


合同号: ________________

签订日期: ______________

签约地: ________________

甲方(加工装配方): ________________ 公司


电话:__________ 传真:____________ 电子邮箱:___________

乙方(来料、来件方):(境外) _______ 有限公司


电话:__________ 传真:____________ 电子邮箱:___________

Co ntract No: ______________________

Con clusi on Date: _________________

Con clusi on Place: ________________

Party A: ______________ Compa ny (Party of Process ing or Assembli ng)

Legal Address: _______________________________________________

Tel: _____________________ F ax: _____________________ E-mail: ______________________

Party B: ______________ Ltd. (Party of Supplyi ng Materials and Parts)

Legal Address: _______________________________________________

Tel: _____________________ ; Fax: ___________________ ; E-mail: ____________________


Party A and Party B, accord ing to the laws and policies of the People's Republic of China and the releva nt regulati ons and the prin ciples of equality and mutual ben efit, have held discussi ons relati ng to the process ing and assembli ng of (plastic toy products) and have reached agreeme nt on the followi ng con tractual clauses:


1.Resp on sibilities


(1)Responsibilities of Party A

(1)提供有上盖之厂房 _______ 平方米,无上盖场地__________ 平方米,工厂管理人员

________ 名,生产工人_________ 名、开业后__________ 月增至________ 名。在合同期内代乙方加工生产上述产品,加工成品后交回乙方复出。

1)Party A shall provide factory space consisting of ______________ square metres, field of ____________ square metres without covering, _____________ factory management person and ________________ workers for the

first phase. The nu mber of workers shall be in creased to ________________ twelve mon ths after operati on. Within the Con tract term, Party A shall process the products for party B which shall be re-exproted to .


2)The water supply and utility equipment required for processing shall be provided by Party A. If additional installations of water and electric facilities are required, the expenses thereof shall be borne by Party B.


3)Party A shall arrange all the necessary import and export approvals required for process ing and assembly and provide adm ini strati on and acco unting man ageme nt for the process ing pla nt. Party A cannot assig n Party A's resp on sibilities to any other party or in dividual

in any way.


(2)Responsibilities of Party B

(1) ______________________________________________ 不作价提供加工上述产品及装修厂房和建造________________________________________________ 平方米简易厂房所需的设备

材料(详见清单),分多批运抵甲方工厂,设备总值约______________ 万元。

1)To provide the equipme nt with the total value of _________.


2)To provide the raw materials, in direct materials and packagi ng materials for process ing the products. Quan tities and specificati ons are to be specified in separate process ing con tracts.

(3)工人如因工作不力(含工厂管理人员) ,经教育无效者,乙方有权向甲方提出调


3)In the eve nt any pers onn el, i nclud ing man ageme nt shows substa ndard performa nee and makes no improveme nt after retra ining. Party B shall have the right to request Party A to replace such persons. However, any physical search of the workers shall be regarded as illegal and prohibited.


2.Qua ntity of Products

第一年加工上述产品,加工费约 _____ 万元,从第二年开始的产量,应在前一年的基础


During the first year, the total process ing fee shall amount to _________ . From the sec ond year,

the qua ntity shall be in creased. Details shall be specified in separate process ing con tracts.


3.Price & Salary

1?试产(培训)期为二个月,在试产期内,工人每人每月工缴费暂定为 ____ 元,每月工作_____ 日,每天______ 小时。

(1)The trial product ion (in cludi ng training) period shall be _____ . During such period, the

workers shall be paid _________ per month on the basis of ___________ work ing days per month and ___________ work ing hours per day.

2?试产期满后,采取按件计算方式,在坚持互利原则的基础上、双方应根据加工的品种、规格、款式和工艺繁简不同进行定价,并在生产加工合同中订明为确保工人的合理收入,工缴费平均每人每月不低于____________ 元。需要加班时,加班费另计,但每个工人每天加班时间

最长不得超过_____ 小时。

(2)After the trial product ion period, the worker's payme nt shall be calculated accord ing to

actual product ion qua ntities. On the basis of mutual ben efit, both parties shall con sider the process ing fee, which shall be specified in separate process ing con tracts, accord ing to differe nt kinds of products, specifications, styles and engineering procedures. In order to ensure the reas on able in come of the workers, the worker's mon thly salary shall be mai ntai ned no lower tha n . If overtime work is required, payme nt shall be calculated separately. However, overtime shall not exceed hours a day.


(3)Expe nses for water and electricity in Party A's pla nt shall be borne by Party B.

4?每月乙方支付甲方_____ 元,作为工作管理费。

(4)Every month Party B shall pay __________ to Party A for man ageme nt expe nses.


4.Proporti on Products Damaged


(1)During the trial production period, Party B shall absorb the cost of products damaged.


(2)After the trial product ion period, the proport ion of damaged products shall be mutually con sidered and decided by both parties and specified in separate process ing con tracts.


5.Shipment of Raw Materials & Finished Products

1 ?乙方按生产合同的加工量,按月提供足够数量的原辅材料和包装物料。为使甲方工

厂能正常生产,乙方必须在每批产品开始加工前_______ 天,将所需的原材料和包装物料运抵甲

方工厂。除因人力不可抗拒之原因外,乙方来料不足,造成甲方工厂每月生产不足 __________ 天,停工天数累计不得超过四天,否则,乙方应按在厂工人以停工天数计,每人每天补助生活

费_____ 元,支付给甲方工厂。

(1) Every mon th, Party B shall provide sufficie nt raw materials and packagi ng materials

accord ing to the con tracted process ing volume. To en sure the no rmal product ion of Party A's pla nt. Party B shall ship such materials to the plant ____________________ days before the production of each lot of products. Except for reas on of force majeure, the pla nt shall operate for more tha n ____________ days in a mon th. In case product ion is held up for ________ days to in sufficie nt supply of raw materials, Party

B shall calculate the actual days whe n product ion is shut dow n and pay to Party A the workers' livi ng expe nses at the rate of ___________________ per pers on per day.


(2)To en sure the no rmal operati on of Party B's bus in ess activities, Party A shall deliver the finished products to Party B in accordance with the time of delivery, quality and quantity. Except for reas on of force majeure, in case losses to Party B are caused due to Party A's failure to make delivery as mentioned above, Party A shall be responsible for the compensation. Details of such compe nsati on shall be mutually agreed upon in separate process ing con tracts.


(3)Both parties shall mutually in spect and docume nt the equipme nt and materials provided

by Party B, such as machinery, ventilation and lighting equipment and raw materials. After the fini shed products are in spected and shipped from the pla nt by Party B, Party A shall be free of any responsibility in regard to specifications, quality and quantity, etc.


6.Method of Payme nt


同( ____ 政府授权的处理来料加工事务并具有外贸经营权的) _____________ 贸易公司(下称授权贸

易公司)开具发票后,通过中国银行(深圳分行)向乙方在香港开户的银行( ___ 银行。帐

号_____ )办理。乙方超过 _______ 天仍未付款给甲方,则按逾期天数,以当时香港银行利息一

并付给甲方。乙方连续______ 个月不结汇,甲方有权采取停止出货或其它措施。

Payme nt of workers' salary and man ageme nt fee shall be settled once a mon th by D/P, which shall be con ducted through Bank of China __________________________________ Branch by Party B's bank in __________

( _____ Bank, Acco unt NO. ___________ ) in accorda nce with the in voices issued by Party A and a Trade Company (authorized by the local government to be in charge of affairs of processing and assembly and with foreig n trade authority, here in after referred to as the Authorized Trade Compa ny). I n case Party B's payme nt is delayed for _______________________________________________ days, Party B shall be resp on sible for

the in terest in curred accord ing to the ban k's in terest rate; in case payme nt is not settled for ______ con secutive mon ths, Party A shall have the right to suspe nd delivery of the fini shed products or take other measures.


https://www.360docs.net/doc/bc9839524.html,bour Protectio n & In sura nce



(1)The plant shall take safety measures and protect the workers from dirt, smoke and poisonous materials. The factory shall be maintained ventilated and bright, and the surroundings clea n and tidy.


(2)The tran sportati on expe nses for the machi nery, ven tilati on and lighti ng equipme nt, raw materials, in direct materials, packag ing materials and the fini shed products shall be paid for by Party B.


料及操作机械的工人,均由乙方向_______ 保险公司投保。

(3)All in sura nee for the tran sportati on and storage of the above materials, mach inery and equipment and coverage of the workers operating the machinery shall be arranged through the In sura nee Compa ny of.


8.Tech ni cal Excha nge




After the arrival of the equipme nt in the pla nt, Party B shall dispatch pers onnel to in stall such equipment, while Party A shall arrange personnel to assist the installation. When the trial product ion begi ns, Party B shall provide tech ni cal pers onnel to carry out the training un til the workers have mastered the tech no logy and the product ion operates no rmally. Party B shall be resp on sible for the tech nical pers onn el's salary and all related expe nses, and Party A shall provide daily n ecessities.


9.Con tract Term


关备案生效。有效期为_____ 年,即从_年—月—日至_年—月—日。如要提前终止




After this con tract is sig ned and approved, Party B shall prese nt to Party A its Commercial Registratio n and Bank Credit Certificate for Party A to arra nge bus in ess lice nce and Customs Registrati on. The term of this con tract shall be three years, e.g. from _____________________________________ t o ___________. If either

party wishes to termi nate in adva nee or exte nd the con tract, the resp on sible party shall inform the other party three mon ths in adva nee so that both parties can discuss and settle such a term in ati on or exte nsion. If either party term in ates the con tact before the term expires, the resp on sible party shall compe nsate the other party for the losses in such case, the resp on sible party shall pay the other party as compe nsati on the amount of _____________________________________________ times the mon thly process ing fee. The fee will

be based on the average mon thly fee of the previous _____________ mon ths.


After the con tract term expires, the real estate such as the factory buildi ng and dormitory buildi ng shall retur n to Party A and the mach inery and equipme nt delivered by Party b shall be retur ned to Party B. Customs cleara nee procedures shall be gone through accord ing to releva nt regulati ons.

双方同意,在本合同经批准签订后 _______ 天内,乙方向甲方预付 _____ 元,作为履约保证金,从甲方收到履约金之日起______ 个月内,乙方仍不投产开业,履约保证金即无条件归甲



Both parties agree that, with in ________ days after the con tract is sig ned and approved, Party B

shall pay Party A the amount of ___________ as its guara ntee to carry out the con tract. If, with in _____

mon ths after Party A's receipt of such amount. Party B still cannot arrange to start product ion, the amount shall be forfeited to Party A uncon diti on ally and Party A shall have the right to can cel the con tract. If Party B can start producti on on time, the amount will be deducted from the process ing fee.






Any dispute aris ing from or in connection with this Con tract (a nd in cludi ng all the separate process ing con tracts) shall be settled through amicable n egotiatio n. Should no settleme nt be reached through negotiation, the case shall then be submitted to the China International Economic and Trade Arbitratio n Commissi on (CIETAC) ,She nzhe n Commissi on for arbitrati on that shall be con ducted in Shen zhe n in accorda nce with the CIETAC's arbitrati on rules in effect at the time of applying for arbitration. The arbitral award is final and binding upon parties.




The prese nt con tract is draw n in Chin ese and En glish as well, both texts being equally authe ntic. In case of any diverge nee of in terpretatio n, the Chin ese text shall prevail.


12.Ame ndme nt and Copies

本合同正本一式五份,甲、乙双方、海关、车管所、政府授权的处理来料加工事务并有外贸经营权的_____________ 公司各一份,副本若干份,均具有同等效力。

This con tact is made out in ___________ copies respectively held by the Parties, the Customs,

Vehicle Authority and the Authorized Trade Compa ny. They shall have the same force.


If there are other issues not covered in the con tract, both parties can discuss to suppleme nt or ame nd the con tract and submit the results to releva nt departme nts for approval.

甲方: _________________ 乙方: ______________________________

授权代表: _____________ 授权代表:_________________________

授权贸易公司: _________________________________


Party A: _____________________________ Party B: _________________________________

Authorized Represe ntative: __________ Authorized Representative: _______________

The Authorized Trade Company: ___________________________________


加工贸易合同中英对照(Processing Trade Contracts) 加工贸易合同(Processing Trade Contracts) 加工贸易是指由国外厂商提供一定的原材料、辅助材料、零部件、元器件、包装材料,必要时提供及其设备及生产技术,委托国内企业按国外厂商要求进行加工、装配,成品由国外厂商负责销售,国内企业按合同规定收取加工费。以下为来料加工和来件装配合同的参考格式: 来料加工和来件装配合同 Contract for Processing With Supplied Materials and Assembling With Supplied Part s 订约人: ____________有限公司(以下简称甲方) ____________有限公司(以下简称乙方) Undersigned Parties: ____________Co. Ltd (hereinafter called Party A) ____________Co. Ltd (hereinafter called Party B) 兹经双方同意甲方委托乙方在_________加工标准磁罗经,一切 所需的零件与原料由甲方提供,其条款如下: The undersigned parties agree that Party A entrust Party B to manufacture Standar d Magnetic Compasses in ____________ with all necessary parts and materials provi ded by Party A under the following terms and conditions: 1.来料加工和来件装配的商品和数量 (1)商品名称——标准磁罗经; (2)数量——共计_______台; 1. Commodity and quantity for processing with provided materials and parts (1) Name of Commodity——Standard Magnetic Compasses (2) Quantity——____ sets in total; 2.一切所需用的零件和原料由甲方提供,或乙方在____________ 或___________购买,清单附于本合同内; 2. All necessary parts and materials listed in the contract shall be provided by Party A or purchased by Party B in ______ or _______; 3.每种型号的加工费如下: (1)GLC-1型标准磁罗经:_________U.S.D(大写:____ 美元); (2)GLC-2型标准磁罗经:_________ U.S.D(大写_____ 美元); (3)GLC-3型标准磁罗经:_________ U.S.D(大写______ 美元);


设备加工装配合同范本 设备加工装配合同范本 劳务合同I用工合同I购销合同I装修合同甲方:XX公司乙方:香港XX有限公司双方在遵守中华人民共和国政策、法律和特区有关 规定的前提下,本着平等互利的原则,就来料加工各款塑胶五金玩具业务进行了充分协商,一致达成了如下合同条款:一、双方责任1、 甲方责任:(1)提供有上盖之厂房1 栋2 层850平方米,无上盖场地500平方米,工厂管理人1 名,生产工人首期80名、开业后十二个月增至200 名,(禁止雇用不满十六周岁的童工),如当地劳力缺乏,可到外地雇请,但须经深圳市有关部门批准,在合同期内代乙方加工生产上述产品,加工成品后交回乙方复出香港。(2)提供现有水、电设备供加工生产之用,如需新安装水、电设施,其费用由乙方支付。(3)办理来料加工、装配有关业务的进出口手续及对工厂实行行政、财务和管理,不得把工厂以任何形式承包给任何单位和个人经营。2、乙方责任:(1)不作价提供加工上述产品及装修厂房和建造平方米简易厂房所需的设备材料(详见清单),分多批运抵甲方工厂,设备总值约415万港元。(2)不作价提供加工上述产品所需的原料、辅料和包装物料,具体数量、规格在合同中订明。(3)工 人如因工作不力(含工厂管理人员),经教育无效者,乙方有权向甲方提出调换,但禁止非法搜查甲方工厂工人的身体。二、加工数量第一年加工上述产品,加工费约43.2 万港元,从第二年开始的产量,应在前一年的基础上有所增加,具体数量应在生产合同中订明。三、作价原则和工缴费1、试产(培训)期为二个月,在试产期内,工人每人每月工缴费暂定为450 港元,(每月工作二十五天半,每天八小时)。2、试产期满后,采取按件计算方式,在坚持互利原则的基础上、双方应根据加工的品种、规格、款式和工艺繁简不同进行定价,并在生产加工合同中订明(为确保工人的合理收入,工缴费平均每人每月不低于550 港元)。需要加班时,加班费另计,但每个工人每天加班时间最长不得超过三个小时。3、甲方工人生产消耗的水、电费由乙方负责。4、每月由乙方支付9,400港元给甲方,作为工厂管理费。四、损耗率1、试产期内的消耗率,实报实销。2、试产期后的 损耗率,由双方商定,并在生产合同中订明。五、来料和交货期1、乙方按生产合同规定的加工量,按月提供足够数量的原辅材料和包装物料。为使甲方


委托加工英文合同 篇一:加工合同中英文 加工合同(中英文对照) 编号:日期: 本合同由ABC公司,地址在中国北京××(以下称乙方)与XYZ公司,地址在日本东京××(以下称甲方)签订,按照下列条款,甲方委托乙方采用甲方提供的必需零件和材料在北京生产半导体收音机。 1、加工的商品及数量 数量:总数是:商品:半导体收单机。 甲方供应或乙方在中国购买的全部所需零件和材料均按本合同所附清单办理。 2、每种型号收音机的加工费如下: 3、晶体管收音机每台××美元 加工所需要的零件和物料由甲方运到北京,倘若零件和物料短缺或损坏,甲方负责补齐或更换。 4、零件和材料的损坏率: 零件或材料误发或多发运,乙方应该向甲方退还全部错发货物(若短缺,甲方应补足零件和材料),或退回多发零件和材料,费用由甲方负担。 5、付款: 在成品装运前一个月,甲方以信用证或电汇支付乙方全

部加工费和乙方在中国购买的物料费用 6、装运: 乙方必须在双方约定的时间内完成晶体管半导体收音机的加工和交货,但若发生不可抗力事故时除外(关于装运的详细规定请见附录 1)。 7、在加工中,零件和材料的损坏率是×%,此部分零件和材料由甲方供应。若损坏率超过×%,则超额部分的零件和材料由已方提供。 8、乙方必须严格按照甲方规定的设计,使用甲方提供的零件和材料,加工晶体管收音机。 9、技术服务: 10、若乙方需要,甲方同意随时派遣技术人员到中国帮助培训乙方技术人员,并同意该技术人员留在乙方检验成品。此时,乙方同意支付每人月薪××美元。其他一切费用,包括来往旅费由甲方承担。 11、有关本合同的进出口手续由乙方同中华人民共和国政府办理。 12、乙方根据甲方的指示把全部晶体管收音机发运到国外买主,甲方承担由此所发生的一切费用。 13、包装:聚乙烯袋包装,然后每一纸盒装一台,10 14、保险:


协议编号:LX-FS-A36501 加工装配合同标准范本 After Negotiation On A Certain Issue, An Agreement Is Reached And A Clause With Economic Relationship Is Concluded, So As To Protect Their Respective Legitimate Rights And Interests. 编写:_________________________ 审批:_________________________ 时间:________年_____月_____日 A4打印/ 新修订/ 完整/ 内容可编辑

加工装配合同标准范本 使用说明:本协议资料适用于经过谈判或共同协商的某个问题,在取得一致意见后并订立的具有经济或其它关系的契约条款,最终实现保障各自的合法权益的结果。资料内容可按真实状况进行条款调整,套用时请仔细阅读。 合同编号:_____ 甲方(加工装配方): _____ 乙方(来料、来件方):_____ 双方在遵守中华人民共和国法律、法规的前提下,本着本等互利的原则,就来料加工_____进行了充分协商,一致达成如下合同条款: 一、双方责任 1.甲方责任: (1)提供有上盖之厂房_____平方米,无上盖场地_____平方米,工厂管理人员_____名,生产工人 _____名、开业后_____月增至_____名。在合同期内代乙方加工生产上述产品,加工成品后交回乙方复出。

(2)提供现有水、电设备供加工生产之用,如需新安装水、电设施,其费用由乙方支付。 (3)办理来料加工、装配有关业务的进出口手续及对工厂实行行政、财务等管理,不得把工作以任何形式承包给任何单位和个人经营。 2.乙方责任: (1)不作价提供加工上述产品及装修厂房和建造_____平方米简易厂房所需的设备材料(详见清单),分多批运抵甲方工厂,设备总值约_____元。 (2)不作价提供加工上述产品所需的原料、辅料和包装物料,具体数量、规格在各份具体生产加工合同中订明。 (3)工人如因工作不力(含工厂管理人员),经教育无效者,乙方有权向甲方提出调换,但禁止非法搜查甲方工厂工人的身体。


委托加工合同范本_OEM 合同(上) 委托方:__________________________________________ 地址:______________ 邮码: _____________ 电话:______________ 法定代表人:_______________ 职务:______________ 定做方:__________________________________________ 地址:______________ 邮码: _____________ 电话:______________ 法定代表人:_______________ 职务:______________ 定做方委托委托方加工________________ ,经双方充分协商,特订立本合同,以便共同遵守。第一条加工成品 编号 名称 规格 单位 数量 备注 Commission processing contract template _OEM contract (on) Principal : ____________________________________ Address : ___________ Postal Code : ____________ Phone : ___________

The legal representative of the : _______ duties : __________ Custom side : ______________________________________ Address : ___________ Postal Code : ___________ Phone : ____________ The legal representative of the : _______ duties : __________ Commissioned by the commissioning party custom party processing ________ , full consultation by both parties, special to make this contract in order to abide by. The first finished products Number Name Specification Unit Quantity Remarks 第二条加工成品质量要求 第三条原材料的提供办法及规格、数量、质量 The second quality finished products Article provided by way of raw materials and specifications, quantity, quality 1. (用委托方原料完成工作的),委托方必须依照合同规定选用原材料,并接受定做方检验。 委托方隐瞒原材料的缺陷或者用不符合合同规定的原材料而影响定做质量时,定做方有权要求重作、修理、减少价款或退货。(质量保证的问题) 1 (Principal raw materials used to complete the work), the client must use raw materials in accordance with the provisions of the contract, and accept custom-square test. The


编号: 本资料为word版本,可以直接编辑和打印,感谢您的下载 加工贸易合同范本中英文版 甲方: 乙方: 0期: .......... ............. 厂丽;壽而兩瑟茹我S7 嗣话谿商彊謫:涵莅頒; :义务.同时觸述确定的时间内达成均定的承诺培果.文档可沒接下裁或修改.使用: :村濡详刼阕渓内机

《中华人民共和国海关加工贸易货物监管办法》(海关总署令第219号)规定,加工贸易,是指经营企业进口全部或者部分境辅材料、零部件、元器件、包装物料(以下简称料件),经加工或装配后,将制成品复出口的经营活动,包括进料加工、来料加工。 今天小编要与大家分享的是:中英文版的加工贸易合同范本。具体内容如下,欢迎参考阅读: 加工贸易合同范本(中文版) 合同号:合同号: 签约地点: 日期: 甲方: 地址: 电话:传真 乙方: 地址:

电话: 传真________________ 根据平等互利原则有限公司与有限公司友好协商特约签定本合同 一、双方承诺:由乙方提供不作价设备美元(港币)给甲方用于加工生产之用,(详见设备清箪)?产权归乙方所有。使用期限为年,在监管期限内,不得报自在境内销售、 串换、转让、抵押或者移作他用。到期后如不续签,则由甲方协助乙方申报海关核准后处理。乙方以免费方式提供设备,不需甲方办理付汇进口,也不需用加工費或差价偿还设备款。 、甲方向乙方购买原料、辅料 冏品品名及规格原料辅料 编码、单位数量、机价金额、品名、单位数量、单价金额合计 三、甲方供乙方制成品的数量及金额 冏品编码品名及规格単位数量:单价金额 合计 四、乙方供料于起运抵

甲方制成品于日前运往 五、运输方式及运费用六、保险费负担 七、付款方式八、包装要求 九、仲裁:因执行本合同所发生的争议或与木合同有关的一切争议,双方应通过友好协商解决,如果协商不能解决,应提交中国国际贸易促进委员会根据该会仲裁程序进行仲裁,仲裁裁决为最终裁决,对双方都有约束力。 十、木合同一式八分,由签字双方各执一分,其余六分报送有关部门备案甲方(證章) 乙方(盖章) 加工贸易合同范本(英文版)< THE CONTRACT FOR SINO-FOREIGN COOPERATIVE JOINT VENTURE Chapter 17 Liability for Breach of Contract Article 42 Should the cooperative venture company be unable to continue itsoperation or achieve its business purpose due to the fact that one of thecontracting parties fails to fulfil the obligations prescribed by thecontract and articles of association, or seriously violates the provisionsof the contract and articles of association, that party shall be deemed tohave unilaterally terminated the contract. The other party shall have the right to terminate the contract in accordance with the provisions of thecontract after approval by the original examination and approvalauthority, and to claim damages. In case Party A and Party B of thecooperative venture company agree to continue the operation, the party


STANDARD CONTRACT SAMPLE (合同范本) 甲方:____________________ 乙方:____________________ 签订日期:____________________ 编号:YW-BH-017001 加工装配合同书范本(合同示

加工装配合同书范本(合同示范文 本) 一、双方责任 1.甲方责任: (1)提供有上盖之厂房_________平方米,无上盖场地_________平方米,工厂管理人员_________名,生产工人_________名、开业后_________月增至 _________名。在合同期内代乙方加工生产上述产品,加工成品后交回乙方复出。(2)提供现有水、电设备供加工生产之用,如需新安装水、电设施,其费用由乙方支付。 (3)办理来料加工、装配有关业务的进出口手续及对工厂实行行政、财务等管理,不得把工作以任何形式承包给任何单位和个人经营。 2.乙方责任: (1)不作价提供加工上述产品及装修厂房和建造_________平方米简易厂房所需的设备材料(详见清单),分多批运抵甲方工厂,设备总值约_________元。(2)不作价提供加工上述产品所需的原料、辅料和包装物料,具体数量、规格在各份具体生产加工合同中订明。 (3)工人如因工作不力(含工厂管理人员),经教育无效者,乙方有权向甲方提

出调换,但禁止非法搜查甲方工厂工人的身体。 二、加工数量 第一年加工上述产品,加工费约_________元,从第二年开始的产量,应在前一年的基础上有所增加,具体数量应在生产合同中订明。 三、作价原则和工缴费 1.试产(培训)期为二个月,在试产期内,工人每人每月工缴费暂定为_________元,每月工作_________日,每天_________小时。 2.试产期满后,采取按件计算方式,在坚持互利原则的基础上、双方应根据加工的品种、规格、款式和工艺繁简不同进行定价,并在生产加工合同中订明为确保工人的合理收入,工缴费平均每人每月不低于_________元。需要加班时,加班费另计,但每个工人每天加班时间最长不得超过_________小时。 3.甲方工人生产消耗的水、电费由乙方负责。 4.每月乙方支付甲方_________元,作为工作管理费。 四、损耗率 1.试产期内的消耗率,实报实销。 2.试产期后的损耗率,由双方商定,并在生产加工合同中订明。 五、来料和交货期 1.乙方按生产合同的加工量,按月提供足够数量的原辅材料和包装物料。为使甲方工厂能正常生产,乙方必须在每批产品开始加工前_________天,将所需的原材料和包装物料运抵甲方工厂。除因人力不可抗拒之原因外,乙方来料不足,造成甲方工厂每月生产不足_________天,停工天数累计不得超过四天,否则,乙方应按在厂工人以停工天数计,每人每天补助生活费_________元,支付给甲


加工合同(中英文对照) 编号:日期: 本合同由ABC公司,地址在中国北京××(以下称乙方)与XYZ 公司,地址在日本东京××(以下称甲方)签订,按照下列条款,甲方委托乙方采用甲方提供的必需零件和材料在北京生产半导体收音机。 1、加工的商品及数量 数量:总数是:商品:半导体收单机。 甲方供应或乙方在中国购买的全部所需零件和材料均按本合同所附清单办理。 2、每种型号收音机的加工费如下: 3、晶体管收音机每台××美元 加工所需要的零件和物料由甲方运到北京,倘若零件和物料短缺或损坏,甲方负责补齐或更换。 4、零件和材料的损坏率: 零件或材料误发或多发运,乙方应该向甲方退还全部错发货物(若短缺,甲方应补足零件和材料),或退回多发零件和材料,费用由甲方负担。 5、付款: 在成品装运前一个月,甲方以信用证或电汇支付乙方全部加工费和乙方在中国购买的物料费用 6、装运:

乙方必须在双方约定的时间内完成晶体管半导体收音机的加工和交货,但若发生不可抗力事故时除外(关于装运的详细规定请见附录1)。 7、在加工中,零件和材料的损坏率是×%,此部分零件和材料由甲方供应。若损坏率超过×%,则超额部分的零件和材料由已方提供。 8、乙方必须严格按照甲方规定的设计,使用甲方提供的零件和材料,加工晶体管收音机。 9、技术服务: 10、若乙方需要,甲方同意随时派遣技术人员到中国帮助培训乙方技术人员,并同意该技术人员留在乙方检验成品。此时,乙方同意支付每人月薪××美元。其他一切费用,包括来往旅费由甲方承担。 11、有关本合同的进出口手续由乙方同中华人民共和国政府办理。 12、乙方根据甲方的指示把全部晶体管收音机发运到国外买主,甲方承担由此所发生的一切费用。 13、包装:聚乙烯袋包装,然后每一纸盒装一台,10 14、保险: 甲方负责对材料和成品保险。若甲方要求,乙方可代为保险,甲方负担费用。 15、2若需要在中国购买零件和材料,其质量必须符合标准,并须经甲方同意。 15份,甲、乙双方各执一份。 ABC公司:XYZ公司: CONTRACT FOR PROCESSING


机械设备加工合同范本 机械设备加工合同范本(一) 甲方(委托方): 乙方(制作方): 甲、乙双方经友好协商,现就甲方委托乙方加工制作、装配架空乘人装置及相关设备,达成如下协议: 一、委托方式和范围: 甲方提供架空乘人装置及相关设备产品零部件图纸、装配工艺等技术资料,乙方按照甲方技术资料进行产品零部件的加工、装配,甲方委派专职技术、质检、仓管、物流、采购等相关人员进驻乙方现场,按照技术文件进行检验、验收。 乙方自行安排加工、装配场地,承担零部件加工费用,并免费提供办公室,作为甲方的现场生产协调、质检及发货人员的办公场所。 二、实施细则:

1、甲方自行采购的原材料、外购件及配套件,需按乙方的车间人员的要求集中堆放,其质量问题由甲方负责,如影响乙方装配,则应补偿有关人工费用。 2、乙方免费提供一定一跨车间作为甲方的成品仓储。 3、委托加工期间,乙方作为定点加工单位,需严格按照甲方所提出的技术要求及工艺流程,保质保量的完成甲方所委托的各项产品的加工制作。现场的所有物料(含原材料、外购件及生产工具等)均由甲方采购,但乙方需根据甲方所提供的《生产计划表》提供相应的《材料需求计划》,以供甲方提前进行生产所需物资的准备工作。 4、甲方所委派的质检人员,作为甲方的授权代表,对乙方所加工制作的所有产品拥有否决权,不达标及不合格产品均不得验收入库。 5、甲方委托加工的所有产品的单项价格另行以双方互签的《委托加工件价格明细表》为准。 6、结算:《委托加工件价格明细表》内所定的产品单

价为含税价,结算时乙方需向甲方开具17%的增值税发票,付款方式采用滚动付款,双方协商付款进度。 7、违约责任:按《合同法》规定。 三、附则: 1、本委托加工协议,自甲乙双方签字盖章之日起生效。本协议一式两份,双方各持一份。 2、未尽事宜,双方另行协商解决。 3、本协议生效后,双方原签订的车间及办公室租赁合同,中止执行。 甲方(盖章):乙方(盖章): 代表(签字):代表(签字): 日期:年月日日期:年月日 机械设备加工合同范本(二)


化妆品品牌授权合同 甲方:乙方:丙方:丁方:签订日期:_____ 年_____ 月 第 1 页共16 页

签约各方: BETWEEN: 甲方(授权方): Party A (Authorizing Party ): 乙方(被授权方): Party B (Authorized Party ): Party C (Ma nu facturi ng and 丙方(生产加工方):Process ing Party ): 丁方(生产加工方): Party D (Ma nu facturi ng and Process ing Party): 定义: DEFINITIONS: 1、:系指由在韩国直接生产的或者由丙方、丁方依据乙方的指示, 按照甲方提供的制造工艺和相关技术生产制造的,并由甲方依据本合同的约定授权乙方在中华人民共和国境内销售的相关品牌产品。 1. The term “”as used here in mea ns such brand products as directly manu factured in Korea or as join tly manu factured by Party C and Party D subject to in struct ions of Party B and with the manu facture processes and related tech no logies provided by Party A here un der ,and as Party A authorizes Party B to sell within the territory of the People ' s Republic of China in accorda nee with terms agreed here in. 2、发货发:系指收到乙方书面订购产品订单的本合同当事方,包括甲方、


受委托方(以下简称:甲方):Consignee of Manufacture (hereinafter called as party A) 地址:Address 定做方(以下简称:乙方): Ordering Client (hereinafter called as party B) 地址:Address 乙方委托甲方加工_____,经双方充分协商,特订立本合同,以便共同遵守。 Party B commission party A to manufacture the product of for which parties hereto through full negotiation conclude and enter into this contract for abidance by parties. 第一条加工成品 Article One Processing Product 产品编号 Serial Number of Product 产品名称 Name of Product 产品规格 Specification of Product 单位 Unit 数量 Amount 备注 Note 第二条加工成品质量要求 Article Two Technical Requirement of Processed Product 第三条原材料的提供办法及规格、数量、质量 Article Three Provision, Specification, Amount and Quality of Raw Material 1. 用甲方原料完成工作的。甲方必须依照合同规定选用原材料,并接受乙方检验。甲方隐瞒原材料的缺陷或者用不符合合同规定的原材料而影响定做质量时,乙方有权要求重作、修理、减少价款或退货。


对外加工装配合同范本 对外加工装配合同范本 现今社会公众的法律意识不断增强,合同的类型越来越多,签订合同能促使双方规范地承诺和履行合作。那么问题来了,到底应如何拟定合同呢?下面是小编精心整理的对外加工装配合同范本,供大家参考借鉴,希望可以帮助到有需要的朋友。 对外加工装配合同范本1 本合同于_________年_________月_________日在中国 _________市签订。 甲方:中国_________公司 法定地址:_________ 电话:_________ 电传:_________ 乙方:_________国_________公司 法定地址:_________ 电话:_________ 电传:_________ 双方在平等互利基础上,通过友好协商,特订立本合同。

第一条贸易内容 (一)乙方同意按甲方在合同中提出的严格标准和规格,用甲方提供的原料生产甲方指定的产品。 (二)加工成品名称和数量 1、成品名称:_________。 2、成品数量:_________。 第二条加工成品规格 根据乙方提供的设计原型,图纸与产品样品,甲乙双方共同制定规范,以满足生产的需要,这种规范要符合加工成品的质量和性能标准。此规范一经双方确定,任何变动只有依双方书面协议修改。 第三条原材料供应 (一)本协议期间,最迟在每个公历季度前_________月,甲方应向乙方提供该季度甲方定货所需的生产原材料和消耗材料。 (二)乙方收到甲方提供的原材料后,应按甲方指定的检查方法立即对原材料进行检查,并将其结果在检查完毕后 _________天内向甲方报告。不符合甲方规格要求的原材料不能用来生产指定产品。 第四条加工费 (一)加工单价


加工合同(屮英文对照) 编号:日期: 本合同由ABC公司,地址在中国北京XX (以下称乙方)与XYZ公司,地址在日本东京XX (以下称甲方)签订,按照下列条款,甲方委托乙方采用甲方提供的必需零件和材料在北京生产半导体收音机。 1、加工的商品及数量: 商品:半导体收单机。 数量:总数是XX台。 2、甲方供应或乙方在中国购买的全部所需零件和材料均按本合同所附清单办理。 3、每种型号收音机的加工费如下: II品体管收音机每台XX美元; 12晶体管收音机每台XX美元 4、零件和材料: 加工所需要的零件和物料由甲方运到北京,倘若零件和物料短缺或损坏,甲方负责补齐或更换。 5、付款: 在成品装运前一个月,甲方以信用证或电汇支付乙方全部加T费和乙方在中国购买的物料费用。 6、装运: 乙方必须在双方约定的时间内完成品体管半导体收音机的加「?和交货,但若发生不可抗力事故时除外(关于装运的详细规定请见附录1)。 7、零件和材料的损坏率: 在加工中,零件和材料的损坏率是X%,此部分零件和材料山甲方供应。若损坏率超过X%,则超额部分的零件和材料由已方提供。 8、若零件或材料误发或多发运,乙方应该向甲方退还全部错发货物(若短缺,甲方应补足零件和材料),或退冋多发零件和材料,费用由甲方负担。 9、乙方必须严格按照甲方规定的设计,使用甲方提供的零件和材料,加工晶体管收音机。 10、技术服务: 若乙方需要,甲方同意随时派遣技术人员到中国帮助培训乙方技术人员,并同意该技术人员留在乙方检验成品。此时,乙方同意支付何人月薪XX美元。其他一切费用,包括来往旅费由甲方承担。 11、有关本合同的进出曰手续由乙方同中华人民共和国政府办理。 12、乙方根据甲方的指示把全部晶体管收音机发运到国外买主,甲方承担由此所发生的一切费用。 13、包装:聚乙烯袋包装,然后每一纸盒装一台,10纸盒装一出II纸箱。 14、保险: 甲方负责对材料和成品保险。若甲方要求,乙方可代为保险,甲方负担.费用。 15、其他条款: 15、1晶体管收音机的商标全部由甲方提供,若发生违法事件,甲方对其承担全部法律责任。


加工装配合同 CONTRACT FOR PROCESSING & ASSEMBLY 合同号:_______________ 签订日期:_____________ 签约地:_______________ 甲方(加工装配方):_______________公司 地址:_________________________________ :___________传真:____________电子:__________ 乙方(来料、来件方):(境外)________ 地址:_________________________________ :___________传真:____________电子:__________ Contract No: ________________ Conclusion Date: ____________ Conclusion Place: ___________ Party A: __________ Company (Party of Processing or Assembling) Legal Address: ________________________________ Tel: _______________ Fax: ______________ E-mail: _______________ Party B:___________ Ltd. (Party of Supplying Materials and Parts) Legal Address: ________________________________ Tel: _______________; Fax: ______________; E-mail: _______________ 双方在遵守中华人民国法律、法规的前提下,本着本等互利的原则,就来料加工__________进行了充分协商,一致达成如下合同条款: Party A and Party B, according to the laws and policies of the People's Republic of China and the relevant regulations and the principles of equality and mutual benefit, have held discussions relating to the processing and assembling of (plastic toy products) and have reached agreement on the following contractual clauses: 一、双方责任 1. Responsibilities 1.甲方责任: (1)Responsibilities of Party A (1)提供有上盖之厂房________平方米,无上盖场地________平方米,工厂管理人员________名,生产工人________名、开业后________月增至________名。在合同期代乙方加工生产上述产品,加工成品后交回乙方复出。 1) Party A shall provide factory space consisting of _____ square metres, field of _____ square metres without covering, _____ factory management person and _____ workers for the first phase. The number of workers shall be increased to _____ twelve


编号:_____________石材厂来料加工合同 甲方:________________________________________________ 乙方:___________________________ 签订日期:_______年______月______日

甲方:________________________________ 乙方:________________________________ Party A: ______________________ __ Party B: ______ __________________ 甲乙双方经过洽谈,达成来料加工下列商品的协议,现订立合同如下: An agreement is reached on this date between Party A and Party B on the conclusion of the following business of processing Party B’s materials into finished product s according to the provisions of this contract. 一、乙方向甲方免费提供下列原(辅)料,其运输、保险等费用均由乙方负担。 Ⅰ.Materials (and findings, if any ) to be supplied to party A by party B, at party B’s expense, freight and insurance also to be borne by Party B. Shipment: Destination ( for materials) 二、甲方向乙方提供下列成品: Ⅱ. Finished products to be supplied to Party B by Party A .


( 合同范本 ) 甲方: 乙方: 日期:年月日 精品合同 / Word文档 / 文字可改 对外加工装配合同(合同范本) The agreement between parties A and B after friendly negotiation stipulates the obligations and rights that must be performed between each other

对外加工装配合同(合同范本) 本合同于_________年_________月_________日在中国_________市签订。 甲方:中国_________公司 法定地址:_________ 电话:_________ 电传:_________ 乙方:_________国_________公司 法定地址:_________ 电话:_________ 电传:_________ 双方在平等互利基础上,通过友好协商,特订立本合同。 第一条贸易内容

(一)乙方同意按甲方在合同中提出的严格标准和规格,用甲方提供的原料生产甲方指定的产品。 (二)加工成品名称和数量 1.成品名称:_________。 2.成品数量:_________。 第二条加工成品规格 根据乙方提供的设计原型,图纸与产品样品,甲乙双方共同制定规范,以满足生产的需要,这种规范要符合加工成品的质量和性能标准。此规范一经双方确定,任何变动只有依双方书面协议修改。 第三条原材料供应 (一)本协议期间,最迟在每个公历季度前_________月,甲方应向乙方提供该季度甲方定货所需的生产原材料和消耗材料。 (二)乙方收到甲方提供的原材料后,应按甲方指定的检查方法立即对原材料进行检查,并将其结果在检查完毕后_________天内向甲方报告。不符合甲方规格要求的原材料不能用来生产指定产品。 第四条加工费


Contract Manufacturing Arrangements for Drugs: Quality Agreements Guidance for Industry 行业指南:药品委托生产安排:质量协议 U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Food and Drug Administration Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER) Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER) Center for Veterinary Medicine (CVM) November 2016 Pharmaceutical Quality/Manufacturing Standards (CGMP)

Guidance for Industry Additional copies are available from: Office of Communications, Division of Drug Information Center for Drug Evaluation and Research Food and Drug Administration 10001 New Hampshire Ave., Hillandale Bldg., 4th Floor Silver Spring, MD 20993-0002 Phone: 855-543-3784 or 301-796-3400; Fax: 301-431-6353 Email: druginfo@https://www.360docs.net/doc/bc9839524.html, https://www.360docs.net/doc/bc9839524.html,/Drugs/GuidanceComplianceRegulatoryInformation/Guidances/default.htm and/or Office of Communication, Outreach and Development C enter for Biologics Evaluation and Research Food and Drug Administration 10903 New Hampshire Ave., Bldg. 71, Room 3128S ilver Spring, MD 20993-0002 Phone: 800-835-4709 or 240-402-8010 Email: ocod@https://www.360docs.net/doc/bc9839524.html, https://www.360docs.net/doc/bc9839524.html,/BiologicsBloodVaccines/GuidanceComplianceRegulatoryInformation/Guidances/default.htm and/or Policy and Regulations Staff, HFV-6Center for Veterinary Medicine Food and Drug Administration 7519 Standish Place, Rockville, MD 20855 https://www.360docs.net/doc/bc9839524.html,/AnimalVeterinary/GuidanceComplianceEnforcement/GuidanceforIndustry/default.htm U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Food and Drug Administration Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER) Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER) Center for Veterinary Medicine (CVM) November 2016 Pharmaceutical Quality/Manufacturing Standards (CGMP)
