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anterior view
metacarpal bones掌骨 掌骨
• Numbered one to five from thumb to little finger • Structure of each –近端为底,接腕骨 –远端为头,接指骨 –中间部为体
anterior view
phalanges of fingers 指骨
clavicle 锁骨
• A long bone , medial 2/3 convex forward and lateral 1/3 convex backward • Sternal end 胸骨端 medially and acromial end 肩峰端laterally 肩峰端laterally
anterior view
posterior view
Shaft: • deltoid tuberosity (on lateral surface) 三角肌粗隆 • groove for radial nerve (on posterior surface)桡神经沟 桡神经沟 runs obliquely across the upper half of the body to reach the lateral border below the deltoid tuberosity
posterior view
humerus 肱骨
Upper end: • head of humerus 肱骨头 • anatomical neck 解剖颈 • greater tubercle 大结节 • lesser tubercle 小结节 • crest of greater tubercle 大结节嵴 • crest of lesser tubercle 小结节嵴 • intertubercular groove 结节间沟 • surgical neck 外科颈 this is the site of its liability to be fractured
冈上窝 supraspinous fossa 肩峰 acromion 肩胛下窝 subscapular fossa anterior surface posterior surface 肩胛冈 spine of scapula 冈下窝 infraspinous fossa
Three borders • Superior border: short and sharp scapular notch 肩胛切迹 coracoid process 喙突 • Medial border: arched, thin and longer vertebral border 脊柱缘 posterior view 上缘 • Lateral border: thick and smooth superior border axillary border 腋缘 喙突
anterior view
anterior view
Fracture of the distal end of the radius
carpal bones 腕骨
Proximal row ― (lateral to medial) • scaphoid bone手舟骨 bone手舟骨 • lunate bone月骨 bone月骨 • triquetral bone三角骨 bone三角骨 • pisiform bone豌豆骨 bone豌豆骨 Distal row ― (lateral to medial) • trapezium bone大多角骨 bone大多角骨 • trapezoid bone小多角骨 bone小多角骨 • capitate bone头状骨 bone头状骨 • hamate bone钩骨 bone钩骨 “舟月三角豆,大小头状钩” 舟月三角豆,大小头状钩” 舟月三角豆
anterior view
ulna 尺骨
Upper end: • trochlear notch 滑车切迹 • olecranon 鹰嘴 • coronoid process 冠突 • radial notch 桡切迹 locates laterally and inferiorly to the trochlear notch, receives the head of radius • ulnar tubersity 尺骨粗隆 anteroinferior to the coronoid process Shaft: Shaft:interosseous border 骨间缘 Lower end • head of ulna 尺骨头 • styloid process 尺骨茎突
anterior view
anterior view
posterior view
posterior view
lateral view
Two surfaces • Anterior surface: subscapular fossa 肩胛下窝 • Posterior surface: –spine of scapula 肩胛冈 spine –acromion 肩峰 acromion –supraspinous fossa and infraspinous fossa冈上窝、冈下窝 fossa冈上窝 冈上窝、 supraspinous
anterior view posterior view
radius 桡骨
Upper end: • head of radius 桡骨头 • articular circumference 环状关节面 articulate with radial notch of the ulna • neck of radius 桡骨颈 • radial tuberosity 桡骨粗隆 below the medial part of the neck Shaft: Shaft:interosseous border 骨间缘 Lower end: • styloid process (laterally) 桡骨茎突 • ulnar notch (medially) 尺切迹 articulate with the distal end of the ulna
anterior view
Bones of lower limbs 下肢骨
Composition: • pelvic girdle 下肢带骨 –hip bone 髋骨 hip • bones of free lower limb 自由下肢骨 –bone of thigh: femur股骨 femur股骨 bone –patella 髌骨 patella –bones of leg • tibia胫骨 tibia胫骨 • fibula 腓骨 –bones of foot bones • tarsal bones 跗骨 (7) • metatarsal bone跖骨 (5) bone跖骨 • phalanges of toes趾骨 (14) toes趾骨
肩胛切迹 scapular notch coracoid process
内侧缘 medial border anterior view
外侧缘 lateral border posterior view
内侧缘 medial border
Three angles • Superior: opposite to the 2nd rib • Inferior: opposite to the 7th rib or 7th intercostals space • Lateral: glenoid cavity 关节盂 articulate with the head of the humerus supraglenoid tubercles and infraglenoid tubercles 盂上结节、 盂下结节
肩峰端 acromial end 胸骨端 sternal end
superior view anterior view
scapula 肩胛骨
A triangular flat bone situated on the posterolateral aspect of the thorax between the second and seventh ribs
The Bones of Limbs
Bones of upper limbs 上肢骨
Composition: • shoulder girdle 上肢带骨 –clavicle 锁骨 clavicle –scapula 肩胛骨 scapula • bones of free upper limb 自由上肢骨 –bone of arm: humerus 肱骨 bone –bones of forearm bones • radius 桡骨 • ulna 尺骨 –bones of hand bones • carpal bones 腕骨(8) 腕骨(8) • metacarpal bones 掌骨(5) 掌骨(5) • phalanges of fingers 指骨(14) 指骨(14)
hip bone 髋骨
Consisting of three fused bones • ilium 髂骨 • ischium 坐骨 • pubis 耻骨
髋臼 acetabulum 闭孔 obturator foramen
• body of ilium 髂骨体 form part of acetabulum • ala of ilium 髂骨翼 –iliac crest 髂嵴 iliac –anterior superior iliac spine பைடு நூலகம்前上棘 anterior –posterior superior iliac spine 髂后上棘 posterior –tubercle of iliac crest 髂结节 tubercle –anterior inferior iliac spine 髂前下棘 anterior –posterior inferior iliac spine 髂后下棘 posterior –greater sciatic notch 坐骨大切迹 greater internal surface: iliac fossa 髂窝 –arcuate line 弓状线 arcuate –auricular surface 耳状面 auricular –iliac tuberosity 髂粗隆 iliac
anterior view
posterior view
Lower end: • capitulum of humerus 肱骨小头 articulates with the radial head • trochlea of humerus 肱骨滑车 articulates with the trochlear notch of the ulna • coranoid fossa 冠突窝 (anteriorly) • radial fossa 桡窝 (anteriorly) • olecranon fossa 鹰嘴窝 above the trochlea (posteriorly) • lateral epicondyle 外上髁 • medial epicondyle 内上髁 • sulcus for ulnar nerve 尺神经沟 lie on the posterior of medial epicondyle
上角 superior angle 外侧角 lateral angle 下角 inferior angle 盂上结节 supraglenoid tubercle
关节盂 glenoid cavity
盂下结节 infraglenoid tubercle lateral view
anterior view
• Consist of 14 ―two for first digit (thumb) and three for each of other four digits
– 近节指骨 – 中节指骨 – 远节指骨
• Structure of each –近端为底 –中间部为体 –远端为滑车 tuberosity of distal phalanx 远节指骨粗隆