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数词表示数目多少或先后顺序。可分为基数词和序数词。 1.人的岁数或年代可用表“几十”的数词的复数表示。
He is in his thirties.他有三十来岁。 This event took place in the 1930s. 这件事情发生在20世纪30年代。
,some people in
6.序数词前面要加定冠词the。但也可以在前面用不定冠词, 表示“又一,再一”。 Try a second time and you'll succeed.
Though the boy has failed twice,he isn't discouraged and wants
to try it
(2)for和with后接表示感情的抽象名词,其中with侧重于随 着心理变化而发生的感情变化。 She often hangs down her head for shame. 她由于害羞而经常低着头。 His face went red with anger.他的脸气得都变红了。
5. by的用法 (1)表示“不迟于(某时间)”的意思。
except for。in place of替代,取代;as well as而且;in case of要在,在……的时候下,均不合题意。故选C。
2.because of,due to,thanks to,owing to的用法 (1)because of因为,由于,通常作状语,位于句首或句尾。
The sports meet will be put off till next Saturday because of the heavy rain.由于大雨运动会将推迟到下星期六。 (2)due to由于,因为,通常作表语。 His illness was due to smoking and drinking. 他的病是因为吸烟和喝酒。
(2)score二十 ①与基数词连用修饰名词时,除a score of外,其他情况 不加of,如three score people,four score pigs。 ②其复数形式后加of,表示不确定数量,意为“许 多”,如scores of students许多学生。
4.hundred,thousand,million,billion等后接可数名词复 数,表示确切数目时,不加-s;但如果表示不确切数目, 则须加-s,后面往往跟of介词短语。如a hundred books, five hundred computers,hundreds of students。
The all attended the party except/but Mary. 除了玛丽之外他们都参加了晚会。 Children would prefer to do everything except what their parents ask them to. 孩子们乐于做一切事情,就是不做父母要求他们做的。 I know nothing about the accident except what I read in the paper. 除了从报纸上得知的一些关于这次交通事故的情况外,其他我 一无所知。 He can do nothing but/except wait. 除了等待之外他什么也不能做。
(3)thanks to幸亏,多亏,既可用于褒义,又可用于贬义, 多用于句首。 Thanks to the Party's good policy,the farmers are now living a happy and rich life. 多亏共产党的英明领导,老百姓过着快乐富裕的生活。
(4)owing to由于,因为,引导状语,修饰全句。 They decided to postpone the trip,owing to the change of weather.由于天气变化,他们决定延期启程。
中国模特跻身14位获奖选手之列。among相当于one of...,
included in...……之中,……之列;between在(两者)之
4.at,for和with的用法 三词均可组成短语介词,表示行为或状态的原因、动机 或理由。
(1)at常与表示感情色彩的动词、形容词或过去分词搭配, 后接表示具体事物的名词。 I was angry at his words.听到他的话我很生气。
(2007·浙江高考)It is reported that the floods have left
people hom百度文库less.
A.two thousand
C.two thousands
D.two thousands of

A 本题考查数词的用法。hundred,
5.分数(百分数)of+名词作主语时,谓语动词的形式根据名词 确定。 Two-thirds of the students are from America. One third of the pear is eaten.
2.基数词常位于another,all之后,such,more之前, last,next,other前后皆可。 I need another two students to sweep the floor. 我还需两名学生打扫地板。 I can finish reading two such books in two days. 两天内这样的书我能读两本。
B.the third
C.a third 选C
D.three times 考查序数词的特殊用法。句意:虽然那男孩
7.基数词与序数词连用时,通常是序数词在前。如the first
three pages of the book。
(2008·浙江高考)Everything was perfect for the picnic
the weather.
A.in place of
B.as well as
C.except for
D.in case of
3.between和among的用法 between,among均表示“在……中间”或“在……之间”。 among指在三者或三者以上之间,而between表示在二者之 间。 He divided the money between the two children. 他把钱分给了那两个孩子。 I found a pretty little flower among the weeds. 我发现杂草中有一朵可爱的小花。 My shirt was caught between the doors and a button came off my shirt.我的衬衣被卡在门缝了,一个纽扣掉了。
(2)except for意为“除……之外”,前面的内容和除去的内 容往往不一致,或是对主语进行修正,使之更加准确。 The street in the late evening is very quiet except for a few cars.深夜的街道十分安静,只有几辆小汽车。 Your composition is very good except for a few spelling mistakes.除了一些单词拼写错误之外,你的作文很好。
(2009·上海高考)Four Chinese models were
the 14
people awarded prizes on Friday at the World Supermodel
1.数词表示确切数目和不确切数目的区别。 2.数词复数的特殊用法。 3.相近介词的区别。 4.介词的固定搭配和活用。
1.近几年高考重点考查dozen和score的特殊用法。 2.2009年高考试题中介词辨析考查11个,习语辨析5个。 3.题目设问角度呈现细微化,题干句的结构呈现复杂化、
3.dozen与score (1)dozen一打,十二
①与数词many,several等连用时,不加“­s”,所修饰的 名词前常省去“of”,如two dozen eggs两打鸡蛋,many dozen pencils好多打铅笔。 ②当所修饰的名词之前有限定词these,those,my, your等或是人称代词宾格them,us,you时,需加of,如 two dozen of these pens。 ③dozen用其复数形式,后加of,表示不确定的数量,意 为“许多,几十”,如dozens of people许多人。
(5)表示买卖东西所按以计算的数或量,或付酬所按以计算 的时间。 Milk is sold by the pint,butter by the pound,and eggs by the dozen.牛奶论品脱卖,黄油论磅卖,蛋类论打卖。
(6)表示“按照……”或“根据……”的意思。 By my watch,the time is half past eleven. 按我的表,现在是十一点半。 By the expression on his face,he seemed to be displeased. 从他的面部表情来看,他似乎不高兴。 We shall get a storm before long by the look of the sky. 看天色,暴风雨就要来了。
1.but,except,except for,but for和besides (1)在一般情况下,but和except通用。主要用于nobody,
none,nothing,nowhere,all,every,everything, everyone,everywhere,anybody,anyone,anything, anywhere和表示疑问的who,what等词后,表示“除…… 之外”。如果在句首或句尾,且其前有逗号隔开时,常用 except。
were not able to
resist the temptation of going abroad.
A.1990s;their twenties
B.1990s;the twenties
C.the 1990s;their twenties D.the 1990s;the twenties
We have to be home by ten o'clock.我们十点钟得到家。 have promised to have the work finished by the end of this month.我已经许诺在月底完成工作。 (2)指人体或物体的某一部分,句中前面的总述对此有较为 明确的特指。 He seized me by the arm.他抓住我的胳膊。
(3)表示“由于……的结果”。 He succeeded by hard work.他由于努力工作而成功。
(4)含有“到……的程度”的意思。 This one is shorter than the other by three inches. 这一个比那一个短三英寸。 We lost the match by one goal.那场比赛我们输了一球。
(3)but for意为“要不是因为……”,但but for只用于表示 假设的情况,因此常用于虚拟语气。 But for your advice,I would have failed. 要不是你的建议,我就失败了。
(4)besides意为“包括……在内”,“除……之外还……”。 There were many students in the classroom besides Tom. 除了Tom之外,教室里还有很多学生。