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1.Last year our team went to Seattle and won ______ second place. Personally, I think the team that was ______ champion cheated.

A./, the B.the, the

C.a, the D.the, /


【解析】考查冠词。句意:去年我们的队去西雅图,赢了第二。就我个人而言,我认为,冠军队作弊了。固定搭配:second place第二名;the champion冠军。故选A。

2.Scientists across the world agree that this is an invention of _______ great significance,

_______ invention that will greatly change human life.

A.a; the B.a; an C./ ; the D./ ; an



考查冠词。Of great significance,固定短语,意义重大的,介词后一般不加冠词。结合上文an invention一项发明,本句和前文为并列表语,泛指任何一项发明,故用不定冠词,词首音素为元音,故选D。

3.Everyone has a responsibility to save _____ water, if future generations are to enjoy a similar standard of living to _____ we enjoy now.

A.the; the one B.不填; the one C.the; one D.不填; one



考查冠词及代词。Water为不可数名词,故不加冠词,第二个空是特指,且后面后定语修饰。故用the one ,句意:每个人都有责任拯救水资源,如果将来的几代人一定要享有和我们现在享有的生活的相似的生活标准的话。

4.Teng Xiuqin, ____ head of the Beijing Home of Red Ribbon, says that society’s understanding of ____ AIDS patients has progressed a lot in the past decade.

A.the; the B.the; / C./ ; / D.a; /



这题考查冠词的用法:第一空是职位前不加冠词,第二空不填冠词,AIDS patients泛指艾滋病人。选C。

5.The cakes are delicious. I’d like to have _______ third one as ________ second one

I ate was too small.

A.the; the B.a; the C.the; a D.a; a



序数词前用不定冠词表示再一、又一的意思;用定冠词时表示次序第几。“蛋糕很好吃。我想再来一块因为我吃的第二块太小了” 选B

6.-----Bad luck! I failed again in the driving test.

-----You are sure to succeed if you try ______ third time. What’s more, experiencing failure can also be _____ pleasure.

A.the; a B.the; / C.a; a D.a; /



这题考查冠词的用法:第一空填a,a third time“再一次”,第二空填a,a pleasure“一件乐事“,选C。

7.In _______ gesture to help preserve history, the locals are repairing _______ large percentage of the historic sites steadily.

A.the; the B.a; a C.the; a D./; the



考查固定短语和冠词。句意“为了保护历史,当地居民正在修复一大批历史古迹。”in a gesture to do sth.“为了做某事”,是固定搭配;排除A、C;泛指一大批用a large percentage of...。故选B。

8.---Have you moved to _______ new flat?

---Not yet, the building is under _______ construction.

A.a; the B.the; / C./ ; / D./; the



考查情景交际和冠词。“你已经搬到那个新公寓了吗?”“还没有,那栋大楼正在建设中。”此处特指那个新公寓,用the;under construction是固定搭配,“在建设中”。故选B。

9.He wrote ______ song, which turned out to be rather popular with ______ young.

A.the; the B.a; 不填C.a; the D.the; 不填



考查冠词,第一空是泛指一首歌,所以用不定冠词a,第二空考查:the +形容词表示一类人,句意:他写了一首歌在年轻人中变得非常流行。所以选C。

10.In________eyes of children,playing on the Internet can only bring them________great fun.
