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Light on the implementation of the enterprise brand



In recent years,the brand strategy implementation has achieved remarkable results,but the enterprise in the implementation of brand strategy,lacking a sense of urgency,on the theory of a lack of brand strategy,brand marketing gaps,lack of appropriate mechanisms and other issues affect the implementation of brand strategy,Address addressing these issues is to establish and perfect the system,establish a sense of corporate brand strategy,and accurate market positioning,the use of capital operation and full use of information net.

Along with the economic globalization ages is coming,the economy of china has mixed together with the economy of world.The market of china is a big part of market of world.When china joined WTO,products are more and more similar,the competition for brand becomes more necessity and importance.In buyer’s market,compctition is more severe,with a severe competition brand is the key factor that can make a company developing and winning.Modern competition for economy is competition for brand from some point of view. KEY WORDS:Corporate, Brand ,The Brand Strategy


内容提要............................................................................................................. I ABSTRACT ..................................................................................................... II 前言 .. (5)

第一章诸论 (6)

1.1选题的背景和意义 (6)

1.2 企业品牌战略理论发展概述 (7)

第二章品牌战略概述 (8)

2.1品牌的起源和发展 (8)

2.2 品牌的概念和分类 (9)

2.2.1 品牌的概念 (9)

2.2.2品牌的分类 (9)

2.3品牌的特征和作用 (10)

2.3.1品牌的特征 (10)

2.3.2品牌的作用 (11)

2.4 品牌战略的概念 (14)

2.4.1品牌战略的概念 (14)

2.4.2 品牌战略过程分析 (15)

第三章我国品牌战略发展的现状 (16)

3.1国内企业目前的状况 (16)

3.2对国内企业目前实施品牌战略现状的分析 (17)

3.3 我国当前企业品牌管理中存在的问题 (18)

3.3.1 对品牌的认识程度不够 (18)

3.3.2缺乏强有力的质量、技术支持 (18)

3.3.3 盲目品牌延伸 (19)

3.3.4 品牌缺乏核心价值 (19)

3.3.5 品牌形象朝令夕改 (19)

3.4 企业实施品牌战略存在的问题 (20)

第四章企业品牌战略的实施 (21)

4.1 树立强烈的品牌经营和战略观念 (21)

4.2选准市场定位,确定战略品牌 (21)

4.3 运用资本经营,加快开发速度 (22)

4.4 利用信息网实施组合经营 (22)

4.5 实行规模化、集约化、标准化经营管理 (22)

4.6 营造良好的企业文化氛围和开发环境 (23)

4.7 实施品牌战略离不开高效、优秀的团队支持 (23)

结束语 (24)

谢辞 (25)

参考文献 (26)
