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恶灵骑士2 2012年
• To be a good actor you have to be something like a criminal, to be willing to break the rules to strive(努力奋斗)for something new. • I know what I want to do, I'm doing it, but I'm still very much a student of the craft and I think I can go further. I still torment((缺少自 信).折磨, 痛苦) myself. I have a lot of selfdoubt
2009年12月,联合国人道主义奖颁给尼古拉斯凯 奇,任命他为联合国亲善大使。他在打击毒品和犯 罪工作上取得了优异的成绩。凯奇说,他将成为聚 光灯照亮到每一个需要正义世界的地方。
Some of his films
1. 天使之城 City of Angels 3. 变脸 Face/Off 5. 风语战士 Windtalkers 7. 天气预报员 The Weather Man 9. 蛇眼 Snake Eyes 11. 极速60秒 Gone in 60 Seconds 2. 空中监狱 Con Air 4. 我心狂野 Wild at Heart 6. 战争之王 Lord of War 8. 远离赌城 Leaving Las Vegas 10. 国家宝藏 National Treasure 12. 斗气保镖 Guarding Tess
他的眼神深藏着忧郁,抗拒却又吸引着人 们靠近。
In December of 2009, the United Nations Humanitarian Award was presented to Nicolas Cage, in recognition of his appointment as United Nations’ Goodwill Ambassador. He has made outstanding achievements in working against drugs and crime. Cage said, his identity would become a spotlight to illuminate everywhere the justice was needed in the world.
Mysterious code
神秘代码 2009
Foreseeable future
He knows what the next pattern
The Sorcerer's Apprentice
女巫季节 2011
Drive Angry
Ghost Rider2
• In 1996,the action movie "The Rock“(勇闯夺命 岛) made him become the global international box office giant star. He proved his playing road was quite broad, and he was really the Oscar movie king who deserved the price. • In 1997,his two wonderful films “Con Air”(空 中监狱) and “Face Off”(变脸)dominated(控制) the summer box office. Nicholas Cage became an overnight star in Hollywood box office(票房) .
• In 1998, the love movie “City of Angels”《天使 之城》 helped Cage leave a loving angel image into the hearts of people. At the point, Cage's acting career reached the peak. • In 2000, the film “Gone in Sixty Seconds”《极 速60秒》, in which Cage played the main role of an almighty(全能的) car thief ,made 200 million dollars at the box office.
13. 天堂有难 Trapped in Paradise
15. 火柴人 Matchstick Men 17. 月色撩人 Moonstruck 19. 穿梭阴阳界 Bringing Out the Dead 21. 预见未来 Next 23. 勇闯夺命岛 The Rock 25. 八毫米 8MM
14. 灵魂战车 Ghost Rider
Director, actor, film producer
A6 feet 1 inch (about 185 cm)
Long Beach, California United States Height:
His eyes deep with depression, It is resistant and attract to people close.
Chinese name:
Nicolas Cage
Date of Birth:
1964 年 1 月 7 日 (星期 二)
Occupati English on: name: Nicolas Cage (Nicholas Kim Coppola) Nationality: Italy Place of Birth: Blood type: Constella tion:
• People are losing their jobs because of what's going on in the economy, but I want to make movies that givewenku.baidu.comfamilies something to look forward to.
The first three years, he has left great exciting and messy life story, after thirty years, he will write what kind of legend (传奇)?
16. 西部红石镇 Red Rock West 18. 吸血鬼之吻 Vampire's Kiss 20. 倾城佳话 It Could Happen to You 22. 居家男人 The Family Man 24. 改编剧本 Adaptation.
• In 1984, Cage‘s masterpiece “Leaving Las Vegas” 《逃离拉斯维加斯》came into being. As the Protagonist(主人公), he had a wonderful show of his extraordinary acting ability, attracting people’s attention. Cage's performance in the film was spoken highly of ,and from then on he stepped into success. • In 1990,his another successful film----“Wild at Heart”《我心狂野》, had a strange style of strong images and surreal(超现实的)atmosphere. The film won the Cannes Film Festival Award in 1992.This became a turning point in Cage's life.