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• 定语从句在句子中作定语,修饰名词或者代 词,被修饰地名词,词组或代词被称为先行词. 定语从句通常位于先行词之后,由关系词(关 系代词或关系副词)引出.关系代词有: who, whom, whose, which, that; 关系副词有: when, where, why等.
• • • • • • •
• • • • • • • • • • • 1 Experts predict that half of world’s languages will be extinct in 100 years. 2 Proponents contend that it is imperative for the government to preserve the disappearing minority languages and culture. 3 Critics argue that it is wasteful and impractical to subsidize traditional arts. 4 Some researchers insist that despite the fact that museums and galleries may not create commercial benefits, they do enrich our spiritual lives and civilize our society. 5 I wonder whether the practice can hold water. 6 Educators suggest that children be exposed to diverse cultures so that they may grow up as adults with knowledge of diverse culture backgrounds. 7 There arises a heated debate over whether old buildings in urban areas should be demolished for urban expansion. 8 We are ashamed that many of our young people are totally ignorant of our timehonored traditions. 9 We take it for granted that TV serves as a baby-sitter for our children. 10 Females feel it disappointed that international marriage does not bring as many benefits as they expect.
• 3 复合句: 由一个主句和至少一个从句构成的句子称之为复合句.在复 合句中,主句是句子的主体部分,从句只是句子的一个成分,不能独立存 在,在句法关系上从属于主句.从句需要用关联词引导,来表明与主句的 关系. • Although many people were unknown to each other before, they have got acquainted with each other through e-mail. • Most westerners who travel to the Orient for the first time will experience culture shock. • Scientists wonder what effect global warming will have on the biosphere(生物圈). • Whwn you go for a job interview, it is important to creat a good first impression.
• 2 SVCs • 在这个句型中,V为系动词,Cs为主语的补足语或称为表语, 构成主系表结构.由于系动词在句中不能单独作谓语,须和 说明或表示主语身份,特征及状态的补足语一起构成合成 谓语. • 常见的系动词有be, appear, become, grow, remain, seem, 以及表示感觉的动词feel, look, smell, sound, taste等 • Hard work and honesty are the keys to success. • Mr. Brown is delighted because his general manager has given thumbs-up to his proposal. • I can’t seem to get used to wearing necklaces and finger rings.
• 1 经常锻炼使人健康. • 2 为了让女儿在班上名列前茅,路易斯让她学习到 深夜. • 3 在这次促销活动中,老板热情地接待了他. • 4 他希望能够边打工边学习法律. • 5 食物保存不当容易变质. • 6 学生经常背诵有用的短语以便在写作中用. • 7 在温度控制方面没有严重地问题. • 8 国家动物研究所宣布这种动物为濒临灭绝地动 物.
• •

1 Young people who abuse the aged parents should be condemned. 2 Animal-rights activists strongly criticize those scientists who advocate human cloning on the account that it is truly immoral and unethical. 3 Cheating and misleading materials that appear in ads and commercials have been strongly criticized. 4 Proper monitoring of the media prevents indecent materials which will be harmful to children’s growth. 5 Pet raising can turn children into citizens who have a caring mind. 6 Youngsters whose minds are corrupted by pornographic contents are highly likely to go astray. 7 People have different opinions about the stage when (at which) an egg becomes a human life. 8 This is the reason why many Americans oppose capital punishment. 9 Excessive freedom (that/ with which) parents provide their kids may do more harm than good to the children and society as well. 10 Children who are addicted to computer games will feel isolated from the outside world.
• 3 SVO句型 • 在这个句型中,V是及物动词,O是动词宾语, 这种结构可以称为主谓宾结构. • The youngest skater nearly won a gold medal in the last Winter Olympic Games. • I have to check my e-mail every other day.
• 1 简单句: 只包含一个主语和谓语的句子称 为简单句, 两个或者两个以上并列主语或谓 语,仍为简单句
• • • • Mary is majoring in economics at Harvard University. I enjoy playing badminton and look forward to it every weekend. My friends and i often play golf and go bowling on holidays. As one of the most important inventions, computers are becoming increasingly essential for our life.
• 1 SV: 最基本的简单句句型,由主语和谓语构成,可称之为主 谓结构. (谓语通常为不及物动词或动词词组) • A gigantic red truck was speeding crazily down the highway. • Things change. • There be 结构可以看作SV句型的一种变体.there +be +S+A 是一个倒装句型,主语在谓语动词be之后,there是引 导词,无实际意义, A表示地点,时间或范围的状语 • There is a wide range of current and back issue journals in our university library. • There exist a variety of opinions on this issue.
• 4 SVOiOd句型 • 在这个句型中,V为及物动词,要求后面接双宾语, Oi为间接宾语,指人,Od为直接宾语,指物,我们把这 种结构称为主谓双宾结构,常用于此句型的动词有 allow, bring ,buy, get, give, lend, offer, send, show, take, wish 等 • The night scene in Hongkong gives the visitors an indelible impression of excitement. • Please give me the thesaurus on the top shelf. • A friend bought me a textbook of internal medicine.
• 5 SVOCo句型 • 在这个句型中,V是及物动词,O是宾语,Co是宾语补足语.其 中,动词除需要接宾语外,还应该有宾语补足语才能使句子 意思表达完整.宾语和宾语补足语构成复合宾语. • Today we call Einstein a genius. • The profits make the job desirable. • People consider 8 o’clock every evening a prime time TV slot. • 人们认为每晚8点钟是电视节目的黄金时间. • Since the first confirmed bird flu case, China has kept the Beijing office of WHO well informed. • 自首次确认第一例禽流感以来,中国一直向世界卫生组织 驻北京办事处及时通报疫情.
• 4 并列复合句:(了解)
Classification 2
• • • • 陈述句 疑问句 祈使句 感叹句
• 1 所有的产品都必须遵守供求法则. • 2 Jim 有幽默感,这是人们喜欢他的原因 • 3 简历通常包括个人情况,教育背景和工作 经历. • 4 务必在两小时之内回来. • 5 你知道在大地震发生时该怎么办吗? • 6 祝你在新年里取得更大进步.
பைடு நூலகம்
• 2 并列句: 包含两个或两个以上互不依从的主谓结 构的句子称之为并列句.在意义上,各分句同等重要 并相互关联,在语法结构上,它们平行且相互间没有 从属关系.并列句各个分句常用一定的并列连词,连 接副词或分号连接.
• I dislike jogging, but i like hiking. • Punctuation is important; therefore, don’t forget to use a comma before the coordinating conjunction in a compound sentence. • 标点狠重要,所以不要忘记在并列句的并列连词前面加逗号. • This is the best book i have ever read; it kept me up all night.