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【Abstract】A brand is shown by a name , a word , a sign , a symbol , a design or a combination of them. It is intended to identify the products or services of one seller or group of sellers and to differentiate them from those of competitors. Brand-naming itself represents a strategically important issue and may determine the success or failure of a product. A good brand name can also save millions of dollars over the product's life because it carries its own meaning, describes the product's advantages, and differentiates the product significantly from its competitors. By reading the brand names , it is easy to tell the products from one to the other and to know the characters of products . For the good brand has the functions of distinguishing, providing information of products and being symbol of credit , the good brand has a good advertisement for the product and help to take in a larger market .

With the globalization of world economy, especially with China‟s entry into the World Trade Organization, more and more people in China have realized the importance of good brand names and international brand names in promoting sales and cultivating markets. It is therefore not only necessary but also urgent to study on brand names and the brand translation upgrade to a new level . The main obstacle of brand translation is the different cultures . The cultural differences are represented by the forms of language . Due to the fact that brands are mainly described by language , there are some difficulties in the brand translation . Then , in this paper , apart from some general knowledge about brands, the cultural differences between English and Chinese brands are shown and some mistranslations are given . What is more, in order to avoid the cultural conflicts in translation, some common skills (including Transliteration, Semantic Translation and Trans-semantic Translation) and some creative skills (Effectiveness Translation, Character Translation, Approximation Translation and Elegance Translation ) are provided . And at the end of the paper , some general principles of brand translation are given for a good brand translation . 【Key Words】brands; culture differences ; translation ; skills

【摘要】商标是商品和商业服务的标记.它是指商品生产者、经营者、服务提供者为了使自己生产、销售的商品或提供的服务,在市场上与其他商品或服务相区别而使用的一种标记。这种标记一般用文字、图形或用文字和图形的组合表示,并置于商品或商品包装上、服务场所或服务说明书上. 商标名称的好坏具有战略性的重要作用,甚至会决定产品的存亡。一个好的品牌名称在产品的营销过程中可以节省大量资金,同时为企业赢得更多的利润, 因为它能表达特定的含意或者展现产品的特色,使产品区别于竞争对手. 商标不同于其他标志, 它与商品和商业服务紧密相联,是用在商品生产经营和商业服务领域内的特定标记。通过商标可以区别不同商品生产者、经营者或商业服务提供者的商品或服务. 可以了解产品或服务的性质和特点. 好的商标是具有信誉度的, 具有为商品做广告宣传的作用, 正因为如此,好的商标又可以刺激消费, 提高商品的市场占有率.

