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Check-in at the airport 在机场Check-in

1. At the Information Desk 在问讯处(A: Clerk of the Airline 航空公司办事人员; B: Tour Leader 导游领队)

B: Excuse me. We have a connecting flight on MH235 to Kuala Lumpur. Where do we check in our luggage? 对不起,我们将乘坐MH235航班去吉隆坡,在哪儿托运行李办理登机牌?

A: Please go to the counter beside the information desk. 请到问讯处边上的柜台办理。

B: When will the flight begin boarding? 该航班什么时候开始登机?

A: The flight will begin boarding around 14: 20. Please wait at the waiting room until it's announced. 大约14: 20开始登机。请在休息室耐心等待,直到广播通告。

B: I see. Thank you. 明白了,谢谢!

2. At the Check-in Counter 换登机牌

(A: Clerk of the Check-in Counter 换登机牌办事员; B: Tour Leader导游领队)

B: Hello, we are a group of 30 people going to Singapore by SQ 368. 你好,我们是乘坐SQ368到新加坡的团队,共30人。

A: May I have your tickets and passports, please? 请给我你们的机票和护照,好吗?

B: Sure, here you are. 好的,给你。

A: How many pieces of luggage would you like to check in? 有多少行李需要托运?

B: Thirty five pieces altogether. 总共有35件行李。

A: Here are your tickets, passports and boarding passes. Your luggage claim tags are attached to the tickets cover. 这是你们的机票、护照和登机牌;取行李单已经全部贴在机票的封面了。

B: Thank you. 谢谢。

A: You're welcome. 不客气。

3. Luggage Check-in 办理行李托运

(A: Clerk of the Check-in Counter 换登机牌办事员; B: Tour Leader导游领队)

Scene 1 场景1

B: Excuse me, miss. Should I check in here for taking Flight AF 310 to Paris? 小姐,你好。我的航班是AF310到巴黎的,是在这儿办理登机手续吗?

A: Yes, sir. May I have your passport and flight ticket, please? 是的,先生。请给我你的护照和机票。B: Sure, here are ten tickets and passports. We are from the same tour group. Can we have six window seats and four aisle seats? 好的,这是机票和护照。我们是同一个旅游团,可以给我们6个靠窗和4个靠走廊的座位吗?

A: Let me see. . . OK. No problem. Do you have any pieces of luggage to check in? 让我看看。。。好的,没有问题。你们有行李需要托运吗?

B: Yes. We have eight suitcases and two bags. 是的,我们有8个箱子和2个袋子。

A: Would you please put them on the scale? 把他们放到运输带上好吗?

B: Of course. They are not overweight, are they? 好的,他们没有超重吧?

A: I'm sorry. They are 5kg over. 不好意思,超重了5公斤。

B: That's too bad. It must be because of the brochures. 坏了,应该是因为那些旅游小册子。

A: I see you don't have any carry-on luggage. Probably you could pick some brochures out of your luggage and take them with you. 我看你也没有手提行李,也许你可以拿出一些小册子来拎在手里。

B: Good idea. Could you explain the free baggage allowance to me? 好主意,能给我解释一下免费携带行李的规定吗?

A: Of course. On transcontinental flights to France, your free baggage allowance is not more than 30kg

each. 当然。乘坐国际航班去法国,每人可以免费携带不超过30公斤的行李。

B: I see. 我明白了。

Scene 2 场景2

A: May I help you, sir? 我能为你做什么,先生?

B: Yes, we're here to check in for the flight to Sydney. Here are our tickets and passports. 是的,我们想办理去悉尼的登机牌,这是机票和护照。

A: Thank you, sir. Please put your baggage on the scale. How many pieces of baggage do you want to check in. 谢谢,先生;请把行李放到称重台上,你有多少件行李需要托运?

B: Twenty pieces altogether. Can I take this traveling bag as a carry-on? 总共20件。我可以将这个旅行袋手提上飞机吗?

A: I'm afraid not. It's overweight. The allowance for the carry-on baggage is 8kg. 恐怕不行,它太重了。允许的手提行李最重是8公斤。

B: I see. 知道了。

A: Here are twenty claim tags for your baggage and your passports. 这是20件行李的托运单和护照。B: Thank you very much. 非常感谢。

4. Transit and Transfer 过境与转机

(A: Clerk of the Check-in Counter 换登机牌办事员; B: Tour Leader导游领队)

Scene 1 场景1

A: Good afternoon. May I help you? 下午好,有什么需要帮忙的?

B: Yes, we are to transfer to flight NH588 to Tokyo. We'd like to check in now. 是的,我们想转机NH588去东京,现在办理登机手续。

A: May I have your tickets and passports, please? 你的机票和护照?

B: Certainly, here are ten tickets. Can we have our seats close to each other? 好,给你;将我们的位置挨在一起好吗?

A: Let me see. The airplane is quite full now. I can hardly give you ten seats together. But I'll try to make it for you. 让我看看。航班已经快要满员了,很难找出10个在一起的位置,不过我尽量给你们安排。B: Thank you. 谢谢!

A: Here are your tickets and passports and boarding passes. I have arranged your seats as close to each other as possible. The departure time for the flight is 11: 15a. m. Please board at Gate 28. 这是你们的机票、护照和登机牌,我已经尽力为你们安排在一起了。起飞时间是早上11: 15,请在28号登机口登机。

B: Could you tell me the way to the boarding gate? 能否告诉我怎么去登机口?

A: Certainly, sir. Just take the escalator down to the next floor, get on the passenger conveyer to the departure area, and you'll easily find Gate 28 there. You mey wait in the departure lounge for boarding since there is not much time left. 没问题,先生。先乘坐电梯到下一层,再登上乘客运送装置到登机等待区,在那儿你能很容易找到28号登机口。可以在长廊里等待登机,因为没多少时间就要起飞了。

B: I see. Thank you very much for your help. 我明白了,非常感谢你的帮助。

A: It's my pleasure. 能帮你是我的荣幸。

Scene 2 场景2

A: What can I do for you, ma'am? 我能帮你吗,夫人?

B: I thought what I took was a “not-stop flight”. Why do I have to transit here? 我乘坐的是不停留航班,怎么还要到这儿来转机?

A: I am sorry, ma'am. Your ticket shows that your flight will fly directly to Paris. You don't have to change
