

A. Translate the following into English.


1. 昨晚在晚会上你玩得开心吗?(have a great time)

Did you have a great time at the party last night?

2. 这个学期她选修了英语、计算机和驾驶三门课程。(take a course)

This term she has taken courses in English, computers/computing, and driving.

3. 朋友帮了他很多忙,他欠他们的情。(have a debt)

He has a debt to his friends who have helped him a lot.

4. 我明白了一个道理:永远不要让你的朋友失望。(let down)

I have learnt one thing: never let your friends down.

B. Translate the following into Chinese.


1. True, there will be many people ready to help you, but you will often have to take the first step in whatever you choose to do.


2. As a teacher, I always tell my students to work hard and keep up from day one.


3. For a rich full life of college, you should make the most of the opportunities at hand.


4. So, as you begin your college career, make up your mind to learn as much as possible.


A. Translate the following into English.


1. 假如你让他待在你家,你就是在自找麻烦。(ask for)

If you let him stay at your home, you are asking for trouble.

2. 善于学习语言的人能够把他们的错误变成通向成功的一大步。(turn...into)

Good language learners can turn their mistakes into a big step toward their success.

3. 这次事故(accident)给了他一个教训,从此他再也不会酒后驾车了。(teach someone

a lesson)

The accident taught him a lesson, and from then on, he would never drive a car after drinking.

4. 我们都应该以李明为榜样,学好英语。(take a leaf out of someone's book)

We should all take a leaf out of Li Ming's book and learn English well.

B. Translate the following into Chinese.


1. Within four years, she has managed to become so fluent in English that she doesn't even have a

foreign accent!


2. She knew they were having the same troubles that she had experienced.


3. She calls her book Looking for Trouble. She chose this name to show that the road to success in

learning a second language can be difficult.


4. These experiences taught Kim an important lesson: if you want to learn English well, you have to

be brave.


A. Translate the following into English.


1. 出于同情,布莱克太太(Mrs. Black)给了这位可怜的老人一些钱。(out of sympathy)Out of sympathy, Mrs. Black gave some money to the poor old man.

2. 英语教师指着一个苹果用英语对全班同学说:“这是一个苹果。”(point to)

The English teacher pointed to an apple and said to the whole class in English: "This is an apple."

3. 当我们互相帮助时,我们的房间里就充满了爱。(be filled with)

Our room is filled with love when we help each other.

4. 我们应该听从这位老人的劝告,现在就回家去。(take someone's advice)

We should take the old man's advice and go home right now.

B. Translate the following into Chinese.


1. Some think wealth is more important; some success; others think love is the most important of all.


2. Could it be possible for a person to choose one and somehow get the other two as well?


3. Let him come in and fill our home with wealth!


4. Wherever there is love, there is also wealth and success!


A. Translate the following into English.


1. 虽然有战争的威胁(threat),人们仍一如既往地工作着。(go about)

Despite the threat of war, people went about their work as usual.

2. 请允许我就这些问题讲几句话。(allow somebody to do)

Please allow me to say a few words about the problems.

3. 她站起身来惊讶地盯着我。(stare at)

She stood up and stared at me in surprise.

4. 大火迅速蔓延到大楼的其他部分。(spread)

Fire quickly spread to the other parts of the building.

B. Translate the following into Chinese.


1. The most frightening words in the English language are: "Our computer is down."


2. All the people behind the counter were just standing there, drinking coffee and staring into

a dark



3. Why don't I give you the money, you give me a receipt, and I'll show it to the pilot as proof that I

have paid?


4. When our computer is down, it can't tell the credit card computer to charge the fare to your account.


A. Translate the following into English.


1. 人们期望看到有更多的优秀球员到国外去打篮球。(look forward to)

People look forward to seeing more excellent players play basketball abroad.

2. 球迷们都围着他要签名。(surround)

The football fans surrounded him and asked for his signature.

3. 她没有足够的力气来推开这扇门。(strength)

She doesn't have enough strength to push this door open.

4. 你应该意识到担心是无济于事的,你该做点什么才行。(aware)

You should be aware that it is no use worrying; you need to do something about it.

B. Translate the following into Chinese.


1. There are times when all Yao Ming wants to do on his time off is sleep.


2. Sport is a universal language and Yao has often been the translator, bringing two very different

countries together, and developing the close ties between two peoples.


3. As Rockets' strength coach says, there is something inside of Yao that makes him work harder and

want to do even better.



4. Perhaps his right attitude towards the sport and his success in the United States will advance the

development of basketball in China and encourage other young players to practice harder in order to

realize their own dreams.


A. Translate the following into English.


1. 政府要在附近(neighborhood)建一个新的购物中心。(put up)

The government is going to put up a new shopping center in the neighborhood.

2. 一个愚蠢的错误就能给你带来许多麻烦。(involve)

One foolish mistake can involve you in a good deal of trouble.

3. 他知道从错误中学习的重要性。(importance)

He knew the importance of learning from mistakes.

4. 成功是不能用(in terms of)金钱来衡量的。(measure)

Success cannot be measured in terms of money.

B. Translate the following into Chinese.


1. In some countries, New Year's Eve is the most important celebration of the year, but this is not true

of the United States or Europe.


2. Many people give this celebration even more importance than people in East Asia give the Spring



3. In the USA, the biggest and noisiest party takes place in Times Square in New York City.


4. At midnight, everyone stops talking and dancing to join in the television broadcast from New York.


A. Translate the following into English.


1. 根据一个古老的习俗,新娘应该戴婚礼面纱。(according to)

According to an old custom, the bride should wear a wedding veil.

2. “4”这个数字在中文里听上去与“死”很接近。(sound close to)

"4" is a number that sounds close to the word "death" in Chinese.

3. 在欢迎会上,学生代表上台发了言。(reception)

At the welcome reception, a student representative made a speech.

4. 买衬衣之前最好试穿一下。(try on)You'd better try it on before you buy a shirt.

B. Translate the following into Chinese.


1. There are a lot of rituals and superstitions at weddings.


2. Female friends and relatives gather around, preparing the bride for the ceremony.


3. This is considered a good economic sign for any couples getting married on this day.


4. She is trying on the dress that she is planning to wear later at the wedding reception.


A. Translate the following into English.


1. 在西方人看来,与人交谈时不看着对方的眼睛是很不礼貌的。(have a conversation)To Westerners, it is very impolite not to look at his or her eyes while having a conversation with him or her.

2. 有的手势在不同的文化中表达的意思完全相反。(entirely)

In different cultures, some gestures have entirely different meanings.

3. 库克先生不仅能左手使筷子(chopsticks),而且还能用左手写字。(what is more)Mr. Cook can use chopsticks with his left hand, and what's more, he can write with his left hand, too.

4. 他的优点之一就是敢于向权威挑战。(challenge)

One of his strong points is that he dares to challenge the authority.

B. Translate the following into Chinese.


1. It is also interesting to note that in talking, Americans are likely to end a sentence with a dropping of

the head or hand, as well as with a lowering of the eyelids.


2. Everything from your sex, racial background, social class, and communication style all influences

your body language.


3. What the nonverbal gestures put across very often and very efficiently is the emotional side of the



4. Total communication = 7 percent verbal + 38 percent oral + 55 percent facial.


A. Translate the following into English.


1. 我们刚要开始比赛就下起了雨。(be about to)

We were about to start the race when it rained.

2. 北方冬季寒冷,而相比之下南方却相当温暖。(in contrast)

In winter, it's cold in the north. In contrast, it's pretty warm in the south.

3. 约翰没来是因为生病了,而你的情况却不同。(in one's case)

John was absent from class because he was ill, but it was different in your case.

4. 关于你的请求(request),我恐怕无法马上给予答复。(with regard to)

With regard to your request, I'm afraid I can't give you an immediate reply.

B. Translate the following into Chinese.


1. The reality, though, is that air-couriers get cheap airline tickets because they take important packages and papers to foreign countries.


2. In contrast, if a package is sent in the mail, it could be in customs for many days while officials

decide if the item needs to be taxed.


3. The number of tickets sold for courier travel is growing by about 10 percent every year.


4. First, as you can see in Brian's case, an air-courier usually can't check any luggage; he carries very few personal items along.


A. Translate the following into English.


1. 等他到机场时,飞机已经起飞了。(by the time)

By the time he arrived at the airport, the plane had taken off.

2. 在校园(campus)里,车速被限制在每小时30英里。(be limited to)

On the campus, the car speed is limited to 30 miles per hour.

3. 这对双胞胎姐妹(twin sisters)之间的不同之处在于:一个依赖父母,另一个却很独立。(one one's own)

The difference between the twin sisters is that one is dependent on her parents, and the other is on her own.

4. 一方面汽车有用,可另一方面它们也造成污染(pollution)。(on the one hand... on the other hand)

On the one hand, cars are useful, but on the other (hand), they cause pollution.

B. Translate the following into Chinese.


1. On average, males score higher on tests that measure mathematical reasoning, mechanical ability,

and problem-solving skills.


2. It is the left side of the brain that strongly influences a person's ability to use words, to spell, and to



3. As a result, it is easy to understand why little girls often perform school tasks better than boys,

especially if the task requires sitting still, obeying orders, and accepting the teacher's ideas.


4. Girls, therefore, are often limited to getting high marks in school for remembering what the teacher

has told them, instead of being allowed to question without fear like boys.

所以,女孩常常因为记住老师传授的东西而取得高分成绩,而不像男孩那样被鼓励去大胆提问。A. Translate the following into English.


1. 房子着火了,里面的人面临着死亡的危险。(in danger of)

The house was on fire and people inside were in danger of losing their lives.

2. 他买不起这么好的房子。(afford to do)

He cannot afford to buy such a nice house.

3. 这个主意听起来也许有些怪,不过还真有点道理。(make sense)

Although this idea may sound strange, it does make sense.

4. 约翰看起来是个好人。即便如此,我还是不信任他。(even so)

John seems (to be) a nice person. Even so, I don't trust him.

B. Translate the following into Chinese.


1. Even though the first McDonald's restaurant sold only hamburgers and French fries, it still became a

cultural symbol.


2. These people are angry that the building is now in danger of being destroyed, along with their



3. They are using the earthquake as an excuse.


4. Some think that McDonald's real reason for wanting to close down the restaurant has nothing to do

with money.


1. 如果他一开始谈论过去,你就永远都没法从他那儿脱身。(get away from)

If he starts talking about the past, you'll never get away from him.

2. 冬天失业率有上升的趋势。(tendency)

There is a tendency for job losses to rise in the winter.

3. 在我不断地要求下,父亲终于同意和我一起去澳大利亚了。(frequent)

Because of my frequent demands, father finally agreed to go to Australia with me.

4. 他把老店卖了,开了一家新店,以便赚更多的钱。(make money)

He sold his shop and opened a new one to make more money.

B. Translate the following into Chinese.


1. It is more than just clothing and hairstyles that are in style one year and out of date the next; it's a

whole way of living.

迅速变化的不仅仅只是一年流行而第二年就过时的服饰和发型,而是整个生活方式。2. In 1981, for example, an unknown elderly woman appeared in a TV advertisement in which she looked

at a very small hamburger and complained loudly, "Where's the beef?"


3. Although clothing designers influence fads in fashion because they want to make money, this desire

for money doesn't explain fads in other areas, such as language.


4. However, in the United States, there is an additional reason for fads: most Americans seem to feel

that something is wrong if there isn't frequent change in their lives.


A. Translate the following into English.


1. 我们应该从失败中吸取教训, 这是很重要的。(learn a lesson from)

It is important for us to learn a lesson from the failure.

2. 他相信自己想当证券经纪人的梦想总有一天会实现。(come true)

He believes that one day his dream of becoming a stockbroker will come true.

3. 很多学生最后从事的工作不需要用到所学的知识。(end up)

Many students end up doing jobs that do not make use of what they have learnt.

4. 我一提到他的名字,母亲就变得很不开心。(as soon as)

As soon as I mentioned his name, my mother became very unhappy.

B. Translate the following into Chinese.


1. Helen was in her 60s, had red hair, and tons of self-respect—something I was really lacking. 海伦六十多岁,红头发,自尊心很强——这是我当时真正缺乏的东西。

2. When I helped out in the kitchen, for example, nothing made me feel better than preparing the eggs

and serving them just the way the customers wanted.


3. Thanks to the confidence I picked up from Helen, I dreamed of having my own restaurant one day.


4. I know I could do so much more if somebody would just have faith in me.


A. Translate the following into English.


1. 只要你经常锻炼,你又会变得健康起来。(as long as)

As long as you get regular exercise, you will become healthy again.

2. 我一直想读一本有关太空的书,但是我好像总没时间去读。(get around to)

I have always been thinking of reading a book on space, but I never seem to get around to it.

3. 那位作家自从买了电脑后,就再也不用笔写小说了。(no longer)

Since the writer had bought the computer, he no longer wrote his stories with a pen.

4. 学校制定了一些新的规章制度,人人必须遵守。(set up)

The school has set up some new rules that everybody must follow.

B. Translate the following into Chinese.


1. We're all supposed to keep a diary of what it's like to go without TV for a week.


2. I'd rather find out how long I can take being at the dentist's, as long as I can watch TV while I'm



3. I valued my life plenty, so I didn't touch the TV when I came home from school that day.


4. I'm drawing a blank! This just seems cruel.


A. Translate the following into English.


1. 看见大海,孩子们开心得大叫起来。(at the sight of)

The children cried with delight at the sight of the sea.

2. 你刚刚说的话我没太听懂,你能再说一遍吗?(catch on)

I didn't quite catch on to what you said just now. Would you say it again?

3. 他知道那项任务很难,但还是接受了。(be conscious of)

He was conscious of the difficulty of the task, but he still accepted it.

4. 直到现在,每当想起那天发生的事情时,我还是觉得莫名其妙。(to this day)

To this day, when I recall what happened that day, I still feel confused.

B. Translate the following into Chinese.


1. As a doctor, he is especially conscious of the many dangers surrounding us.


2. Look—it's too long, even on me. And this material is so heavy that would pull you down. 看,这衣服我穿着都太长。而且这料子还这么重,会把你压坏的。

3. To this day, when I walk within yards of tree branches, I pause and hear Dad's voice: "Watch your



4. His grandchildren have caught on quickly, knowing to shake their fingers and say, "That's dangerous!"

at the sight of cleaning products.


A. Translate the following into English.


1. 她似乎以贬低别人为快。(speak poorly of)

She seems to enjoy speaking poorly of others.

2. 他过度地喝酒抽烟,结果死了。(as a consequence of)

He died as a consequence of heavy drinking and smoking.

3. 你永远无法从他那儿得到直接的回答。(get... out of)

You can never get a straight answer out of him.

4. 我们的产品在过去几年中逐渐受到欢迎。(little by little)

Our products have become popular little by little over the past few years.

B. Translate the following into Chinese.


1. My father often said that it was only because my grandmother was so economical that the wolves

were kept at bay.


2. Now, I do not for a moment mean to speak poorly of business; my whole point is that it was just not

for me.


3. "Enjoyed" is too mild a word, really; I walked on air.


4. So conditioned are most of us to the idea that success is money—so much so that the thought of

giving up a good salary for happiness seems foolish.


A. Translate the following into English.


1. 我们明天就该开始进行那个项目了,可你却还没有准备好。(work on)

We are supposed to start working on that project tomorrow, but you haven't got things ready.

2. 我今晚得把工作赶完,所以我不能和你一起去看电影了。(catch up on)

I have to catch up on my work tonight, so I can't go to the movies with you.

3. 约翰不习惯这儿的新生活,所以打算搬走。(be accustomed to)

John wants to move because he is not accustomed to the new life here.

4. 她伸手拿起电话,拨了一个朋友的号码。(reach for)

She reached for her telephone and dialed the number of a friend.

B. Translate the following into Chinese.


1. Over the years, we all learned to become more comfortable with each other, and to adjust to our new

family arrangement.


2. However, I continued to feel like I was on the outside looking in, coming uninvited to a foreign



3. If a computer message came addressed to "Dad", for example, I'd feel forgotten and neglected.


4. I thought again of their family circle and felt the sharp ache of emptiness I thought I had grown

accustomed to.



A. Translate the following into English.


1. 这个计划听起来虽然很难,但他决心将它付诸实施。(put something into practice)Difficult as the plan sounds, he is determined to put it into practice.

2. 面对这么多的困难,球队怎么能赢得比赛呢?(in the face of)

How could the team win the game in the face of so many difficulties?

3. 自两年前开业以来, 今年年初他的生意最兴隆。(at one's best)

His business was at its best at the beginning of this year since it was started two years ago. 4. 他虽然没有直说,但我们能从他的手势中得到一些信息。(pick up)

Although he didn't say it directly, we could pick up some messages from his gestures.

B. Translate the following into Chinese.


1. Their lives hold many of the secrets to having great ideas and putting them into practice.


2. Orville and Wilbur Wright had many crashes and ruined many planes before they finally got off the



3. It's very important for your body to be operating at its best so that your mind can also function



4. So it is clear then, that to be a genius is to push the limits, in your mind, and beyond.


A. Translate the following into English.


1. 我们必须想出解决这个问题的办法。(figure out)

We must figure out how to solve the problem. OR: We must figure out the solutions to the problem.

2. 他看着包,像是在看着一件他看不懂的东西。(beyond one's comprehension)

He looked at the bag as if he were looking at something beyond his comprehension.

3. 我会使用计算机,但是说到修计算机,我是一无所知。(come to)

I know how to use a computer, but when it comes to repairing it, I know nothing about it.

4. 我们迷了路,更糟的是,天开始下雨了。(what's worse)

We got lost. What's worse, it started to rain.

B. Translate the following into Chinese.


1. Recently, The Washington Post printed an article explaining how the appliance manufacturers plan to

drive customers up the wall.


2. A real improvement would be a fridge that refuses to let us open its doors when it senses that we are

about to eat our fourth piece of pie in two hours.


3. My phone is probably equipped to communicate with the dead, but I don't know how to operate it,

just as I don't know how to operate my television set, which has features requiring TWO remote



4. You will not know how your refrigerator knows this, and, what's worse, you will not know who else

your refrigerator is informing about it.


A. Translate the following into English.


1. 她的教学经验使她具有担任此项工作的条件。(qualify for)

Her teaching experience qualifies her for the job.

2. 新法律不适用于海外合资企业。(apply to)

The new law does not apply to the joint venture overseas.

3. 如果你已决定租这所房子,请先付50美元。(in advance)

If you have decided to rent this house, please pay 50 dollars in advance.

4. 他一入境就被捕了。(upon/on entry to)

Upon entry to the country, he was arrested.

B. Translate the following into Chinese.


1. It is much easier to go from one job to another than to quit and start from ground zero.


2. The person who decides just to wing it will never make as favorable an impression as someone who is



3. I'm very interested in this position. It's exactly the kind of opening I've been hoping to find. 我对该职位非常感兴趣,这正是我期待已久的工作。

4. This implies that they haven't any idea of what they want to do and haven't given any


专升本英翻汉 具体技巧 剖析 技巧一:语词搭配 某些动词,在汉语中只能用于人。而英语中既可以用于人,又可用于物。所以,汉译时要符合汉语搭配习惯。比如 see 或 witness。 1949 saw the founding of the People’s Republic of China. 1. Dusk found her crying at a corner of this street. 黄昏时,有人看见她在街上的一个拐角处哭泣。 2. His name escapes me for the moment. 我一时记不起他的名字。 技巧二:语词的引申 翻译中的引申,指的是在语言转换时,为适应译文表意或行文的需要,在原词或词组基本意思的基础上,对词义进行符合逻辑的调整或变动。翻译实践中常见的有:具体化、抽象化、逻辑化引申。 3. The car in front of me stalled and I missed the green. 我前面的那辆车停住了,我错过了可通行时间。 4. Please don’t wake a sleeping dog. 请不要惹是生非。

5. Don’t waste t ime on self-congratulation; there is still work to do. 不要因为沾沾自喜而浪费时间;还有工作要做呢。 技巧三:语词的增译和省译 6. He ate and drank, for he was exhausted. 他吃点东西,喝点酒,因为他疲惫不堪了。 用增词法试着翻译: 1. 累得我走不动了。 2. 留得青山在,不怕没柴烧。 1. It makes me so tired that I can’t walk any more. 2. While/Where there is life, there is hope. 7. As she sat down and began talking, words poured out. 她一坐下来就讲开了,滔滔不绝地讲个没完。 8. I could have skinned Rupert in front of the whole audience. 我真恨不得当着听众的面剥了鲁伯特的皮。 9. The doctor put the baby in her arms. She kissed it on the forehead. 医生将婴儿放到她怀里,吻了吻孩子的前额。 A horse is a useful animal. 马是有用的动物。


常用翻译技巧总结 w个人认为,翻译题很重要!考研是个充实自己的过程,只要你还需要英语,就离不开翻译,所以大家应该引起足够重视。 首先个人推荐一本书,XDF唐静老师的《拆分与组合翻译法》,我听过他的课,他的方法很实用,感觉很象下面介绍的第四种方法。 翻译题里考察三方面内容: 1、专有名词(如operational research expert)、习惯用法(如depend on)及多义词 的翻译(如school、set的多义) 2、一般性翻译技巧:包括词义选择,词序调整,词性转换和增词法等等 3、具体句型(定从、状从、主从、宾从、表从、同位从、强调结构、并列、 比较、倒装、插入、被动、否定等) 其中2、3是大考点,具体内容可在论坛下XDF的翻译笔记来看,在此不赘述。 可看出,应对翻译题的主要武器是翻译技巧,下面正式进入正题(常用方法、被动语态译法、形容词译法、举例详解) 一、常用方法 英汉两种语言在句法、词汇、修辞等方面均存在着很大的差异,因此在进行英汉互译时必然会遇到很多困难,需要有一定的翻译技巧作指导。常用的翻译技巧有增译法、省译法、转换法、拆句法、合并法、正译法、反译法、倒置法、包孕法、插入法、重组法和综合法等。这些技巧不但可以运用于笔译之中,也可以运用于口译过程中,而且应该用得更加熟练。 1增译法:指根据英汉两种语言不同的思维方式、语言习惯和表达方式,在翻译时增添一些词、短句或句子,以便更准确地表达出原文所包含的意义。这种方式多半用在汉译英里。汉语无主句较多,而英语句子一般都要有主语,所以在翻译汉语无主句的时候,除了少数可用英语无主句、被动语态或“There be…”结构来翻译以外,一般都要根据语境补出主语,使句子完整。英汉两种语言在名词、代词、连词、介词和冠词的使用方法上也存在很大差别。英语中代词使用频率较高,凡说到人的器官和归某人所有的或与某人有关的事物时,必须在前面加上物主代词。因此,在汉译英时需要增补物主代词,而在英译汉时又需要根据情况适当地删减。英语词与词、词组与词组以及句子与句子的逻辑关系一般用连词来表示,而汉语则往往通过上下文和语序来表示这种关系。因此,在汉译英时常常需要增补连词。英语句子离不开介词和冠词。另外,在翻译时还要注意增补一些原文中暗含而没有明言的词语和一些概括性、注释性的词语,以确保译文意思的完整。总之,通过增译,一是保证译文语法结构的完整,二是保证译文意思的明确。如: (1) What about calling him right away? 马上给他打个电话,你觉得如何?(增译主语和谓语) (2) If only I could see the realization of the four modernizations. 要是我能看到四个现代化实现该有多好啊!(增译主句) (3) Indeed, the reverse is true 实际情况恰好相反。(增译名词) (4)就是法西斯国家本国的人民也被剥夺了人权。 Even the people in the fascist countries were stripped of their human rights.(增译物主代词)


2017 河南专升本英语翻译专项试题及答案河南专升本英语的翻译是在平时的复习备考中,仅次于阅读理解的 难题,yjbys 小编建议大家在复习备考的过程中要多做题,练习自己的 语感,培养阅读技巧。以下是yjbys 小编为大家整理的专升本英语翻译 模拟题,希望同学们可以好好练习一下。 1.如果不是因为他的帮助,我们不可能克服重重困难 2.是我们完成工作的时候了。 3.不幸的是他们没能考虑到交通拥挤,到机场时太晚了,没能赶 上那次航班。 4.你一旦定出了一个学习计划,就应该把它付诸实践。 5.他希望在周末能赶上他落掉的课程。 6.You can make your dictionary use much more efficient if you only look up the words which are necessary to understand the text 7.Even if you can't work out the meaning exactly, you may be able to get a vague idea, enough to enable you to continue reading. 8.He said that setting aside time for improving his physical fitness would be a total misuse of his working hours. 9.By watching and learning from a model, you will probably begin to identify and adopt good working habits. 10.He collected much money from his friends and posted it to the people in the earthquake area. 参考答案: 1.Had it not been for his help, we couldn't have overcome all the difficulties. 2.It is time that we finished our work.


从2001至今,普通高等学校选拔优秀专科毕业生进入本科阶段学习(普通专升本)考试只考两门课程,一是公共英语课程,二是专业基础课程;公共英语课程是所有非英语专业的必考课程。满分150分,可见公共英语在专升本考试中的重要性。为了帮应试学生更好地整体把握考试,给出历年真题的题型及分值统计分析表。 2003-2010专升本公共英语真题题型及分值表 从该表看出,自2006年开始,词汇语法、阅读理解、完形填空、作文都是每年必考的固定题型,并且分值不变。翻译也是每年必考的题型,从2003-2009年每年20分(英译汉10分,汉译英10分),但2010年翻译部分增加了10分的英汉对话翻译。词性转换自2005-2009年每年10分,但2010年取消该题型。每年固定不变的题型有词汇语法、阅读理解、完形填空、翻译、作文;可变化的题型有词性转换、补全对话、辨识错误和英汉对话翻译,预测这几种题型会任选一个,分值10分。 2003-2010年专升本公共英语词汇与语法测试试题分值表 从表中看出,直接考察语法和词汇知识分值有70分,占了总分值的近1/2。从2006年开始,在40分的语法词汇部分,语法占的比重大,如2006年,语法:词汇是38:2;2007年,语法:词汇是30:10;2008年,语法:词汇是22:18;2009年,语法:词汇是19:21; 2010年,语法:词汇是30:10。而阅读、翻译及写作部分,依然是考核语法词汇基本知识的,

所以学好语法词汇是考好专升本英语的关键。 考什么?学什么? 河南省教育厅学生处“专升本”考试的要求指出:“英语考试要求为大学英语考试三至四级水平”。短短的几句话,包含了英语考试的全部内容,但我们考生很多时候却并不明白:到底要考什么? Example 1:P52,03,36 Lynda and hundreds of young people like him____ the post of typist. 第A approach(方法,靠近,走近)B applied for C appealed to(吸引,恳求,上诉)D approved of (赞成) 题干研究: 1 考查词汇:Q1: like; post; typist.熟词生意。 Post no bills.禁止张贴。Post position of paid employment.职位。 2 考查语法:Q2: Lynda and hundreds of young people like him 并列平行结构。并列连词所连接的并列成分应当在结构和功能上保持一致,这就是并列平行结构,该语法知识点时常考到。 历年真题再现:直接考的有词汇结构题中的04,P98,24; 间接考的有:05,P85,阅读中4中句子A growing number of unemployed Americans waste time browsing the estimated 4,000 to 5,000 online job sites, filling them with resum es and then waiting for replies. 在这样一个句子中,并列平行结构这一语法知识对于句子的正确理解起到了绝对重要的作用。 选项研究: A approach(方法,靠近,走近) B applied for C appealed to(吸引,恳求,上诉) D approved of (赞成) 选项考查到:1 形近词;2 词义及语境,在此语境下只能选用某一选项。另外appeal t o 在同一份试卷的第49页阅读3中出现。 综合本题,其主要考查词汇的,考查形近词在特定语境下的区别。但间接的考到了上述的其他知识。如果不能正确理解上述相关知识,不可能理解本句的意义,也就不可能正确地根据句义选出正确的答案。同时,需要提醒的是,在本题中间接考到的相关知识点在另外的题目中就可能直接考到,真题已经说明了这一点。因此,教师要做到举一反三,同学也要做


精心整理2011年考研英语(一)阅读真题全文翻译及答案(七绝俗手版) 2011-01-16 21-25CBDBA Text1 ThedecisionoftheNewYorkPhilharmonictohireAlanGilbertasitsnextmusicdirectorhasbeenthet alkoftheclassical-musicworldeversincethesuddenannouncementofhisappointmentin2009.Fort

hemostpart,theresponsehasbeenfavorable,tosaytheleast.“Hooray!Atlast!”wroteAnthonyTo mmasini,asober-sidedclassical-musiccritic。 2009年纽约交响乐团突然宣布聘用艾伦·吉尔伯特为下一位乐曲指挥,从那时起一直到现在,这次任命都成为古典音乐界的话题。退一步说,从总体上看,反应还是不错的。如冷静的古典音乐评论家安东尼·托姆西尼就这样写:从长时间来看,这次委命是英明的。 ,orbootupmycomputeranddownloadstillmorerecordedmusicfromiTunes。 就我的观点而言,我不知道吉尔伯特是不是一位伟大的指挥家,甚至连他是不是算好的指挥家也不敢确定。可以确信的是,虽然他演出了很多令人印象深刻的有趣的乐曲。然而,我不需要访问AveryFisherHall(可能是纽约交响乐团所在地,即吉尔伯特表演之所),或者其他地方才能听到有趣的管弦乐。(作者意思是,不需要听吉尔伯特,到处可以听到有趣的管弦乐。)我所做的,只需要到我的CD棚里去,随便打开我的电脑,从ITUNES上就可下载比那(当指吉尔伯特表演的)多得多的类似的音乐。

英语专升本考试重点复习内部资料 (专升本英语语法,词汇,阅读理解、翻译)

语法七大语法考试重点 一独立主格 (一):独立主格结构的构成: 名词(代词)+现在分词、过去分词; 名词(代词)+形容词; 名词(代词)+副词; 名词(代词)+不定式; 名词(代词) +介词短语构成。 (二)独立主格结构的特点: 1)独立主格结构的逻辑主语与句子的主语不同,它独立存在。 2)名词或代词与后面的分词,形容词,副词,不定式,介词等是主谓关系。 3)独立主格结构一般有逗号与主句分开。 举例: The test finished, we began our holiday. = When the test was finished, we began our holiday. The president assassinated, the whole country was in deep sorrow. = After the president was assassinated, the whole country was in deep sorrow. Weather permitting, we are going to visit you tomorrow. This done, we went home. The meeting gone over, everyone tired to go home earlier. He came into the room, his ears red with cold. He came out of the library, a large book under his arm. 二过去完成时 1)概念:表示过去的过去其构成是had +过去分词构成。 2)用法 a.在told, said, knew, heard, thought等动词后的宾语从句。 She said (that) she had never been to Paris. b. 状语从句 在过去不同时间发生的两个动作中,发生在先,用过去完成时;发生在后,用一般过去时。 When the police arrived, the thieves had run away. c. 表示意向的动词,如hope, wish, expect, think, intend, mean, suppose等,用过去完成时表示"原本…,未能…" We had hoped that you would come, but you didn t. 3)过去完成时的时间状语before, by, until , when, after, once, as soon as。 He said that he had learned some English before. By the time he was twelve, Edison had began to make a living by himself. Tom was disappointed that most of the guests had left when he arrived at the party.


翻译总结汉译英 1 找动词找主语 确定主被动 2 动词---非谓语 从句主谓结构 确定时态时间标志 3 检查谓语非谓语 一个句子 找动词 be 实义动词 例如 1.解决这个问题凭借经验 Solving the problem depend s on experience. 三单

2.这个倔强的男孩子不愿意听父母的建议。宾语,否定 否定谓语动词be\情\实义\助 非谓语 祈使句 The stubborn boy would not like to follow parents’ advice. Be Willing to do The stubborn boy is not willing to follow parents’ advice. The stubborn boy does not want to follow parents’ advice. I have not been to Beijing once. 高昂的学费使一些大学生无法上大学。 The high fees make some college students not go to college

Be\ 实义动词 Don’t be late 注意: 简单句(一个句子) 1 被动----主动people The equipment can be installed . 2 否定 3 时态 一般现在s\es 一般过去 现在完成时简单句(一个句子)不可能考过去完成时 已经,持续,到。。。末为止 1.这个实验已经进入到最重要的一个阶段。 Our experiment has come into the most important stage.


全国2011年4月自学考试英语翻译试题 课程代码:00087 I. Multiple Choice (30 points, 2 points each) A. Directions: This part consists of ten sentences, each followed by four different versions marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best translation of the original statement in terms of meaning and expressiveness. (Please write the corresponding letter on your Answer Sheet.) 1. A nation's greatest wealth is the industry of its people. A.一个国家最大的财富就是民族工业。 B.一个国家最大的财富就是人民的勤劳。 C.一个民族最大的财富就是人民的工业。 D.一个民族最大的财富就是民众的兴旺。 2. Scientists are confident about the formation of coal, but they do not seem so sure when asked about oil. A.科学家们确实知道煤是怎样形成的,但要是问他们石油是怎样形成的,他们似乎就不那么有把握了。 B.科学家们对煤的形成非常有信心,但是当被问到石油的形成时,他们好像没有那么确信。 C.科学家们对煤的形成非常有信心,但是当被问到石油是怎样形成的,似乎就不那么确信了。 D.科学家们确实知道煤的形成,但要是问他们石油的形成时,似乎就不那么有把握了。 3. I wasn't their enemy, in fact or in feeling. I was their ally. A.在事实上或感情上,我不是他们的敌人。我是他们的盟友。 B.我不是他们的敌人,在事实上或感情上。我是他们的盟友。 C.我不是他们的敌人,在事实上或者在感情上,而是他们的盟友。 D.无论在事实上,还是在感情上,我都不是他们的敌人,而是他们的盟友。 4. His preoccupation with business left him little time for his family. A.他全神贯注于事业,为他的家庭留下了很少的时间。 B.他对事业的全神贯注留给他的家庭的时间就很少。 C.他对事业全神贯注。他能与家人共度的时间就很少。 D.他全神贯注于事业,因而能与家人共度的时间就很少。 5. A jeep, full, sped past, drenching me in spray. A.一辆吉普车载满了人,速度很快,溅了我一身水。 B.一辆载满了人、速度很快的吉普车溅了我一身水。 C.一辆载满了人的吉普车疾驶而过,溅了我一身水。 第 1 页


专升本翻译 1、基本及特殊句型 2、各种从句(引导词的特殊用法) 3、重要单词及词组 4、主动句与被动句的互译 一、专升本翻译常考句型总结及练习 1、in order to \ so as to 他努力学习以实现他的梦想。 他拼命干活以便到六点时把一切都准备就绪。 3、so…that\Such….that 他太自私了,一直都没有人愿意与他共事。 这本书很有趣,我一口气就把它读完了。 4、would rather do…than do 他宁愿听别人讲也不愿自己说。 5、prefer doing to doing 他在办公室的时候,他总是愿找些事做而不愿意闲着。 6、prefer to do…rather than do 比起女人,男人总是宁愿在家睡觉也不愿花那么多时间来购物。 7、not only…but also 在短短的三年的时间里他不但完成了所有课程,而且还获得了博士学位。他不仅乐于接受别人的观点,而且也很耐心。(08)

Not only did Mike learn the Chinese language, but also bridge the gap between his culture and ours. (08) 成功不仅取决于个人能力,而且取决于合作的意愿。(04) Great writers are those who not only have great thoughts but also express these thoughts in words which appeal powerfully to our minds and emotions. (04 英) 8、either…or 如果考试过关,你可以买一个MP3或去云南玩一趟。 9、neither…nor 他是一个无聊的人,既不爱娱乐,也不爱读书。 10. as well as 足球和电脑都一样深受青年喜欢。 11.倍数的翻译 (1)as…as 这口钟大约有三个人那么高。(2003) (2)数字+times as +形原型+as +比较对象。 太阳的大小是地球的33万倍。 This year the factory spends five times as much money in developing new products as it did five years ago. (08) (3)数字+times + 形比较级+than X是Y的15倍。 游泳池里的水是以前的两倍。(07 英) (4)increase to\ by


专升本英语句子翻译 专升本英语upgrade from junior college student to university student 例句 1. Rising this exam only is two monly 专升本考试一般是两门。 2. If be to rise this , want to read 4 years ; rise only this 3 years 假如是高升本,要读4年;专升本3年。 3. Opportunity and challenge brought about by the upgrading of our college我校专升本给图书馆带来的机遇与挑战。 短语

专升本院校 college-upgraded university ; the upgrade three year colleges ; regular colleges ; upgraded colleges 专升本学员 vocational adult undergraduate wow, lol, well, actually, THERE IS NO SUCH TECHNIQUE TERM IN ENGLISH LIKE THIS, BUT!!。 you can say something like。graduated from tafe/college (专) and going to university(本) next year well, when you cant tranlsate something directly, you break them down into spieces : ), lol, good one。 Courtesy on one side only lasts not long. 来而不往非礼也。 Creep before you walk. 循序渐进。 Cry for the moon.


最新文件---------------- 仅供参考--------------------已改成-----------word文本 --------------------- 方便更改 赠人玫瑰,手留余香。 英译汉 词汇的翻译 Experts have long thought that depression could be bad for your heart. A new research demonstrates just how dangerous it can be. 专家们长期以来就认为抑郁症会对心脏有害,最近的一项研究证明了这种危害有多大。 In the end, they found that people with major depression were at least three times as likely to die of heart disease as were patients who weren’t depressed. 最终,他们发现患有严重抑郁症的人死于心脏病的可能性至少是正常人的三倍。 His ignorance of the company’s financial situation resulted in his failure to take effective measures. 他对公司财务状况一无所知,结果未能采取有效措施。 Although some areas suffered from serious natural disasters, the total grain output was higher than that of last year. 虽然有些地区遭受了严重的自然灾害,但是粮食总产量还是比去年高。 For one reason or another, all countries impose trade barriers on certain goods crossing their border. 由于种种原因,所有国家对通过他们边境的某种商品都强行设置贸易壁垒。 Every employer wants and needs employees who can suggest improvements in an honest and constructive manner. 每位雇主都希望有以诚实积极态度提出改进意见的雇员。


2008年真题参考译文 达尔文在其自传中用极其谦逊的口气评价了自己的智力。他指出,想要简洁明了地表达自己观点的时候,他总会遇到很大的困难。46)他相信,正是这种困难或许能够扬长补短,以使他长时间专注地思考每一个句子;因此,使他能在推理和自己的观察中发现自己的缺点。他认为自己完全不具备杰出的赫胥黎那样的反应速度和理解力。47)他还断言,在深入理解冗长且完全抽象的一系列观点上,他的能力很有限。鉴于此,他曾深信自己在数学方面本来就不该获得成功。他还认为自己的记忆杂乱而模糊,从某一个方面来说,甚至是很糟糕,以至于他记住某个日子或者是一行诗歌的话,几天就能忘记。48)另一方面,批评家指责他尽管善于观察,但却不能推理,对此,他并不接受且认为毫无依据。他认为,这种批评是错误的,因为《物种起源》这本书从头到尾都是长篇大论,却说服了很多有才华的人。他承认,如果不具备推理能力,没有人能够写出这样的书。他愿意这样说自己:“我具有一定的发现能力和常识判断能力,正如每一个成功的律师和医生必须具备的一样;但是,我认为,我的水平不高。”49)他谦虚地补充道,或许他“和普通人比起来,更能够注意到那些别人容易忽略的细节,更能够对此加以仔细观察”。 在生命最后一年的写作中,他表示,在过去的二三十年中,他的思想在两三个方面发生了变化。到三十多岁的时候,诗歌带给他极大的快乐以前,绘画也能给他带来兴致,而音乐能给他无穷的乐趣。然而,他在1881年说:“这几年来,读一行诗,我就受不了。我也几乎快要丧失了自己对音乐和绘画的品味了。”50)达尔文认为,失去对音乐和绘画方面的兴趣,不仅失去了幸福,而且还可能损伤智力,甚至更可能损伤道德。 2009年真题参考译文 每个人在与别人共同生活中所受到的教育和有意识地对年轻人进行的教育,这两者有明显的区别。就前者而言,教育是偶然的;这种教育是自然的、重要的,但它并不是人类联合的确切的原因。46)可以说,要衡量任何社会制度的价值,就要看它对扩大和改进经验方面的影


考研英语十年真题大作文(2002-2011) 一、题目 2002 Directions: Study the following picture carefully and write an essay entitled “Cultures---National and International” In the essay you should 1.describe the picture and interpret its meaning, and 2.give your comments on the phenomenon. You should write about 200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET II. 2003 Directions: Study the following pictures carefully and write an essay about 200 words based on the following 1.describe the set of drawings and interpret its meaning 2.point out its implications in our life. 2004 Directions: Study the following drawing carefully and write an essay in which you should 1. describe the drawing. 2. interpret its meaning, and 3. support your view with examples. You should write about 200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2.


2011年全国硕士研究生入学考试英语(一)试题文章翻译 Section I Use of English 古希腊哲学家亚里士多德把笑看作是“有益于身体健康的宝贵锻炼”。尽管有些相反的意见,但笑可能对身体健康影响极小。笑确实能对心脏和血管产生短期的改变,笑能够促进心律呼吸速率。但是因为大笑很难持续,一次狂笑不可能像比如走路或者慢跑那样对心血管功能产生很大的益处。 实际上,其他的锻炼可以拉紧增强肌肉,很显然笑确是起到了相反的作用,二十世纪三十年代的一项研究表明笑可以放松肌肉,在狂笑平息之后45分钟内会降低肌肉张力。 这样的身体放松可能会帮助减轻心理紧张状态的影响。笑的行为毕竟可能会产生其他形式的身体上的反馈来提高个体的情绪状态。根据一个经典的情绪理论,我们的感觉部分根源于身体上的反映。十九世纪末人们便争论这一说法:人们不会因为他们伤心而哭,但当开始 尽管悲伤能产生眼泪,证据显示情绪是肌肉反应的结果。1988年德国乌子堡大学的社会心理学家做了一个实验,他让志愿者用牙咬住一支笔做出假笑,或者用嘴含住一支笔,这个动作会让人产生一种失望的表情。那些被强制锻炼笑肌的人比那些嘴唇皱着表情失望的人在观看有趣的动画片时反应更加丰富,这暗示了表情可能会影响情绪,而不只是反过来情绪会影响表情。同样,笑这一生理行为可以改善心

Section II Reading Comprehension Part A Text 1 纽约爱乐乐团决定聘请Alan Gilbert作为下一任的音乐总监,这从2009年任命被宣布之日起就在古典音乐界引起了热议。别的不说,大部分人的反应是积极的。“好啊,终于好了!” Anthony Tommasini写道,他可是一个以严肃著称的古典音乐评论家。 但是,这个任命之所以引起人们惊讶的原因却是Gilbert相对而言并不是很有名。甚至在时代杂志上发文支持Gilbert任命的Tommasini都称其为“低调的音乐家,在他身上找不到那种飞扬跋扈的指挥家的气质。”爱乐乐团迄今为止都是由像Gustav Mahler和Pierre Boulez那样的音乐家领导的。这样去描述这个乐团的下一位 指挥,至少对于时代的读者而言,这是一种苍白的表扬。 就我看来,我不知道Gilbert是否是一个伟大的指挥家或者是一个好的指挥。但是我能确定的是,他能表演出很多有趣的乐章,但是我却应该不会去Avery Fisher Hall或者其他地方去听一场有趣的交响乐演出。我要做的事情就是去我的CD架上,或者打开的我的电脑 从iTunes上下载更多的唱片。 那些忠实的音乐会观众会讲唱片并不能代替现场的演出,但是他们忽略了核心问题。当下为了获得艺术爱好者的时间,关注度和金钱,


精品文档 1、他起得很早是为了赶上第一班公共汽车。 He get up very early in order to catch the first bus in the morning. 2、直到昨天晚上他才改变主意。 He didn't changed his mind until yesterday night. 3、同意这项建议的请举手。 The people who agree on the suggestion please raise your hands. 4、无论多忙,你都应该抽时间看望父母。 Whatever how busy you are, you should find time to visit your parents. 5、每次访问他们都会发现这个城市呈现出新的面貌。 Every time he visit the city, he find it turn to a new change. 6、每个人都知道,学习对一个人的成长是至关重要的。Everyoneknows that learning is vital /very important to one's .development(growth) 7、我们的新产品非常受欢迎,对此我们感到十分自豪。Our new products are so popular that we are all proud of it.,of which we are very proud.或Our new products are very popular 8、您能说话大声点好让每个人都听得见吗?Could you speak a little louder please so that everyone can hear you? 9、除了英语,你最好再学一门外语。d better learn another foreign language you'Besides English,、在教育孩子方面,表扬比批评有效得多。10 .In educating children,praise is much (far) more effective than criticism 、今年他们建造的房子跟去年一样多。11They have built as


专升本的重点句子120句 1.She sat there, reading a novel. 她坐在那里,读着一本小说。 2.Great changes have taken place in my home town in the past ten years. 在过去的十年里,我的家乡已经发生了巨大变化 . 3 It took them ten years to build the dam. 他们花了十年时间建造大坝。 4 He is reading an article about how to learn English. 他正在读一篇关于如何学习英语的文章。 5 In order to catch up with the others, I must work harder. 为了赶上其他的人,我必须更加努力地工作。 6What a beautiful Chinese painting! 多么漂亮的中国画啊! 7This is my book./ This book is mine .这是我的书。这本书是我的。 8.What I want is this./I want this. 我想要的是这个。/我想要这个。 9.He is interested in tennis besides football. 除了足球,他还对网球感兴趣。 10.Your composition is good except for a few spelling mistakes. 除了几处拼写错误以外,你的作文写得很好。 .11.She had no choice but to wait. 除了等待,她别无选择。 12He did nothing but read a novel yesterday. 除了看小说,他昨天什么也没干。 (but后可以接to do 不定式。但是but前的谓语动词是do(does, did, have done 等)时,省略“to”) 13“Now that everyone's here,”she said, “let's begin to discuss the solution to the problems we have found. “既然每个人都在这里,”她说,“让我们开始讨论我们发现的问题的解决方案。”14Some companies might not let you rent a car unless you have a credit card有些公司可能不让你租一辆车除非你有信用卡 15 whatever you decide to do, you should try to make it a success. 无论你决定做什么,你都应该试着让它成功。 16The cost of living in Glasgow is among the lowest in Britain, while the quality of life is probably one of the highest. 格拉斯哥的生活成本是英国最低的,然而生活质量可能是英国最高的。 17Hardly had he entered the classroom when the bell rang. 他刚一走进教室,门铃就响了。 18Smart as he is, he can’t find the answer to this question. 虽然他很聪明,但他找不到这个问题的答案 19 While studying abroad, he financially depended on his wife.


历年四级真题翻译 06年6月 87.Having spent some time in the city , he had no trouble (in) finding the way to the History Museum (找到去历史博物馆的路) 88.In order to finance my studies/To finance my education,(为了挣钱供我上学), mother often takes on more works than is good for her 89.The professor required that we (should) hand in the research reports (我们交研究报告) by Wednesday. 90.The more you explain ,the more confused I am (我愈糊涂) 90. Though a skilled worker, he was fired/dismissed by the company/firm (他被公司解雇了)last week because of the economic crisis. 06年12月 87.Specialists in intercultural studies says that it is not easy to adapt to lives in different cultures/adapt (oneself) to living in different cultures_(适应不同文化中的生活) 88.Since my childhood I have found that nothing is more attractive/appealing to me than reading (没有什么比读书对我更有吸引力) 89.The victim would have a chance to survive (本来会有机会活下来)if he had been taken to hospital in time 90.Some psychologists claim that people might feel lonely when they are away from home/might feel lonely when away from home (出门在外时可能会感到孤独) 91.The nation’s population continues to rise at the rate of 12 million people per year/at the speed of 12 million people every(以每年1200万人的速度) 07年6月 87. The finding of this study failed to _____________(将人们的睡眠质量考虑在内). 88.The prevention and treatment of AIDS is ____________(我们可以合作的领域) .
