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Restaurants in Europe, the United States and Japan are testing technology to let diners order their food direct from a screen at their table instead of depending on a fellow human being to note their choice.

Besides cutting costs, companies that sell the "e-menu" argue the bytes-for-bites approach has a novelty(有新意的)value that can lure younger customers, and various photographs of steaks and gooey desserts tempt diners to order more. It also could extend the TV dinner. How about a computer-game dinner?

The idea may be only the latest little change in a trade which is driven by consumer appetites and where fashion is chased. But at least for now, it appears to be boosting business.

In Israel, privately owned start-up Conceptic has already installed e-Menu technology in sushi bars, pubs and family restaurants. The system is based on touch-screens already used in self-service canteens(食堂) or for ticketing in airports and cinemas.

"It's about impulse-buying," said Adi Chitayat, Conceptic's chief executive. "If a person starts looking at pictures of chocolate cake, the chances are he'll order it."

Frame, a trendy sushi restaurant in Tel Aviv which has installed the system, said sales on tables with the e-Menu have increased by about 11 percent. Customers often call ahead to reserve spots equipped with the screens, manager Natalie Edry told Reuters.

At one of the e-Menu tables, information technology worker Gil Uriel and his young family were enthusiastic as they checked out pictures of the dishes on offer and squabbled over desserts.

"It's more visual," said Uriel, as his children clicked away furiously on a games function between courses. "We can still choose, we can still argue -- but it's much easier when you can all see it."

Will more people have a strong interest in it? Yes. But it will take time to move from being an attraction in a small number of restaurants to something that is widespread." (For online video about the system, go to: /news/video?videoId=76639)

1. The following are the advantages of “Restaurants with e-menus” except_________

A. Customers can see the picture of their ordered foods.

B. They can attract more customers to the restaurants.

C. The restaurants save much costs .

D. Eating in them is more comfortable.

2.The underlined word impulse-buying means:__________

A. having no patience to buy things

B. having no idea in buy things.

C. being encouraged to buy things

D. being uninterested in buy things.

3. According to the last paragraph, we know that_____________

A. this kind of restaurants are popular among customers

B. It still takes time for e-menus to be widely accepted.

C. Customers show little interest in the “e-menus

D. E-menus only attracted a small number of customers.
