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冠幅、树高、新梢的相关性较强,各带间距林地柠条3个生长指标排序均为:2m >16m >8m >4m;丛径排序均为:2m >4m >8m >16m;枝条数量排序均为:4m >8m >2m >16m 。

2m 、4m 、8m 、16m 带间距林地一年生枝叶与多年

生枝的比例依次为3!7、1!9、3.4!6.4、4!6,8m 和16m 带间距林地柠条的饲用价值更为突出。4m 、8m 带间

距林地土壤含水量接近,且垂直分布较均匀,好于2m 、16m 带间距林地。#随带间距增加风速和湿度增加,温度

下降;2m 带间距林地作用较明显,其他3种林地则作用相似。

4m 、8m 带间距林地优质牧草重要值占总值的

51.79%~43.03%之间,多年生植物重要值占总值的1/3左右,好于2m 、16m 带间距林地。%柠条林带间植物多样性指数排序为:16m >4m >8m >2m,丰富度指数排序为:2m >8m >4m >16m,均匀度指数排序为:2m >8m >4m >16m 。&综合柠条生长情况、带间植物重要值和多样性指标、林地土壤水分和林地对小气候的调控作用,4m 、8m 带间距林地在研究地是比较适合的造林模式。



The E ff ect ofDiff ere nt Spaci ng Bet w een Stri ps on Caragana P l antati o n

WANG Jun-zhang 1

,D UAN H e 1

,BAO Sheng-rong


(1.The I nstitute of Forestr yMo nitori ng and Pla nni ng of I n nerMo n goli a Auto n o mo us Regi o n ,h uh ho,t 010020,Chi na ;

2.Forestry Bureau of Bayannaoer C ity of Inner Mo ng olia,Linhe ,015000,Ch i na )

A bstra ct :Ty pical plot i nv estigatio n method was used i n th is paper to study o n the eff ect of d iff erent spacing bet ween strips on Caragana plantati on .Resu lts are as f oll o ws :1)There is str ong re lativ e relatio n

ship a mong the cro wn w i dth ,he i g h,t sho ot of Carag ana shr ub .The or der of those abo ve gro w t h indicators are :2m >16m >8m >4m;t he order of tuft siz e are :2m >4m >8m >16m;the nu mber of branches are :4m >8m >2m >16m.2)The rati os of annual and perenn ial branchi ng with a spac i ng of 2m,4m,8m,16m are 3:7,1:9,3.4:6.4,4:6.The f eeding v a l ues are more pro m i nent in Caragana f orest land w ith a spac i ng of 8m and 16m.3)The soilmoisture of f orest land are hig hestwit h a spac i ng of 4m or 8m,ev en w ith more unif or m vertical d istributio n ,which is better than the woo dland with a spac i ng of 2m,16m.4)Co mes wit h the increasing of spaci ng ,w i nd speed and hu m idity i ncrease ,and t he te mperature dro p .It is more sig n ificant i n wo odland w ith a spac i ng of 2m than others .5)The i m portant values of h i gh -quality f orage i n f orest land w ith a spacing of 4m and 8m acco unted f or 51.79%~43.03%of the total value ,wh ile it is 1/3f or perennia l plan,t which is better than wo odland wit h a spac i ng of 2m and 16m.6)The b i odiversity i ndex ofCaragana f orest p lant f ro m hig h to l o w is 16m >4m>8m>2m,richness i n dex order is 2m>8m>4m>16m ,a nd the evenness i ndex is 2m>8m>4m>16m .7)By i ntegrati ng the gro wth sit uatio n ,i m portant val ue ,bio diversity index ,f orest soilmoisture and the role of f orest land o n m icr o-cli m ate regulatio n i n Caragana p lantatio n ,f orest land w ith a spacing of 4m,8m was co nsidered to be more su itab le f or aff orestati o n mo de i n the studied area .K ey words :Carag ana Shr ub Line ;Gro wth Character ;SoilMoisture ;PlantD iv ersity ;Cay o uho uq iBanner


v o.l 33.NO .42010年8月Inner M o ngolia Forestry Investi gatio n and Desi gn August .2010

