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保付商行 寄售合同 寄售发票 发货通知书 寄售 领事签证发票,领事发票 集装箱 集装箱船 集装箱装卸站 分批交货的买卖合同 合同(规定的)价格 成本,保险加运费,到岸价 进口附加费,进口附加税 保险条件 保险单据 配额期 配额数量 退关货 即期信用证 短卸证明 短卸证明书 质量鉴定证明书 S/O G.S.P. C.C.V.O. A.W.B. A/V C.O.D. D/W D.W.T. D.P.V. E/D GATT L/G M/T N/N O.B/L O.NO S/D NTB T.P.N.D. W.W
delivered ex ship delivered es quay delivered duty unpaid delivered duty paid mail transfer
目的港船上交货 目的港码头交货 未完税交货 完税后交货 信汇
Yd.(S) W/M W.R. U.L T/R
外汇来源 进口国家 进口许可证 进口许可证有效期 出口许可证 运输工具 发货人,寄售人 产地证明书 检验证书 产地 发货口岸 货物类型 进口替代 进口保证金 进口配额 支付手段 保险单 卸岸价格 目的港岸上交货价 到岸重量 保证书,保函 海运提货 bill of lading letter of credit documents against payment documents against acceptance telegaphic transfer cost and freight cost,insurance and freight free on board fair average quality full container load less than container load demand draft particular average free from particular average with particualr average general average London lanter bank offered rate ex work free carrier delivered at frontier
中文 还盘 还实盘 信贷保证 习惯包装 海关退税 关税 关税税率 海关进口手续 海关 海关手续/报关单 海关免税仓库 海关进口税则 海关发票 关税配额 海关估价 交货日期 承兑日期 船边交货 清洁提单 不洁提单 卸货港口 承兑交单 付款交单 远期付款,交单 跟单承税 跟单票据 跟单托收 跟单信用证 跟单汇票 存仓报单 申报进口 申报出口 出口代理 出口提单 出口管制 出口信货 出口税 出口配额 出口补贴 出口单据 加工出口自由区
英文 counter offer firm counter-offer credit guarantee customary packing customs drawback customs duty customs duty rate customs entry customs entry customs formalities customs free depot customs inport tariff customs invoice customs quota customs valuation date of delivery date of acceptance delivery alongside the vessel clean bill of lading dirty bill of lading descharging port documents against acceptance documents against payment documents against payment after sight documentary acceptance documentary bill documentary collection documentary credit documentary draft entry for warehousing entry of goods inward entry of goods outward export agent export bill of lading export control export credit export duty export quota export subsidy export documents export-processing free zones
English-Chinese Words, Ezpressions and Phrases of Customs Declaration 英文 中文 英文 invoice 发票 partial shipment invoice No. 发票编号 accepting bank port of shipment 起运地 accepting house port of destination 目的地,到达地 ad valorem duty date of shipment 装船日期,出运口岸 ad valorem freight marks&No 唛头 actual tare commodity code 商品编码 additional order description 品名 advice of shipment quantity 数量 air bill of lading price 单价 air freight unit price 单价 amendment of contract total amount 总价 applicant for the credit net weight 凈重 at sight gross weight 毛重 average clause measurement 尺码 bank draft packing 包装 barter trade salesl contract No. 售货合同编号 bearer packing list 装箱单 bill drawn payable at a certain time after sight package No. 包装箱单 bill drawn payable at sight total packages 包装总数 bill drawn to order case No. 箱号 booking list specification 规格 broken space country of origin 生产国别,原产国 cnacel an order contract of purchase 订购合同 cancel an offer sales confirmation 销售确认书 cargo hold shipper 托运人 cargo in bulk bill of lading 提单 cargo insurance consignee 收货人 cash against bill of lading port of discharge 卸货港 cash against delivery number of packages 件数 cash against shipping documents surface transport charge 地面运输费 cash and delivery air freight charge 航空运费 certificate of quanlity actual weight 实际重量 certificate of quantity airport of departure 始发站 check payable to bearer airport of desrination 目的站 collection of the instrument waybill 运单 collection on documents air waybill 航空运单 conditions of carriage date of arrival 到达日期 comfirmed credit terms of trade 贸易方式 consignee's address importer 进口商 confirming bank exporter 出口商 comfirming order
term of foreign exchange country where consigned import license validity of import license export license means of transport consignor certificate of origin inspection certificate place of origin port of despatch typr of goods inport aubstitution import deposit inport quota instrument of payment insurance policy landed price landed terms landed weight letter of credit ocean marine bill of lading B/L L/C D/P D/A T/T CFR CIF FOB FAQ FCL LCL D/D P.A F.P.A W.P.A G.A LIBOR EXW FCA DAF
confirming house consigment contract consignment invoice consignment note consignment sales consular incoice container container-carrying vessel container depot contract for the delivery of goods by installments contract price cost,insurance and freight(C.I.F) import surcharge insurance conditions insurance documents quota periods quota quantiites shut-out cargo sight letter of credit short-landing short-landing certificate survey report on quality 提单 信用证 付款交单 承兑交单 电汇 成本加运费价格 到岸价格 离岸价格 良好平均质量 整箱货 拼箱货 即期票汇 单独海损 平安险 水渍险 共同海损 伦敦银行同业折放利率 工厂交货 货交承运人 边境交货
export permit freight charges freight rates freight tariff general agency general agent general average tax holidays immediate delivery immediae packing immediate payment immediate shipment import control import entry import duty named bill of lading negotiable letter of credit offer pro forma invoice survey report on weight transhipment goods reansit goods free on board shipping order Generalized system of preferences combined certificate of value and origin air waybill ad valorem cash on delivery deadweight deadweight tonnage duty-paid value export declaration general agreement on tariffs and trade letter of guarantee metric ton non-neotiable,not negotiable ocean bill of lading order number sight draft non tariff barrier theft,pilferage and non-delivery warehouse to warehouse
中文 分批装运 承兑银行 承兑行 从价税 从价运费 实际皮重 追加订单 装运通知,装船通知 空运提单 空运费 修改合同 申请开证人 见票即付 海损条款 银行条款 易货贸易 持票人 见票若干日付款的汇票 见票即付的汇票 指定式汇票 订舱清单,装货订舱表 空仓费 撤销订单 撤销发盘 货舱 散装货 货物运输保险 凭提单付现 交货付款 凭单付现 付款交货,货到付款 货物质量证书 货物数量证明书 不记名支票 票据托收 跟单托收 货运条件 保兑信用 收货人地址 保兑银行 确认书