形: 1.一般情况下,是在单数名词的词尾直接加"'s"。例如: _______________吉姆的足球_________________凯特的猫 2.以-s结尾的复数名词,只能在词尾加'。比如:
