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(2 )评分教师就考生在三项任务中的语音语调与语法进行总体的评价,打综合分。分数采用百分制,每五分为一档。

(3 )将五项分数相加,得到总分。






Taskl: Retelli ng a story

①I once knew an old man whose bad memory made him famous. Joh n Smith was so forgetful that he sometimes forgot what he was talk ing about in the middle of a senten ce.His wife had to con sta ntly remi nd him about his meeti ngs, his classes —eve n his meals!② Once he forgot he had eate n breakfast twice, at home and at school. His wife liked to remind her neighbors, “IfJohn didn ' have his head tied on. He would forget that too! ③Since Smith was a professor at a well-known university, his forgetfulness was often an embarrassmentlt wasn ' t that he was not clever, as some critical people ten ded to say, but just very, veryabse nt-min ded

④One hot summer day, Professor Smith decided to take his children to a seaside townabout a

three-hour train ride away. To make the trip more interesting for his young children, he kept the name of the town a secret ⑤However, by the time they arrived at the statio n, Smith forgot the n ame of the tow n he was pla nning to visit. Luckily, a friend of his happened tobe in the station. He offered to take care

of the children while Smith hurried back home to find out where he was going.

⑥The professor ' s wife was surprised to see him again so soon.

“ Oh, my dear, I forgot the n ame the tow n. ”

“ What? You forgot the name Maybe one day you will forget my n ame! Now I ' ll write the name

of that town on a piece of paper, and you put it in your pocket and please, please don ' t forget where you put it. ”

⑦Satisfied that she had solved the problem, she senther husbandoff again. Ten mi nu tes later she was ast oni shed to see him outside the house for the third time.

“ What is the matter now? ”

“As you told me, I didn ' t forget where I put the name of that town, but I forgot where I left our childre n! ”

Task2: Talk ing on a give n topic

Directi ons: Describe a teacher of yours whom you find unu sual.

Task3: Role-playi ng

Directi ons: Many high school graduates in Chi na are going overseas for their college education. A friend of yours is graduating this year and would like to ask for your advice on whether it is a good idea for a high school graduate to go abroad to study. Student A: You think this friend should go by all means, and you should try to convince your part ner. Remember you should start the conv ersati on.

Stude nt B: You thi nk this frie nd should fin ish college in Chi na before thi nki ng about going abroad, and you should try to convince your partner. Remember your partner will start the conv ersatio n.


Task1: Retelli ng a story

①Whe never Mr. Smith goes to Westgate, he stays at the Grand Hotel.I n spite of its name, it is really not very “grand,b”t it is cheap, clean, and comfortable. ② Si nee he knows the man ger well, he n ever has to go to the trouble of reserv ing a room. The fact is that he always gets the same room. It issituatedat the far end of the building and overlooks a beautiful bay.

③On his last visit, Mr. Smith was told that he could have his usual room, but the manager added apologetically that it might be a little noisy. So great was the dema nd for rooms, the man ager said, that the hotel had decided to build a newwing. Mr. Smith said he did not mind. It amusedhim to think that the dear old Grand Hotel was making an effort to live up to its name.

④During the first day Mr. Smith hardly no ticed the no ise at all. The room was a little dusty, but that was n atural.⑤ The followi ng after noon, he borrowed a book from the hotel library and went upstairs to read. No sooner had he sat down than he heard some one hammeri ng loudly at the wall.® At

first he paid no atte nti on, but after a while he bega n to feel very un comfortable. His clothes were slowly being covered with fine white powder. ⑦ Soon there was so much dust in the room that he began to cough. The hammering was now louder than ever and bits of plaster were coming away from the walls. It looked as though the whole building was going to fall. ⑧Mr. Smith went immediately to compla in to the man ager. They both returned to the room, but everyth ing was very quiet. As they stood there look ing at each other, Mr. Smith felt rather embarrassed for having dragged the managerall the way up the stairs for nothing.⑨All of a sudden , the hammering began again and a large brick Ianded on the floor. Look ing up, they saw a sharp metal tool hadorced its way through the wall, making avery large hole right above the bed! Task2: Talk ing on a give n topic Directi on: Describe an embarrass ing situatio n in which you got very an gry. Task3: Role-playi ng

Directions: The geology department of a major university is planning to admit 30 male and 5 female stude nts. However, the results of the college entrance exam in ati on show that by average, of all the applicants, females have scored higher than most males. Should the departme nt stick to its orig inal pla n?

Stude nt A: You think the departme nt should still stick to the orig inal pla n, and you should try to convince your part ner. Remember you should start the conv ersati on. Student B: You don ' t think the department should stick to the original plan, and you should try to convince your partner. Remember your partner will start the conv ersatio n.


Task1: Retelli ng a story

①Just as Jane was joyfully expecting her first child, her active, energetic mother began losing her battle with a brain disease. For ten years, the fiercely independent and courageous mother had fought, but none of the surgeries or treatme nts had bee n successful. At only fifty-five, she became

totallydisabled- un able to speak, walk, eat or dress on her own.
