高考英语一轮复习阅读理解之议论文解题技巧点拨 (含答案解析)

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议论文也就是说理性的文章, 通常由论点、论据、论证过程和结论组成。作者往往根据一些很普通的事实,通过严谨的思维,缜密的推理得出一个具有普遍性或指导性的观点。该类文章逻辑性强,命题往往从事实的有关细节以及文章的主旨或作者的表达意图等方面着手,考查我们的思维能力和判断能力。


为了突出写作目的, 作者常在文章开头就提出论点, 以便读者对作者观点有一个比较清晰的了解。提出论点之后, 作者就会提供论据来论证论点是否正确。作者可以用来论证的方法较多, 最为常见的方法是正反论证, 这样的论证思路清晰, 观点明确, 说服力强, 震憾度高。论证结束之后, 作者常就论点是否正确提出明确结论, 它体现作者的写作目的和文章的现实意义。也就是说, 议论文一般会按提出问题、分析问题、解决问题的逻辑顺序来安排层次。







第 1 页共18 页


4. 解题技巧



1. Put forward a question →Analyze the question →Solve the question这就是“提出问题、分析问题、解决问题”的过程。

2. Argument/Idea →Evidence →Conclusion/Restating the idea 这就是“由论点到论据到结论或者强调论点”的过程。




Dukuly Dogbah, a 14-year-old Liberian (利比里亚的) boy, grew up in a war. He was born in the same year the Liberian war started. Since then fighting between the government forces and the rebel armies (叛军) has not stopped.

Dukuly is one of around 10,000 child soldiers in Liberia. At 10, Dukuly lost contact with his family in the war and had to fight for the rebels. During the war he learnt to kill people with guns. He has killed many people and seen many of his friends die. “You have to,” he said, “because it is war.”

Lots of children had to join the army. Some did it out of their own will. They thought they would be safe with a gun. The army leaders use child soldiers because they are easy to control and do not get paid much.

第 2 页共18 页

Child soldiers do terrible things. Most of them take drugs (毒品). “I cannot control myself because it makes me brave,” Dukuly said.

There are 120,000 child soldiers in Africa and 300,000 around the world. Many child soldiers die and nobody cares for them. According to a United Nations’ report, 23 armies in the world use children. Some African and Asian countries often use child soldiers. Myanmar (缅甸) has the highest number of child soldiers in their army: around 50,000. Most of the child soldiers are under 18 years of age and the youngest is only seven years old.

The UN has called for the protection of children in war. The UN Children’s Fund (联合国儿童基金会) wants African countries to ban (禁止) child soldiers. Many UN organizations are trying to take child soldiers away from war and send them back to school.


1. Dukuly joined the army when ______.

A. the Liberian war started

B. his family were killed in the war

C. he lost touch with his family

D. the government armies caught him

2. The following are the reasons for so many child soldiers EXCEPT ______.

A. they are easy to control

B. they don’t get paid much

C. having a gun makes them feel safe

D. they like to do terrible things

3. There are ______ child soldiers all over the world.

A. 120,000

B. 300,000

C. 420,000

D. 50,000

4. According to the last two paragraphs, we know that the UN ______.

A. has called for people to protect children in war

B. has banned African countries from having child soldiers

C. has sent those child soldiers back to school

D. has taken the child soldiers under 7 away from war


解析:细节理解题。根据第2段第2句At 10, Dukuly lost contact with his family in the war and had to fight for the rebels.可知,答案选C。


第 3 页共18 页
