新境界职业英语综合教程2精华版 课件 unit 1

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electric unicycle
bicycle lamp
motorcycle car
Task 2 Now discuss the questions below and then report to your class.
1. What are the above products used for?
Listening In
Model Dialogue
Jane: Peter, who are the __p_o_te_n_t_i_a_l _cu__st_o_m__e_rs__ of our new products? Peter: Em…I think athletes and those who regularly do sports are our
Mini Text
Task 1
Read the following Mini Text and find the word or expression that matches the context meaning given.
a) __l_o_c_a_ti_o_n_____: a place or a position of something b) __e_x_c_l_u_si_v_e_ly___: only, just c) __a_v_a_i_l_a_b_le____: able to be obtained, taken, or used d) __o_n_e_-_o_f_f _____: done, occurring, or made only once e) ___b_o_o_k_______: to make a reservation f ) ___ra_i_s_e_______: to lift something from a lower to a higher position
Listen to the statements again and decide whether these sentences are “Right” or “Wrong”. If there is not enough information to choose “Right” or “Wrong”, choose “Not mentioned”.
Approaching Workplace Workplace Communication Mini Text Text Syndicate Activities Grammar Review Applied Writing
Approaching Workplace
Task 1
Work in pairs. Talk about what the following products are.
a. Right.
b. Wrong.
c. Not mentioned.
5. Coca-Cola launches a lot of new products to boost its sales.
a. Right.
b. Wrong.
c. Not mentioned.
Scripts Back
Use the Right Word
sponsoring some sports events and offering _s_o_m__e_f_r_e_e_s_a_m__p_le_s in some big stores. Jane: Good idea! Well, where are we going to sell our products? Peter: I think our main sales channels will be stores, supermarkets and hypermarkets. Jane: Sounds great!
TV commercials
Speaking Out
Listen to the dialogue again and check your answers. Then role-play it with your partner by using the above Mind Map.
Electric unicycle is the smallest, greenest, most convenient “People Mover”. It is compact and fun to ride. A bicycle lamp is for lighting the roadway, and it is very helpful to the rider who rides at night. A toaster is designed to toast different types of delicious bread. A motorcycle car is a kind of fashionable car to ride.
Task 2
2. What price can you guess? Do you think it’s reasonable or too high for you?
Electric unicycle: about¥3000 Bicycle lamp: about ¥100 Toaster (多士烤机): about¥500 Motorcycle car: from¥80,000
Here are two groups of words frequently used in marketing. In each group, delete one word which does not go with the one in the circle.
make have
a promotion
the boss put
price sell
a product
market advertise
Listening In
Listen to the model dialogue and fill in the blanks with what you hear.
Situation: Jane and Peter are staff in the Marketing Department of a sports drinks company. They are talking about marketing strategies for a new product.
It’s the time of year when we raise a glass to our
family and to our friends. To our pasts and to our futures. It’s the time of year when we raise a glass to our dreams and to our hopes. In short, it’s the time of year when there’s a lot of pressure on a glass.
3. Where can you buy these products?
Electric unicycle: sports shops, motorcycle shops Bicycle lamp: bicycle shops, sports shops Toaster: supermarkets, house aware shops, electric appliance shops Motorcycle car: motorcycle shops
Scripts Back
Listening In
Listen to the dialogue and fill in the missing information on the following Mind Map.
Situation: Anna and Bill are from the Marketing Department in Midea Company. They are talking about the promotion of their new air-conditioners.
Task 2
4. What does the picture in the center tell us?
If the price of a product is too high, there are fewer people to buy it. If the price is too low, there are too many people to buy it.
Speaking Out
Listen to the model dialogue again and check your answers. Then practice the dialogue and try to role-play it with your partner. When you role-play it, you are expected to use the Mind Map below, but do NOT look at the model dialogue.
1. Volkswagen created a new model of hybrid car that can use either petrol or electricity. a. Right. b. Wrong. c. Not mentioned.
2. Alfa Romeo Company prices its new sports bicycle at $2900. a. Right. b. Wrong. c. Not mentioned.
_ta_r_g_e_t_c_u_s_t_o_m_e_r_s______. Jane: That’s right. So, what __m_a_r_k_e_t_in__g_t_o_o_ls___ can we use to launch
the new products? Peter: Good question! I’m considering making _s_o_m_e__T_V__c_o_m_m__e_r_c_ia_l_s,
5. How does a manufacturer communicate a new product to consumers?
They inform consumers by advertising.
Workplace Communication
You will hear five statements. Listen to them carefully and match each statement with the corresponding picture.
3. Siemens runs a promotion on its washing machine offering £30
a. Right.
b. Wrong.
c. Not mentioned.
4. Adidas sells its sportswear products in specialist shops.
Word Tips Note Background Information
Task 2
Pair Work
Work with your partner and answer the following questions according to the Mini Text. 1. What does the first picture advertise?