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Altissimo Basics


Music Faculty / Dr. Gregory M. Barrett

音樂系教授, 喬治․巴瑞特博士

1. Equipment


1.1. Clarinet in good working order: no wobbling between joints, pads seal well, pad heights correct.

運作良好的單簧管:接管處不搖晃, 墊片密封良好, 墊片高度正確.

1.2. Mouthpiece: replace stock instrument mouthpiece with professional quality mouthpiece: $50-$150.

使用高品質的吹嘴, 50~150美金的價位.

1.3. Reeds: If still using beginner style reed such as Rico or La Voz switch to Vandoren, Vandoren V12,

Vandoren German Cut, Grand Concert, Zonda, or Olivieri depending on facing specifications of your mouthpiece and the tonal quality (timbre) that you want.

哨片: 如果仍然使用初學者哨片,如Rico或者是La Voz, 請依吹嘴及音色要求, 改換彎德林V12,

Vandoren German Cut, Grand Concert, Zonda 或者是Olivieri的哨片.

2. Embouchure for Altissimo


2.1. Develop "pointed chin" embouchure so that you can control the force of the bottom lip against the

reed. Use mirror to check chin position. If unsure what it should look like or how it should feel, roll bottom lip over bottom teeth normal amount (most of the fleshy portion) and put a finger against the front surface of your top teeth. Stretch top lip against upper gum and then push finger down and off teeth with top lip. This action will put chin muscles in correct position.

形成尖下巴的嘴型這樣才能使用下唇控制施於哨片的力道. 使用鏡子檢視下巴位置. 假如你不太確定尖下巴應該看起來的樣子, 可以翻捲下唇包住下齒(大部分紅脣部分)並將用手指放置於上齒外部. 沿著上牙齦伸展上唇, 使的上唇把手指往下推離牙齒, 這個動作可以把下巴肌肉推向正確位置.

2.2. Embouchure awareness is essential.


2.3. Experiment to find optimal amount of mouthpiece and reed in mouth.


2.4. In general for altissimo register, play with pressure point of the bottom lip on a slightly thicker, stiffer

portion of the reed by taking minutely more reed into mouth. Accomplish this by slightly rocking bottom lip down reed. Space between top and bottom teeth will widen.

一般來言, 最高音域的吹奏, 須含多一點吹嘴, 並使用下唇施力於哨片稍微厚硬的部份. 要達成此種口形, 可稍稍將下唇往哨片下方推, 上下牙的間距也會隨著變寬些.

2.5. Be aware if you are biting (don't do it!) on the reed. For best tone quality in altissimo register, use only

enough jaw pressure to prevent note from being flat and to hold mouthpiece steady.

請注意, 不可用力咬吹嘴; 在超高音域要得到最好的音色, 只需使用足夠的下顎力量防止音準變低, 並能固定吹嘴即可.

3. Tongue and Throat Position Work in Conjunction with Embouchure


3.1. In general, when playing the clarinet, place tongue in a high position (say "EEE") with sides of tongue

against gums or teeth in top back of mouth making a narrow passageway between tongue and roof of mouth. Blow cold, fast air like blowing out a candle.

一般而言, 吹奏單簧管中低音域時, 舌頭位置要提高(如發漢語”一” 的音), 舌頭兩側貼到口腔後上部份的牙齦或牙齒, 在舌頭與口腔上頜間, 形成狹窄空氣通道, 如同吹熄蠟燭一樣的口形.

3.2. For altissimo register, use a slightly more open throat (say "ahhhh" a little bit). Exception: When

differentiating between notes e"(E3) and a"(A3), using RH a b/e b2 key for both, use "EEE" throat position for a" (La), with pressure point of bottom lip on reed a little closer to the tip than normal. Practice alternating between e"(E3) and a"(A3) using the same fingering (LH: T,R,2,3. RH: a b/e b2 key) for both.

但是在吹奏高音域(小字三組Re到小字四組Do)時, 喉嚨通常要稍開一點, 舌頭位置如發類似”阿 --”的音.

例外: 在吹奏小字三組Mi 及小字三組La時, 兩者的指法相同(T, R, -, 2, 3, - , -, -, a b/e b2) , 唯一不同的是, 吹小字三組La時, 使用”一” 的發音, 而且下唇施力點要比正常位置稍為接近哨片頂部. 使用相同指法(T, R, -, 2, 3, - , -, -, a b/e b2) 練習小字三組Mi 及小字三組La的發聲.

3.3. Tip of tongue is used gently for articulation.


4. How to Practice Altissimo Register


4.1. Practice slowly and listen carefully.

慢慢練習, 留意聽, 用心體會.

4.2. Use an electronic tuner to train your ear, lip, and throat when working in altissimo! 在操練超高音吹奏時,

使用電子調音器訓練你的耳多, 唇及喉嚨.

4.3. Chromatically ascend playing long tones.

以爬半音階的方式, 進行長音吹奏練習.

4.4. Slowly practice one octave chromatic scales progressing higher and higher.


4.5. Extend the range of scale and arpeggio practice.

擴展音階範圍, 並進行琶音練習.

4.6. Play altissimo passage one octave lower to check that your are playing the correct altissimo

notes. (Also listen for intonation).


4.7. Play consecutive altissimo notes with most logical and uncomplicated fingerings that work well together.

以最合乎邏輯, 統合性良好, 且不複雜的指法, 吹奏高音域的連續音符.

4.8. Invent your own fingerings.


4.9. Play flute and violin music.


4.10. Play contemporary music.
