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Paper Writing in Model UN
Position Paper and Draft Resolution

Standards for Paper Writing
Concise Clear Organized Formal

Position Paper Structure(1)
• What does a position paper consist of?
– A brief introduction to the country and its history regarding the topic and/or UN body; – The country’s basic standpoints or attitude on the topic; – Action taken by the government in relation to the topic; – Resolutions, conventions and declarations that the country supports; – Quotes Q t t taken k f from speeches h made d b by h heads d of f government; – Statistics regarding the issue; and – The country's recommendation for a resolution for the topic.

Organize a burger
T B Top Bun Burger Burger 2 (Optional) Tomatto Lettuce B tt Bottom B Bun

Position Paper Structure(2)
• Top Bun (Introduction): ( d i ) a b brief i f i introduction d i to the country and its history regarding the topic and/or / UN body; • Contents ( (the country’s y background g on the topic including:)
– Lettuce: The country’s country s action on a national level, including political and/or foreign policy; – Tomato: The country’s country s action on the international level, including resolutions, conventions and declarations the country supports;

Position Paper Structure(3)
‐ Burger: Quotes taken from speeches made y heads of the g government and/or by government representatives; ‐ Burger 2 (optional): statistics regarding the issue; • Bottom Bun (Conclusion): the country’s recommendation for a resolution for the topic.

Position Paper Tips(1)
• Keep it i simple: i l
– Avoid using flowery and complicated words. – Uncomplicated sentence structure.
• Make it official: 
– Use U the th seal l of f your country t or create t an official ffi i l “letterhead” . – The Th more realistic li ti it looks, l k the th more others th want t to read it.

Position Paper Tips(2)
• Get organized: i d 
– Give each separate idea or proposal its own paragraph. – Each paragraph starts with a topic sentence.
• Cite your sources:
– Use footnotes or endnotes to show where you found your facts and statistics. – Modern Language Association.

Position Paper Tips(3)
• Read R d and d R Reread: d
– Check whether the organization of the paper makes sense; – Double D bl check h k your spelling lli and d grammar.
• Speech! Speech:
–D During i debate, d b t a good d position iti paper will ill also l help h l you to t stick to your country’s policies.
• Let the bullets fly: 
– Try not let your proposals become lost in a sea of ; information; – For speech making, create a bulleted list of your proposals.
