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2007年所有托福part 1-2 思路整理(仅供参考)


Favorite room介绍你最喜欢的房间,可以是你自己的卧室或是其他的。

(1)空间大:a lot of space

E.g. I can do sth. in my room. I have a huge collection of films, more than 200 of them. I love the film of Harry Potter so much that I watched in my bedroom for more than 10 times. Now I can remember so clearly every detail of it.



E.g. 直达目的地



(3)节省体力,可以去更多的地方:save energy for more travel destinations

For example, last August I went on a trip to Mount Ermei. Instead of rushing to the Mountain top, I took my time, exploring the trees, flowers, local people, and even the squirrels which were so fun. 2007年01月14日

当你去restaurant或cafe得时候最care about的features有那些?

(1)环境:干净、有香味nice and clean, smell good

优雅氛围the gracious atmosphere

E.g. I know such a restaurant by the name of “Turf” which I go often. It will be a wonderful experience eating good food whiling enjoying lovely music.

(2)能上网:方便读书学习can go online


E.g. keep the old buildings

(1)保存历史:old buildings are good indication of our history

(2)发展旅游:help attract tourists

E.g. 如果在欧洲旅游,你会不自觉的被那些旧式建筑所吸引





(2)干净:fresh air

E.g. the place I’d like to go much is the forest. 如果在压力下感到身心疲惫,看一看湖光山色会让人心情舒畅(feel relaxed can like to stay forever)

Agree or Disagree:童年时光最美好

E.g. I still remember the trip to Mount Huang in my childhood.



(1)热心:always help me when needed

(2)有趣:在一起不觉得闷tell jokes

(3)知识丰富:tell things that I don’t know

get advice from family and friends/learning through personal experience?

From family and friends

(1)直接且快:direct and fast

(2)真实可靠:true and reliable

E.g. my grandmother has told me many proverbs about weather and they are still useful until today.



E.g. I like the science fictional movie very much. Harry Potter is the film I find most interesting. Do you agree or disagree: Students should wear uniform in school?

E.g. not wearing uniform

(1)校服太难看:does not look good, makes one look like ugly

(2)校服不会长大:a child will grow bigger but a uniform does not



名胜古迹:天安门、长城、故宫等Tian-an-men, the Great Wall, Forbidden city

E.g. I’d like to take the foreign visitors to the Forbidden City. It has a long history and many visitors come to see it every day.

你选择online courses还是traditional courses

E.g. Online education over school education

(1)随时随地性:can be given at any time or places

(2)方便快捷:E.g. when I have to write an essay, doing online research will bring me as much as information as I may need. It just use several minutes.


A challenging experience and how to overcome it

E.g. traveling

(1)山很高:as high as 3000 meters

(2)中途觉得疲劳、饥渴:legs are killing me

(3)鼓励自己坚持:thin k about the “Long March”

Choose subject which will lead to better job or subject in which you are interested?

E.g. Subject that will lead to better job


E.g. 学习小语种又出不了国的人,学习艺术、体育又没有卓越成绩的人

(2) 学习能找到好工作的课程学起来有动力


Describe the most important gift.


E.g. my personal computer

(1)玩游戏:play computer games with my friends

(2)看电影:watch films

(3)查资料:do research

Do you think life is much better if your grandparents are still alive?

E.g. yes to grandpa alive

(1)老年人经验丰富:get more experienced, more advice

E.g. 同my grandmother has told me many proverbs about weather and they are still useful until today.

(2)帮助带小孩:help take care of the young
